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myOtaku.com: WithoutLove

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

oh my god!!!!! i got my score for my english exam- the one i was so freaked over- and guess what! i got a 97!!!!!!!! a 97!!!!!! ah!!! of course to balence out my awesome 97 i got a 77 in algebra... ehehehe....

question of the day: are you more likely to get A's, B's, C's, D's, or F's and why.

my answer: B's because i work hard and i could get A's but i tend to speed through work and make minor mistakes that'll add up and bring my grade down. i only speed through it though because i'm usually way ahead everyone in all my classes and i can't stand being held back because of someone else's slowness when i'm ready to move on.

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