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in the shadow of your shadow waiting to strike
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slayer of all evil, by evil itself Bwo ha ha ha ha
destroyed demons inside the gates of swirling darkness
Anime Fan Since
i felt like it u got a problem with that
Favorite Anime
Bleach, trinity blood, eureka 7, teanage mutant ninja turtles(joking, cant u take a joke)
get the scyth that the demonic leader of death weilds
reading manga^^, destroying darkness, riding red cresent moons
ability to think, summoning a rip in the fabric of reality(u know the stuff everyone can do)Shooting the bow with black arrows
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
Like the music
Like the music...i just added it...i think it sounds cool...some of my favorite songs by greenday...
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Are u that smart
i was watchin 2020 yesterday...and i seen this person that could do math problems with a sinch... like really big ones too...he taught it to little kids in chicago...i bet hes smarter than u...
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to the top
im just addin this post to be at the top of the recently whatever. but im gonna write stuff in it anyways. there was some pretty cool stuff on youtube. i just watched naruto episode...ummm...icant remember but it waz cool. thats all i can think of... im gonna go look at raNdom people
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Friday, December 1, 2006
braces are a bitch!!! i just got some braces and now i cant eat!!! i barely ate all day. O well, im gonna go look at random peoples sites
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power of the people
i forgot to write this, but i feel like tellin it. have u ever knew u were the best in something, but it was voted. So they all voted against u and for their friend.(if ur the one they voted because u were the friend and only one because u had friends U R MESSED UP AND SHOULD BE AHAMED) Well. i was in class and doing some weird speech thing cald toastmasters(guess were they got the name) and i was givin the funniest speach, and would have one, but i didnt have many friends in the class and i lost wen i should have one.MESSED UP!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
How come no one likes me?? I aint evil or nothing. OK, ill be truthfull, that last statement wasnt completely truel.
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for those two people that might consider reading my site im sorry its kinda late but i had to figure this more out. OK. The meaning of life i got off FMA. So why do we exist? If we died only close ones would know. But if everyone didnt exist, then there wouldnt be people. So the meaning of life i figured is to exist. Because if everyone thought that way everyone would be dead. So those few who read it. U now know my personal reason for existing
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
which way???
I'm happy i finally got the avatar i wanted, and been trying to get forever, but im angry i cant get that windows screeen like other people on my site and cant figure it out
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nobody likes me.... will u be my friend??? Please!!!!!!!!!!!
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Will this turn into the quiz
You Are 18 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
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