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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

oh my god!!!!! i got my score for my english exam- the one i was so freaked over- and guess what! i got a 97!!!!!!!! a 97!!!!!! ah!!! of course to balence out my awesome 97 i got a 77 in algebra... ehehehe....

question of the day: are you more likely to get A's, B's, C's, D's, or F's and why.

my answer: B's because i work hard and i could get A's but i tend to speed through work and make minor mistakes that'll add up and bring my grade down. i only speed through it though because i'm usually way ahead everyone in all my classes and i can't stand being held back because of someone else's slowness when i'm ready to move on.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

three day weekend!!!! and exams are over!!!! and no homework!!!! woo hoo!!!!
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Thursday, January 24, 2008

im so freaked for my english exam tomorrow!!!

question of the day: do you like writing? if so what do you like to write?

my answer: yes i like to write. i absolutly cant stand writing things teachers expect you to write, especially when they have no creativity to them, like research papers. i love writing scripts, which then i later turn into manga, but i also like writing poems.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

more exams today. ugh. they were easy though- algebra 1 and art. yeah i get an art mid term. all we did was draw. that was pretty fun. anyway, because we got 4 straight hours of testing i got a half day! of course instead of studying for tomorrow's mis terms im procrastinating and goofing off instead. i plan on cram studying tonight though... so tomorrow ive got history and spanish exams... ugh. those are gonna suck a little worse than today's.. i cant wait for friday though (sarcastic). i have my english mid term then and my retarted teacher expects us to do four essays in two hours- 30 minutes each essay. and i wouldnt be too worried except ive got to have all the little details from different stories memorized and 3 of the 4 essays are five paragraphs and the last one is 16 paragraphs! yeah... 16. ive got to explain each step of the stupid research paper in detail. god help me...

question of the day: what class subject do you suck most in and or hate the most?

my answer: i personally suck in spanish, but i hate english this year the most. my favorite classes of all time are history art and english, but my teacher has just made english class miserable. she wont allow us any creativity. isnt that basically most of what english class is??? sigh. so yeah...

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

well i had my first mid term exam today- earth science. ugh. it was pretty easy though, thank god. anyway, today sucked. my alarm didnt go off so, i woke up at 6:30 am and was like, "OH MY GOD! SHIT!" because the bus leaves around um... oh right, 6:40am!!! yea, so, instead of getting up early to make sure i had plenty of time to get ready and study some last minute stuff and get a decent breakfeast, i was running around like a mad woman. the on the bus home my mom calls me and tells me shes off to pick up my grandparents from the air port and my siblings had a half day today, so they would be watching my baby brother until i got home, in which the baby duty would then become mine. of course for me he refused to go to sleep even though he was tired and he expected to entertained the whole friggen time, which might i mention was a little over TWO HOURS. oh, and i saw cloverfield on sunday with my ex boyfriend. after i broke up with him we agreed on being friends and such, cause we're really close buddies, and apparently he thought the whole cloverfield movie thing was a date. so, after he dropped me off at home he texted me all this crap and insults and stuff and... it sucked. but then yesterday he goes off and was like, "omg! im so so so sorry. i was a huge jerk...blah blah blah." so yea.

question of the day: can you stomach watching a fast moving camera for two hours?

my answer: no. how do i know? that's all cloverfield was. terror and running and panic and the camera was all over the place the whole time. i personally thought i am legend was way better but thats just me.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

my friends from last year and i are planning on going to the katsucon and im pretty sure i'll be able to go...yup. it's gonna be so much fun.

question of the day: are you going to the katsucon?

my answer: im pretty sure i am.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

today was boring. but! on the upside i think im gonna go see cloverfield this weekend with by bestfriend. yup.

question of the day: have you seen the trailer for cloverfield? if so, what do you think?

my answer: yes i've see the trailer. i can't wait to see it. :)

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Friday, January 11, 2008

...i had an oral test in spanish today... i dont think i did so well.. anyway today was okay... i guess...

question of the day: ...are there any questions you want me to do?

my answer: ...none...

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

well, today sucked. it was just a down right bad day.

question of the day: what's your favorite season?

my answer: i was looking forward to winter this year because i really wanted snow, but of corse because i'm looking forward to it, it doesn't snow. so, at the moment i can't wait for summer!

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

i had to go to school! yay! (i know this may sound a little weird, but i happen to like going to school. it's my way of escaping my home life and being able to pretend im all right and have everyone think i am when in reality im not...) so, yeah... i'll find out my makeup work tomorrow since we have 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 6th on one day and 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th on the other and they trade back and forth, so like today was odd blocks and tomorrow will be the even ones. anyway, i just hope it isn't too much makeup work because of the gay mid-terms.

question of the day: (i had to watch a movie on being able to tell when someone or you are suicidal so...) has there ever been a time where you seriously thought about death and what it's be like when once you're dead and have you ever gotten to the point of being suicidal?

my answer: i think a lot. i tend to over think things. last night, to be exact, i was thinking about death and i scared myself to the point of balling my eyes out. (i know this may sound pathetic, but whatever) i've gotten to the point where i don't think i'm afraid of death, but more of the unlived life- which if i were to die right now, i would consider myself having lived the unlived life. this hasn't been because of my own choice of not wanting to do much with my life, but more because of what life has thrown my way and how i wasn't given much opportunity to do what i want with my life. and for the last part of the question, i have almost become suicidal, but then i go back to think about my unlived life and i just can't seem to become suicidal because of that reason.

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