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myOtaku.com: WitchHunterfan

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

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Hey evryone ^_^
I finally got the background up ^_^ YAY!! now I need to do something else but what? *thinking*
Anyways.... the back ground and the post back ground I made... ^_^ I had time for once in my life to do that ^_^ but I might change the back ground later...
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Was your day good yesterday?
Mine was good ^_^
Except P.E. It's still like 90 degrese here... and we have to go OUTSIDE IN THAT HEAT!!!!
I want to move some where cooler... it's too hot!! *crys*
Well, I'll see ya'll later ^_^
Bye *waves*
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Please visit my other site Hellsingfan thanks ^_^

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