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myOtaku.com: witchchick2000

Saturday, December 10, 2005

   Merry almost Christmas
Hello my lovly people
did you miss me.
Well I'm at Timmy's house right now. I'm whating to see if I can spent the night and help put up Christmas decorations. ^_^ My parents are at the busiess party and I don't know where my sister is, But I could really care less. The bitch is black mailing me again. Like she did with my last relationship. Oh well I hid all the important info in my room where she can't find in. And it really sucks cuz I go through her room all the time and I can't find anything to use against her. GGRRrrrrrrr I hate sibens.
Well not alot has been going on. I have a math tutor now. Her name is Kayle and she's a senior. She really cool. We have alot in common. But besides that I'm doing better good so far. I hope all my grades are above a C- this year or else I can't go to driving school. And i already now what the car I want looks like. It's in a Used Car place, I know it can't be anything new cuz I'v never seen a car like this before. it's a little different for a small car. And it's black. I can't wait till Christmas! I bought everyone something. But I'm drawing my dad a picture of him and me. Because I'm oldest and growing up so fast, I think It would mean alot to him. And I made my mom something. With Tim's mom's help. She a craft kind of person. I don't know what I'm getting my sister. And I bought something for Tim, his parents and his sister. ^_^ We got our tree a while back. ANd it's all in roses and red and gold. One of the frist things I thought of we Harry Potter. Cuz on Red and Gold ^_^ I'm such a geek. And today I help Tim decorate his tree. Breaking three things in the process. And Tim's mom bought me a cute little stuffed animal deer thing. His arms and legs look like candy canes. So i named him MR. Candyman. Then I told Tim, he tells me to do evil things. and I chased his around the house. LOL
It was pretty funny.
Well that's pretty much it.
I have some quizs!!

If you were anime what would you look like(Girls OnlyAlot of new different Results)

brought to you by Quizilla

You are Salvador Dali's The Persistance of Memory
Surreal, symbolic, puzzling, you stand for many
things. And the same time, you are one confused
puppy. This painting appeals to your
subconscious because its as puzzling as you
are. You feel out of place and in the wrong
time period. Others may not understand you, but
that doesnt mean you have no worth! Know in
your heart that youre truly amazing, and that
youre just too big a fish for that pond youre
in. And when you find that special person who
sees you for who you are and gets you, hold on
tight, cos theyre all you need!

What work of Fine Art Are You? **Numerous, Detailed Results**
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Salvador Dali's The Persistance of Memory
Surreal, symbolic, puzzling, you stand for many
things. And the same time, you are one confused
puppy. This painting appeals to your
subconscious because its as puzzling as you
are. You feel out of place and in the wrong
time period. Others may not understand you, but
that doesnt mean you have no worth! Know in
your heart that youre truly amazing, and that
youre just too big a fish for that pond youre
in. And when you find that special person who
sees you for who you are and gets you, hold on
tight, cos theyre all you need!

What work of Fine Art Are You? **Numerous, Detailed Results**
brought to you by Quizilla

I don't know why I got these one in the knife quiz, but the picture scares me T_T

What Kind Of Knife Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

How depressing are you? (Anime Pics)

brought to you by Quizilla
I don't know why I got that one either.

Which Naruto Character Are You Possibly In Love With? (Girls Only, gomen...)

brought to you by Quizilla
He's a cutie ^_^

You are not psycho enough! You are very kind (most
of the time)But you really need to loosen up a
bit. Go crazy... anything!

How Psycho Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

What dream meaning are You connected to? (Freaky Pics)

brought to you by Quizilla

enjoy ^_^



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