Birthday 1990-03-12 Gender
Female Location Well... lets see... North Carolina... in my house... in front of my computer...24/7 Member Since 2005-06-17 Real Name Caroline or Robin which ever one you would like to call... it doesn't mater
Achievements Anime Fan Since I don't know really Favorite Anime LastExile, WitchHunterRobin, Hellsing, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, Fruits Basket, Scryed, RahXephon, Case Closed, Someday's Dreamers Goals To draw better ^_^ Hobbies Day dream, read manga, watch anime, draw, and live on the computer Talents I don't know yet WitchHunterfan
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
It was tough yesterday... I most got in a fight again with Shay... but this time it was worse... I was ready to fight her... "Serisely... its time to grow up... were not in Middle school any more" thats what I said...
Yes... me the quit person vs. the the loud mouth person...
I guess she thinks that every thing goes as see plans it... well to bad hun... you can't all ways get want you want... and you need to grow up.
And a nother thing is, she has gotin people to start hating me... I don't do any thing to anyone... I'm to shy to say a word to people I don't know...
I'm sick of Shay now... I was shaking after school cause if see said a word to me I was going to knock her out...
But any ways... lifes ok here... the weather... umm... cold... brrr... lol...
I worked on this pic yesterday... its colored now ^^ its better then I thought ^^ lol...
I love this video and the song...
I'll see ya'll later ^^
Byes *waves* Comments (27) |
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
hehehe... cool picture ^^
Hey ya'll ^^
I have stay after school today, cause I need help on my work... but its ok that I have to stay after... its one of my cool teachers...
I got only 3 hours of sleep Sunday night, and when Monday morning came, I was bouncing off the walls O.O lol
Were going bowing for my P.E class... it was so much fun...
hahaha... I had a bad hair day yesterday... my hair would not stay down... I tryed putting down but it has mind of its our... lol
I druw this picture maybe like 3:30am Monday morning... lol... I was bored... its not that bad... I think I'm getting better...
I'll see ya'll later ^^
Byes *waves* "Floating as a ghost through events, forever unnoticed"
You are someone who is very lonely in life and feel like no one ever notice you. Due to this you lack in confidence in yourself and also have little belief anything you do matters. Therefor you are passive to most situations and let other people take care of it, while you stand aside. When you have a problem you keep it to yourself, thinking no one will care anyway if you told them. In social gatherings you feel anxious and out-of-place and like to stay away. When you see someone having a problem you don't really meddle, not because you don't care but because you think they wouldn't want to have you around. A way you could get noticed is through the Internet, where you can open up more than you do in real life.
Hey.... Love this picture.... hehehe... Fooly Cooly ^_^
Meow... Me kitty ^^ hehehe...
Oh no... me talk to meself... hehehe...
Ok.... umm.... I'm bored... are you??? I have school this week... lucky me... not...
Me nuts... hahaha... XP...
Sorry for being random again.. I don't know what to talk about... *poke poke*
I miss my long hair.. lol... I'm ok...
Well... I need to go... see ya.. ^_^
Byes *waves* Comments (15) |
Sunday, December 18, 2005
I love that pic... Oh... Hello ^_^
Whats up??
Umm... huh... *went brain dead XP* I'm ok.... I think... Ok... I'm not making any sence now... ok.... Boo!! nyu... sorry... I'm very random right now... *singing Linkin Park songs* Hi *waves*
School tommorow... maybe... maybe... hahaha... maybe not... lol...
I have a werid cat... do you know that?? I thought so... you don't know do you?? hahaha....
We have power now ^^
For a while there I thought we would not have power until Monday night...
Me need to go to bed now... head hurts... good night *hugs*
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I don't know whats wrong with me... I feel emtey *can't spell* nothin there... people run over me in the hall ways like I'm air... I feel like nothin... I feel like no one cares about me anymore... so now I hide in the shadows hopeing some light will reach me... It feel like no one understands my pain that I'm in... Some times I hate waking up in the mornings to go to school cause it feels like I don't belong here, and it feel like when someones laughing, it seems like their laughing at me... I'm drowning *can't spell* in my pain... When I look in the mirror, I want to smash the mirror, cause I hate looking at myself in the mirror...
I guess ya'll hate me for being depressed like this.... well.. I can't just be happy out of no where... its not that easy... I'm surpriseed ya'll are still helping me right now...
I'm going to do ya'll Christmas cards soon as I clean out my friend list... I'm only going to have my good friends on there... that means if you comment on my site at least once a month I'll keep you on my list... or PM me at least once a month I'll keep ya ok my list... is that fair enough?
If I delete you off my list... PM me ok ^_^
Well.. I've had this site for 6 months... yay... but I've been on the MyO longer then that... ^_^
Well... I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Byes *waves* Comments (15) |
Friday, December 16, 2005
I'm so going to kill this comuter... this in my second time I had to write this post... *kick the stuid thing*
Whats up ya'll
Did I scare you with my ugly pic yesterday?? I did didn't I?? yup...
Guess what... no school today...
Crap, that mean school next Thursday and Jan 2
And due to the ice storm we had... WE HAVE NO POWER... but we have a genorator... byt that does not mean anything... we have to fight over who gets the tv... lol... its really funny too... I don't watch much tv cause I have the computer... I'll kill for my computer... grrr... lol
Its so cool outside.. its a full moon.... but to cold to set out there... burr... lol...
This is not good... there might be more bad weather Saturday night... and into Sunday... we might not have school Monday... yay for that... I won't have to show my ugly face at school...
The Media Play around here are closeing down... won't be able to buy Manga anymore just only when I go to the beach...
Well. I'll see ya later ^_^
Btes *waves* Comments (19) |
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I look like a guy... shot me now... be honest buddy... tell me if I look like a guy Comments (8) |
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while... I don't stay up late any more... and I got a hair cut too... I WILL NOT SHOW YOU A PICTURE OF ME WITH THIS HAIR CUT... I look like a guy... I hate my self... I want to die now....
I'm making Christmas cards... you might get one... maybe... lol... ya'll will get one from me... if you don't tell me ok...
I have no school to today... cause its icy outside... lol.... but we have to go to school on the 22 of Dec.
I need to hurry... the power might go out.... I'll see ya later... byes *waves* Comments (10) |
Monday, December 12, 2005
Hey there... thank you all for leaving me wounderful comments ^^ *hugs*
Crap... it cold in here *shaking*
Hey... was your weekend good...? mine was... umm... how do you call it.... boring... but Sunday I was like happy, depressed, happy... you on and off... werid...
Dang.. my head hurts...
Gosh..... I need to draw... I didn't draw all weekend...
Oh I'm deleting some people off of my friends list... I had way to many people on there... if I delete ya tell me and I'll add you again... ^^
Wow... I'm posting early... lol.. I guess thats a good thing... lol
Please be honest... do you think I'm a good friend?? And you don't think I'm annoying??
I guess I ask to many questons....
I might be able to visit sites when I get my friend list straighten out ^^ thats rare... lol....
Hey... I'm going to the beach on Dec. 26 - Jan. 1 if I talk to you on yahoo messager I will not be on yahoo when I'm at the beach.... just a warning ok ^_^
Crap!! I have to face my friend that I got in a fight with today........ NOOOOOOOOO!!! I'll be fine if I don't swinging my fist at her face.....
Whats the most comments have you had on your site?? mine was 21 comments ^^
What.... I talking alot today... Oo lol....
I don't talk alot sometmes... but when I start talking alot... run... please run... I won't shut up!! lol...
I've been listen to Evansecnes and Linkin Park all day... hehehe....
Hey... if I start boeing ya... tell me and I won't type much next time ok...
*Starts crying* THE CONCERT IS TOMMOROW!!!!!!!!
Well, I'll see ya later ^^
Byes *waves* Comments (22) |
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Hi... whats up?
Sorry I didn't say much yesterday... and Friday too...
Ok... I'm going crazy now... theres something wrong with me... I almost got in a fight with my friend Friday... and I'm not eating much cause I'm not hungey...
Yup... theres something wrong with me...
umm... I like this guy in my band class... lol... but dumb old me I'll to shy to talk to him...
I'm so tired that I have no clue what I'm saying...
Crap this man... Our consert is Tuesday... and I might freak out before then...
I guess I know why no one hangs around me at school... I'm to quite, dumb person... I'll go sit in my corner now...
I hate talking like that.... but thats how I feel.... and I guess ya'll hate me when I talk about myself sometimes.... but thats me.. and deal with it.... I have to share my feelings some how... and I guess being on the MyO is the with how I do it...
Well... I'll see ya'll later...
Byes *waves* Comments (21) |
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