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myOtaku.com: WithoutLove

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Well, today I found out in science that Kyle is dating someone. (T_T) Yeah. There's this lesbian girl who sits at our table and she was glaring at him and then she had to go to guidence and during that time my teacher made us watch a very interesting movie on metamorphic rocks. Sike. It was reallyu quite boring. Anyway, Kyle passed me a note and it said, "She's mad at me because I'm dating the girl she likes." (T_T) So, my spirit has been a little broken. On the kinda upside, I went to art club today to help set up the art show, but there were judges already there and they kicked everyone out of the gym. So, while I was waiting in the art room for my mom to come pick me up, some seinor guy from Africa decides to come over and become my friend. Yeah. I sit at the table behind him on black day lunches and he invited me to come sit with him and his friends rather than sitting by myself. I want to because I don't like sitting by myself, but I'm scared. I'm not used to comming into a new school and not having everyone else being new also, like kindergarden. So, I can't just share my green crayon and make an instant friend.

Also, I'd thought I'd put here a very funny texting conversation I had with one of my friends last night:
Friend- How was your day?
Me- 'Ello chap! Mine was jolly good! How was yours?
Friend- ............................................................................ not for you.........
Me- Uh! What's that suppost to mean?
Friend- That "ello jolly good chap" is not for you, no offence.
Me- Uh! I!... Uh! *Gasp gasp gasp gasp!* (-_-) Why not? Is it just not your cup o tea? Eh?
Friend- (T_T) It is my cup of tea. It's jus no' yours.
Me- Wait. What? You can speak British but I can't?
Friend- Uh, Yeah. I had an english assignment where I was required to learn how to speak British and British texta arn't ment to be.
Me- Uh! Well I think its kinda fun texting all British like and I'm gonna text any way I damn well please and anyone who wants to argue with me can kiss my bum! (I'm not being hostile. I'm being playful.)
Me- Ah! Well bilmey absobloodtlootely bob's your uncle! Fine! Toodle pip! Goodnight! (Playful.)
Friend- You just made my day. Goodnight.
Me- Anytime anytime. Goodnight.

If you need decoding British you can go to http://www.effingpot.com/slang.shtml

Questions of the day:
1. Do you remember where you were and what happened on 9-11?
2. What are your phobias?
3. What's the most recent movie you've watched?
4. What should I do about the lunch thingie, since I have black day lunch on Friday?

My answers:
1. I was in my 3rd grade class and playing a math game on the floor and I remember looking up at the clock and seeing it was way past time for us to be dismissed byt the announcements didn't come on and they were dismissing kids one at a time.
2. I am afraid of failure and that I'll be single forever.
3. Van Hellsing
4. I don't know, can you give me some advice?

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