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myOtaku.com: witchchick2000

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

   I hate my parents
Hello People,
Yesterday I came home late and now I'm grounded for the rest of the week. Weekends don't count. But I would be here this weekend so it's still like being grounded. No one can come over and I can't go anywhere. But I'm allow to use the computer and phone. So I guess there going easy on me this time. Well I was not going to eat anything for three days straigt. But Kelley can't do that..............I don't have the will power. Plus I'm on this new diet, to lower my cholesteral(sp) So I have to eat some things. And I have to get something called a Digi-Walk. It's suppost to count how many steps you take. The Docter wants to me to wake 10,000 steps a day. Jumping counts! ^_^
But yea that's what I have to do now. I already got blood drawn again. It seems to me I'm getting my blood drawn alot these days. THE DOCTORS ARE OUT TO GET ME!! DAMN BLOOD SUCKERS!!!!
Well that it for today. LOVE YA


Well sence I'm going to be home for a while here's some quizs

Your demon profile by Half-Demon
Favorite color
Demon powerssuper-stength
What kind of demonDark Demon
Style of fightingBrute force
Strongest elementPsychic
Element weaknessstorm
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What is your Demon Form? by Windangel555
What's your name?
Your weaponWhip
How old you are2,389
How old you appear to be13
Hair colorBlue
Eye colorRed
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What are you in your magical form? (Pictures Included) by xfallenonex
Power:Touch of Death- To kill someone through touch
Species:Wizard (Good)
Element:Light Element
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What would you look like as a Wolf by smimmary
Star Sign:
What you
Personality:Very average. Life goes on.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Yugioh Anime Form by whitewolfgirl66
Yugioh NameDawn
Eye colorblue and cold
Deck typemystical animals
Skill Level7stars
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Angel Style by greymentality
First Impression from OthersOthers feel safe and warm inside your arms
Your CoreYou want peace. Peace of mind. Peace of heart.
Potential to Stray from the Light: 79%
Your WeaknessYou don't know you're an angel, yet.
Your StrengthYou ride Binky, the Pale horse. :)
Your WingsDark black, raven shine
Your FocusOn the Future
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Does Your Guardian Angel Look Like::guys and girls:: by angel_drifter
Favorite Colors:
What Your Angel Looks Like:
Why Has Your Angel Been Guarding You:they were sent to watch over you...by who?
How Long Have You Been Guarded(years):3
Quiz created with MemeGen!

What Kind Of Angel Or Goddess Are You? by JessicaHalo
You Are:A Fallen Angel
Your Element:Deciet
Your Wings:Angelic - Plain White
Your Weapon:Gun
Your Weakness:Non-belief
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Japanese Name (Female) by selphie
Real Name
Japanese NameKaoru
Popularity of name: 67%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

As you can see I have nothing better to do ^_^


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