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myOtaku.com: WithoutLove

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

more exams today. ugh. they were easy though- algebra 1 and art. yeah i get an art mid term. all we did was draw. that was pretty fun. anyway, because we got 4 straight hours of testing i got a half day! of course instead of studying for tomorrow's mis terms im procrastinating and goofing off instead. i plan on cram studying tonight though... so tomorrow ive got history and spanish exams... ugh. those are gonna suck a little worse than today's.. i cant wait for friday though (sarcastic). i have my english mid term then and my retarted teacher expects us to do four essays in two hours- 30 minutes each essay. and i wouldnt be too worried except ive got to have all the little details from different stories memorized and 3 of the 4 essays are five paragraphs and the last one is 16 paragraphs! yeah... 16. ive got to explain each step of the stupid research paper in detail. god help me...

question of the day: what class subject do you suck most in and or hate the most?

my answer: i personally suck in spanish, but i hate english this year the most. my favorite classes of all time are history art and english, but my teacher has just made english class miserable. she wont allow us any creativity. isnt that basically most of what english class is??? sigh. so yeah...

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