Birthday 1990-03-12 Gender
Female Location Well... lets see... North Carolina... in my house... in front of my computer...24/7 Member Since 2005-06-17 Real Name Caroline or Robin which ever one you would like to call... it doesn't mater
Achievements Anime Fan Since I don't know really Favorite Anime LastExile, WitchHunterRobin, Hellsing, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, FLCL, Samurai Champloo, Wolf's Rain, Fruits Basket, Scryed, RahXephon, Case Closed, Someday's Dreamers Goals To draw better ^_^ Hobbies Day dream, read manga, watch anime, draw, and live on the computer Talents I don't know yet WitchHunterfan
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hello everybody ^ ^
I guess everyones watched Adult Swim... SESSHOMARU... fluffy... me hiper *spinning in the chair* I had to much caffeine... hehe... Scryed was so cute at the beginning with the kitty... I love kittys ^_^ hehehehehe... And it was really awsome Kazuma is so cool with hes alter arm ^_^ and Reiho, *did I spell hes name right?* I think he is cute O_O And I think Paranoia Agent is werider and werider.... ok...ok... I'll shut up now... FOOLY COOLY!!!! thats all I can think of -_^
Why doesn't everybody like LastExile? it drives me insane cause every one doesn't like it...
Me kitty... meow... prrring... meow
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^ Comments (5) |
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Hey everyone ^_^
Sorry I wasn't on last night... I was really tired when I got home from the mall and then I went to sleep... but I woke up around 1am and so I watched Gundam Seed even tho I don't like it... and .Hack and then I watched my DVD I bought... It was Gungrave... which was really cool... I like the gun fighting and stuff ^_^
Guess what I made it to 300 total visits ^_^ Yay
Total Visits 308
Popularity Ranking # 2599
Well I've been watching LastExile all day today ^_^ and I really like Alex Row more than I used to ^_- which is kind of werid for me cause I like Vincent Alzey lot too...
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^ Comments (3) |
Friday, July 29, 2005
Hello everyone ^_^
What's every up to?
I don't have much to talk about... and I'm really bored...
Well... this school... I have to go to High School this year... and I'm really scared to go cause I'll hardly will know any body there >_< So... when I start school this year I'm going to be traifed..... -_-
I'm watching Champloo again... I love this episode ^_^ I love Jin :p
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooo bored.... -_-
I guess everyone bored too... or ya'll had a really a boreding day...
Well, I'll see ya'll later... ^_^
Hey everyone ^_^
What going on?
Ok... it was so hot yesterday... it was a killer... the heat index was 110-120 O_O dang it was hot but I didn't go out side yesterday... -_^
Well, I'm been bored all week >_< and I read some of the new manga I got the other day and its really good ^_^
Gosh... I'm so bored right now... and I can't think of any think of any thing to say... -_- and I got another headache -_-
I got a really cute sticker and it says: Little Miss Purrrrrfect!!: it is so cute... it has a litte kitty on it ^_^
Well guys, I'll being ya'll later ^_^ Comments (5) |
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Hello everyone :)
Man it was so hot here today O_O I didn't even go out side yesterday.... I heard it was like 97 here which is really hot for here... I did won't to go out side any ways cause I had a headache.... OMG!! I just saw that at home that it's going to be 100 today...I guess I'm kind of glad I'm not home... OMG!! what's the deal heat!!...
Does any one know where Charolotte North Carolina is if you do I live about 20 miles west from there ^_^
I mint to get the Fullmetal Alchemist DVD yesterday but I didn't leave to house and I really want that DVD -_-
Well, I'll see ya'll later... ^_^
I love the picture of Miho and Haruto :)
Man I love this picture of Alucard :) Comments (6) |
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Hey everyone ^_^
Oh man I went to see Charie And The Choclate Factory... and it was awsome ^ ^ I really like Johnny Depp but he was almost perfect in the movie but his hair was to long and he was to pale looking -_- but the movie was really awsome ^_^ Ya'll must go and see Charie And The Choclate Factory if you haven't see it yet....
Ok I'm read a new manga called iD_eNTITY It's really aswome manga... I kind of like .hack but better... theres a guy in the manga *I don't know the names of the characters yet* that looks like Vash from Trigun and hes hot :)
What's everyone up to? ya'll better not be getting into trouble -_^ ... Why the heck I'm I asking ya'll this?
Well I'll see ya'll later ^_^ Comments (6) |
Monday, July 25, 2005
Hello everyone ^ ^
Man I'm friend keeped calling me today and I'm like gosh why do you call me so many times cause I'm on and cell phone and my dad is going to kill me when he finds out how many mins. I've used O_O and my nana tells me why does your friend not get a life and I'm like SHUIT UP!! cause we talk on the phone all day cause I don't have anyone to talk to here >_<
I made a new friend on theotaku... and hes really nice like metal-inuyasha But all of my friends are really nice ^_^
I got surburned again on my face and my face is really red O_O well not that bad...
I hope everyone doin' alright... ya'll don't get too bored today... alright...
Well, I'll see ya'll later :)
dont read this:Body: 1.) take a deep breath, .. 2.) open your mouth, .. 3.) carefully take out the words, ... 4.)you know what? 5.) i have to tell you something, ... 6.) I..... 7.) love, .. 8.)you, .. 9.) post this 5 minutes if you want someone to tell you I LOVE YOU, ..
Look.... I got 2nd place in a site contest ^_^ heres the prize I got...
Hey eveyone ^_^
I'm going to the pool today and watch me get another sunburn >_<
Man Samurai Champloo was so awosme but it was sad too -_- .... Scryed was cool but I didn't get what was going on cause I was half awake -_^ Paranoia Agent was freaky.... cause the 4 ladys were telling storys about Little Sluger that they hered on the news or some were.... And then one of the ladys gose home.... then when see opens the door she see her husben *I know I didn't spell that right* on the floor almost dead then she starts asking him HOW DID LITTLE SLUGER DO THIS!!!! *or some thing like that*
So..... I hope everyone's doing ok....
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^ Comments (4) |
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Hi... and what's up? Ya'll bored too? Same here...
Umm... I went to the beach today and I had fun ^_^ And I went to the pool too... but I got sunburned today >_<
Man I've tired from getting up early everyday (only 10:30am) but I go to bed around 2-5am in the morning.... DON'T WAKE ME UP!!!!!!!....
Hey I put a cool song on my site... please listen to it.... It's from Love Hina....
Well heres ya'll another Witch Hunter Robin manga
enjoy :)
Here ya'll the site to the Witch Hunter Robin manga... Please go to the site and enjoy the manga... ^_^
Well I'll see ya later... ok.... Comments (4) |
Friday, July 22, 2005
Hey everyone... what's going on?
OMG!!!! Guess what everyone the new Hellsing Ultimate OVA series is coming out in this winter more likely in Japan and the series is going to be more graphic... O_O
And the series is going to be 35 minutes long each O_O Sweet huh...
Heres some details about the graphic violents... Don't get sick reading this: When Alucard is shot to bits by Millennium, he sinks his fangs into the neck of the nearest soldier and rips his head clean off... with his mouth!
If yall want more graphic violent stuff of Hellsing OVA series... PM me please....
Most of this imformation is from anime insider... thats were I found the informtion....
And here is so Witch Hunter Robin manga...
Enjoy ^_^
I hope yall liked it...
So what everyone up today? And amost everyday I've bored and tired O_o
I watched Appleseed *did I spell that right* and it was really good... I didn't think I would like it cause Appleseed was made by the same person how made Ghost In The Shell:SAC But it was really good ^_^
My head hurts again *I guest it from all the thinking I've doing -_^*
Well I'll see yall later... alright... Comments (4) |
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