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Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Ah, my brain feels like like a fried potato!
Played Chain of Memories for hours at icewanderer's house. XD I did the bosses, she did everything else. We're almost...done! She'll bring the DS to school, this I am fine with, as long as she doesn't get in trouble. ::pokes ShAURON::
I feel so compelled to finish FFX. Can I borrow it? x: ::pokes icewanderer::
I really like Lulu for some reason :D She'sso pretty~. And can fight well. Gwee. ::brain swivels and continues to be mush::
::surfs the net and hums:: Give me time I will be clear~
...To the darkened skies once more, and ever onward.
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Icewanderer came over yesterday and spent the night, it was fun! ^^ She let me play FFX, and we spent most of the time playing it. Well...I was playing it most of the time, sorry x_X;;
I made a banner-thing of Yuna n.n Well, the picture is a screenshot, and the gradients and texture I used were made on my own.

This was just fun to make, but if anyone does use it for any reason, upload it to your own host and credit me? x:
I'm also doing a digital painting of her, because Lulu is too complicated to do XD;; But I don't like the way it's turning out so far..eh.
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
I got my classes changed back ASAP! Phew. I may be wimpy in doing so, but I'm not getting myself worked up everyday over an algebra class.
In other words, icewanderer is coming over on Friday. ^^ Whee! It'll be fun. At least, I hope so. XD
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Eeek! I didn't mean it to be taken that way! I'm sorry for making people worry x__x! The teacher does teach well, but it is a very...unique teaching style. It works for some people, they like a teacher that will yell right back at them.
But one of my top fears is getting yelled at. I don't know why, but it makes me want to cry. Well, the teacher likes to yell around and intimidate, and interrupt you. So that's why I'm overly timid in that classroom. ^^;;;
But he is still pretty mean for a teacher. He has made my friends cry in that class :/
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UGH. Here we go again.
Algebra 1 is being changed to Algebra 1a, since a lot of people didn't understand the first semester of algebra. The class that turns into 1a was mine. Okay, good, I need to retake 1a again. I'm bad at algebra.
BUT NOOOOOO. FUCKERS. They have to go and change me to a different teacher. I had that teacher for about a month, before I got out of his hell-hole dungeon. He makes people cry, gives horrid nicknames ("Fatty"), and I wasn't able to learn a THING from him, because I was just cowering in fear the whole time.
Back to now. We argued a little when I entered, but I can't really remember. He seems to think I want to go back to 1a, just to avoid him. I said maybe. It partially is true. If I take 1a, I will have to take 1b over the summer. Both 1a is a whole credit, 1b is a whole credit. I'd have to take Geometry, and that would be all the math I'd have to take! If I take algebra, then geometry, I'd have to take another math course. Does this make sense?
ALSO, they had to change one of my classes to a different period to do this. I'm a really good student in this class, and the teacher knows htis, the period I was changed to was..her worst class. She wants me back to the other class.
Ugh. My heart hurts and I'm wheezing a little. I hate this nervousness.
It doesn't matter if anyone even got what I said, just saying this made me feel a little better.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Do it do it do it do it.
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Monday, February 13, 2006
My mom got a letter from the mammogram people today. She doesn't have cancer, but they found something 'abnormal' and want to scan again, and view previous scanning things? That can't be good.
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
This was weird. Posted so others can take it.
You scored 52% Cold and 64% Level-Headed!
You can kill. But the question "Why would you?" arises.
Out of safety or cruelty?

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender: | You scored higher than 58% on Cold | | You scored higher than 68% on Level-Headed |
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Friday, February 10, 2006
I have a bunch of thoughts whipping around in my head, but this is the only 'tame' one. Or the one that can actually be put into words at the moment.
That this quiz is accurate XD:
 You're a gryphon. You're very powerful without
needing to brag about it. Creativity is one
of your strong suits. Your outward
personality may change drastically according
to your mood, which is not always a good
thing. You're a loyal guardian when you
choose to be and you're aligned towards
What mythical beast are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006
I'd rant about my mom being annoying, but 1, thats too teenager-ish, and 2, I don't want to be annoying.
I'd rant about the FCAT, which I can't pass, but this too, is probably all my fault.
So I'll just say Nightwish - Gethsemane is the best opera-like song I've heard. "But the love, the hope, the pain of the beautiful one!" I think thats how it goes.
I'll go draw.
"Without you, the poetry within me is...dead." Wow, the lyrics are kinda cheesy. Rocks nonetheless.
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