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myOtaku.com: WithoutLove

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

alright. somebody commented. i have been forced to take measures i didnt want to take. (T_T) whoever commented please pm me your comment and for those who would like to comment pm me your comments please. i love the feed back and its killing me not being able to read the comments. i figured out its my computer being gay about blocking pop ups whether i want the pop up or not so please please please please please pm me your comments from now on until i can fix my problem. thank you.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

i caught a little bit of a poem kyle was writing today. (T_T) it was beautiful. anyway, i am definatly crushing on him now...
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

omg. i think im starting to like this guy kyle a little more than i probably should. the's i my science and signet classes and hes like the ultimate rocker dude and... *sigh* oh and whoever is commenting in the comment box PLEASE STOP! or i will be forced to remove the commment box. its driving me nuts that i cant read it...

question of the day: have you ever had a forbidden love?

my answer: yes and no. ive love someone who i know i can never be with so i keep it to myself but ive never risked and tried to be with someone that i know will end up hurting people in the end.

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Monday, February 18, 2008

NOTICE!!!: i cant bring up the comments pop up thingie so for me to comment i'll be sending whoever im commenting a pm with my comment in it. also, i cant read my own comments so please send them to me in a pm. i really really dont like having comments that i cant read, so please pm them to me. it'd be much appreciated. thanks.
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Sunday, February 17, 2008

so i went to the katsucon yesterday- MY FIRST CONVENTION! it was really fun and really really really really weird. lots of the costumes were interesting. i saw a halo soldier, transformers, captain jack sparrow, dudes dressed as chicks in short skirts, and chicks with too little on. the first panel i went to- writing unique heroes and memorable villans- was really good. the guy was twenty minutes late, but it was really good. the last two panels i went to sucked because i had no idea what they were talking about and it was more of a disscussion thing among the professionals and the audience. anyway, it was really fun and i cant wait to go to another one.

oh, also guys, i cant seem to bring up my comments now so i cant read any comments you leave so if you'd like to comment could you please pm me and call the subject comment on post. thanks.

question of the day: have you ever been to a convention? if so, what was your favorite cosplay outfit you saw?

my answer: yes i have. i'd have to say the halo guy was pretty awesome.

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

so.... is anyone actually liking this singles awareness day?
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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

well life kinda sucks right about now....
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Friday, February 8, 2008

omg! sorry guys, i know i haven't posted in a while and im really sorry. so much has been going on and for this whole week ive been exaggusted and i feel like im going to pass out any minute. well, last month we took a servey to see who our matches are in the school- such as love matches and friend matches and blah blah- and the results came in and i plan on buying my results on monday. they should be interesting. today is a black day for me, right, and on black days (we have this black and orange day thing so every other day your classes are back and forth...whatever) at lunch i dont have anyone to talk with or sit with. i have absolutely no friends in my lunch. so i sit all by myself at a table with no one really around. today some senior, yes i said seinor, decided to come over and talk to me. it was kinda weird, but cool at the same time. me, being a freshman, this was a good thing.

question if the day: how many friends do you have? how many of those would be there for you no matter what? how many of those do you hang with everyday?

my answer: i have about eleven friends. two of those would be there for me no matter what and i would consider those my best friends. i hang with only a couple of them maybe everyday. my best friends go to a different school and i have to call or text them to talk and its hard to find a convienent time for us and our parents to get together an hang out and stuff.

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

well hello everyone. i dunno if yuo ever visit any of my friends sites but, please keep maleRagDoll in your prayers.

question of the day: how would you describe yourself in three words?

my answer: not whats expected

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Thursday, January 31, 2008

today was okay. all my tacher recomendation were for the advanced classes except for math. my teacher hates me so she signed me off on the regular class. i think im gonna take the advanced class anyway.

question of the day: are you the over achiever type, the average type, or the slacker lazy type?

my answer: definatly the over achiever... ehehe...

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