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myOtaku.com: WithoutLove

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

well i had my first mid term exam today- earth science. ugh. it was pretty easy though, thank god. anyway, today sucked. my alarm didnt go off so, i woke up at 6:30 am and was like, "OH MY GOD! SHIT!" because the bus leaves around um... oh right, 6:40am!!! yea, so, instead of getting up early to make sure i had plenty of time to get ready and study some last minute stuff and get a decent breakfeast, i was running around like a mad woman. the on the bus home my mom calls me and tells me shes off to pick up my grandparents from the air port and my siblings had a half day today, so they would be watching my baby brother until i got home, in which the baby duty would then become mine. of course for me he refused to go to sleep even though he was tired and he expected to entertained the whole friggen time, which might i mention was a little over TWO HOURS. oh, and i saw cloverfield on sunday with my ex boyfriend. after i broke up with him we agreed on being friends and such, cause we're really close buddies, and apparently he thought the whole cloverfield movie thing was a date. so, after he dropped me off at home he texted me all this crap and insults and stuff and... it sucked. but then yesterday he goes off and was like, "omg! im so so so sorry. i was a huge jerk...blah blah blah." so yea.

question of the day: can you stomach watching a fast moving camera for two hours?

my answer: no. how do i know? that's all cloverfield was. terror and running and panic and the camera was all over the place the whole time. i personally thought i am legend was way better but thats just me.

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