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Usuyami no Sekai
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
The Light Before We Land
Here are the lyrics for my current site song.
"In cases such as these I'd like a hand
Don't wake me up without a master plan
With sight and sound becoming fragile, Don't you understand?
When things that once were beautiful Are bland
And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time For this head of mine
Haven for us
In truth there is no better place to be
Than falling out of darkness still to see
Without a premonition
Could you tell me where we stand?
I'd hate to lose this light
Before we land
And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us
Before we let euphoria
Convince us we are free
Remind us how we used to feel
Before when life was real
And when I feel like I can feel once again
Let me stay awhile
Soak it in awhile
If we can hold on we can fix what is wrong
Buy a little time
For this head of mine
Haven for us"
Here's another quiz that also tells me something similiar to the last one.
 Trees, earth, sunlight... you are a forest dweller. You are solitary and tend not to be overly fond of humanity. Nature and truth are important to your sense of fulfillment.
Which Other World Are You Secretly From? brought to you by Quizilla
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Not sure if this fits me or not. I have trouble getting accurate quiz results because i'm a strange person, I don't really fit into one category.
 You fit in the first reality that exists. World number 1. The first home. You could survive in the most primative world. You are unique, smart, strong, you like to settle things and define them into categories so you can have a clear view for the big picture, to you rules are not made to be broken, they are made to prevent chaos, you are not too strict but still don't like randomness. You value trust, intelligence and truth. Your power lies in {Mind}. You live in the right side extreme area. Your representing colour is {White}. Your strongest feeling is {Confidence}. Your soul reflect the word {Purity}.
(This world represented The Purest Truth Of All).
Which Ultimate Reality Could You Survive In? Which Stage Of Humans' Life Fit you? (Details w/ pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I finished gunslinger girl. i like the ending and it was slightly happy so good! Too many depressing, open endings that leave you in despair. I'll have to thank Ben again because he's the one who let me borrow them. I saved them to the computer so I can watch when I want^^ I love Harry's and it's not that there isn't stuff going on there, but I don't really have much to say.
That assembly on drugs today was downright messed up. Yes, I know it's true, but I hate to see other people suffer. The gory images certainly didn't help nor the fact of how many people and families are hurt by this. The thing that bothers me the most is there's not much I can do about it and despite what it's done to people, they continue to do it. WTH!! At least all of my frineds are there for me like Heather and Marcus who usually text message me every day. Then the wonderful people I normally hang out and my fellow otakus. I am so lucky. I just wish I could do something for someone. I will try, I make helping others out my duty to some extent.
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Gunslinger Girl
Welcome to my new background and theme song! It's from Gunslinger Girl, a manga that I read the first volume of a couple months ago. I'm currently watching the anime and it's both beautiful and sad. It's only thirteen episodes, but i'm enjoying every moment of it. I'm kind of like Henrietta though I don't look like her. It's the way I am. We have similiar situations. We love somebody out of reach, but they are very kind to us and we get to spend time with them. I was really sad with what happened with Elsa.
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Monday, March 28, 2005
spring break hangover
Despite having fun during the break (sort of, more of a freedom thing), I don't have much of a hangover. I'm actually refeshed and ready for school so today wasn't that bad. Having Brit over was great and i'm glad I could set her and my brother up together^^ I pack is very close since we kind of grew up together. We look to each other for support, cormfort etc. I wonder if Kev and I are beginning to drift though. We're close, but I think he's beginning to lose patience with me. He's cynical and works on logic while i'm a dreamer and trust my instincts to guide me. He always challenges me as leader since he doesn't really trust my instincts. He accepts me as a leader for now, but for how long?
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Thanks for the quiz rain moon godess!^^
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I am a dreamer I suppose^^
 you represent the dreams in life. you are laid back and also dream alot.
What part of life do you represent? ( AWESOME anime pics ^_^) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Devil May Cry
Yay, just finished playing Devil May Cry and text messaging my friends.
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Yay, i'm having a bunch of people come over tomorrow for absolutely no reason! Better yet, we're all otakus so anime is defintely on the list. I'm not surpirsed about my quiz result. I'm pretty for the most part, but... Not to mention most of my friends seem to have some pretty sad problems. I wonder if my presence is cursed. I don't cause their unhappiness, but it almost seems coming in contact with me triggers it.
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
An angel and devil?
*sigh* I'm at complete and utter peace with everything. I went over to Heather's today and it wasn't what I expected. I knew she was sweet and a great person, but I never imagined she was in such pain. We're almost opposites in a way, but in another way we complete each other. I haven't even known her that long, but she's very open so it's almost like i've known her a long time:)I can't remember the last time someone outside my family called me cute. She said I look like an angel when i'm lying down with my eyes closed. I've never been told that before.We're a strange pair, but we can understand one another. The way we figured it, if a devil is a fallen angel, then she is a devil and I am an angel.
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