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Imorbid Princess1990
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Roseville, Michigan, It's not that pretty here.
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High School Student
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To get into the AIA in Gerogia
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Does that really matter?
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I watch what I can
To get married and be happy
If you really wanted to know that, you'd get to know me.
That's a secret.
| witchchick2000
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
I'm back.
Hello People.
I just got back from camping yesterday. ^_^ If you wish to read what I did on the trip. Go to Bloodyfangs, he has it all triped up. ^_^
But anyway yesterday my mom found out I have been sneaking out of the house. She said someone saw me butshe wouldn't tell me who.But the funny thing is she didn't yell at me. she just asked me have you ever snook(sp) out before. I started to lie. But then I figured if I lie things will just get worse. I wanted my parents to trust me. But my me lieing, that won't get me trust. So I gathered up what courage I had left, put a big smile on my face and told her. I have been sneaking out. But only to help my friends. I only told her about Alex(Alex if your reading this I just told her you were depressed, nothing more, notherg less). I couldn't tell her about Tim, Cuz what do you think she would think if I told her I was going to my boyfriends late at night. Yea just think about that.
So instead of yelling at me, she talked to me. I'v always wanted to just talk, instead of fighting and yelling. So we did. I can't sneak anymore. If I do, no more driving classes, no more trust and they will move me back up stair. But if an emgercy(sp) I will sneak out. Even if it means throwing everthing away. That's just to tell you what kind of friend I am. My mom says, I have to start caring about me, my future, and how I'm going to get the lifestyle I want. She said friends came later, she said they have parents to talk to. Well Parents don't undersand, the way a best friends would. And I would glady give everthing up for a friend. So there it is. I'm not grounded or anything. And because my mom didn't yell, which I didn't understand. I started to cry anyway. I always cry most of the time. When I talk to my mom about important things. Cuz when I was little and report cards came I always thought I was going to get in trouble. She used to yell alot. Even if it was good I would cry. I don't know why. BUt I have to go now.
here's a poem from a while back.
LIfe after Death
Life is so fragil.
LIfe is so sweet.
Yet I'm consumed
by death.
The people I love.
The people I hate.
Death will consume
them all.
I can not run,
Nor can I hide.
I'll just have to
sit around and wait.
For death to come
for me.
For death to take
my life.
Soon I'll be
happy, creless, and
No more fear
will rule my life.
No more saddness
in my soul.
I'll life a life of
happiness, no one will
bother me.
I'll just fly away
into the sunset,
being happy,
By: KW
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