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The Woglinde
Member Since
Real Name
purple belt in limalama, jeet kune do, and kali. And i'm a certified Life Guard.
Anime Fan Since
The 1998 area.
Favorite Anime
Neon Genesis evangelion, Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni, Negima, Air Gear, Bleach, Princess Mononoke, And Appleseed
To be very skilled in martial arts, and drawing.
Practicing martial arts (Limalama, jeet kune do, kali.) video games, Archery, and tricking (acrobatic tricks.)
Not sure... Most are hidden, but drawing is the most obvious.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
First Post of the New Year
Yes, I know I'm VERY late in posting something related to the holidays, but oh well, who cares.
I am quite satisfied with the results of Christmas. The best presents I have recieved would be a camcorder, a car, a dartboard, and a case of Root Beer! XD
I get the car officially from my Sis when I get my permit or license, which I have been putting off for the last year and a half. But, as my sister was going home last weekend, it was raining, and she lost control & hit the center divider. D: It was still driveable, so she continued driving home. And guess what? SHE CRASHED AGAIN! DX So, now it's possibly totaled, which sucks alot. I mean, I'm glad that shes alright, but it still sucks losing a possible car. (-_-) But other then that & being swamped with 2 weeks of missing schoolwork that needs to be made up by the end of the simester, I've been fine. XD
I've also been trying to come up with the rest of the story for my OCs (It's called "Albatross") So far, I have only a story for the first 1-3 chapters, but i'm getting there right?
Lately I have been getting more into Linguistics, Piano, & Watercolors (What a combination! XD) In fact, I'm trying to save a watercolor painting right now, just waiting for it to dry, so i can paint over the offending spot & see if i can incorperate the mistake. XP
And I have also been deeply saddened by the removal of online mode of Monster Hunter (The PS2 version.) I almost had my damn Dead Revolver too!!!! (TT_TT)
I may draw a pic of my two profiles from Monster Hunter though, as I have had a hankerin to do so for a while :3 (Arashi Aoi & Quetzalcoatl)
also, check out the updates to my gallery.
Anyways, toodles
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Alot has happened since my last journal. First of all, How do you like the new layout? Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni is one of my favorite anime shows out there.
A few weeks ago, my family and I went vacation at Lake Havasu, and one of the highlights of the trip was when we were there was watching people jump off of the cliffs, into the water below. Often times, it was at least 30 feet off the ground! One of my friends, went up and jumped off of a 40+ spire. Thank goodness I brought my camera:
Anyways, now i'm back, and i'm pretty much doing is playing alot of Monster Hunter. That game gets pretty addictive, especially online :)
I recently bought a copy of Pretty Face, and oh my gosh it was hilarious! I feel kinda sorry about his uhh...... highly unlikely situation..... Lol This is easily one of my new favorite mangas!
As for the kid's book, I'm supposed to draw two characters: A bear, and a tater tot. It's supposed to be kind of like a "Tom and Jerry" plot, with the Tater tot as a bouncing-off-the-wall sort of character, and the bear is the "cautious, mechanical-minded inventor".
I'm also trying to work on my manga while I still have time, since school starts in a few weeks. (Where the hell did summer go? I want it back! D:) Anyways, I'm going for now. Bye
P.S. Is the background music working for you? It keeps acting up. I've had to fix it 6 times in the past 2 days. Dunno what the hells wrong with it. :\
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
A few new pictures...
Well I just finished up a few new pictures and am gonna post them. Now. Anyway heres my first colored drawing! \(^o^)/ I figured it was about time I used the set of Prismacolors that my Uncle gave me for Christmas:
And heres my OC Miles Comstock riding a "Cyclone" a hoverbike that gets it's name from it's propulsion system:

Hooray for gradients! :D
Well, other then those two drawings, nothing else is really new. Well, our new room mate moved in today, and I also tried makin a quill pen from a big feather I found. Ooh! Can't believe I forgot! My Dad's friend's wife writes childrens books, and she wants to know if I would like to illustrate for them! Theres not a snowball's chance in hell i'll miss this opportunity! >:D Tomorrow i'm gonna go to her studio and stuff. Anyway i'll tell you guys how it goes.
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
DAMN it's windy!
Man, it is extremely windy outside! On the bus ride home, every palm tree in sight (Thats a hell of alot of palm trees) was at a 45 degree angle, and every trash can on the street was toppled over. It was kinda cool, if you don't include the sand flicked in my eyes. :D Looking into my backyard right now, nearly every flower off the boganvilleas are whipping and swirling around. Looks kinda purdy! ;)
My homeroom teacher is seriously starting to piss me off. I woke up with a sore & stiff neck this morning, so in class I set my head on the desk while continuing to work. And my teacher screams at me to wake up, and as I try to tell her i was working, The damn "Para-Educator" (basically someone who pretends to be a teacher) piques his fat head up from behind his LAPTOP and says, "I haven't seen him do any work this period." Which is total bulls**t and really pissed my off! Here I am with 3 1/2 pages of work done 40 minutes into class, and he says he hasn't seen me do any work! All he does is walk in, set up his laptop, and play that pirate game that just recently came out for the computer, while listening to music, and at the beginning of the month, he reads his issue of Shonen Jump too. It was no different today, and I never even saw him even spare a second to as much as GLANCE in my direction! So as a result, I told her that I wasn't sleeping, but she just screams, "Don't argue! I know what I saw!" (She actually sits BEHIND me, good luck with proving that one.) So as a result of defending myself in a relatively civilized manner, rather then just saying "Yessssss massssssterr *hisss* O.o " she sentenced me to 2 hours of community service. I just figured shes probably on her period or something, but that's still no reason to take it out on me, geez.
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
In case you were all wondering, I'm still alive!
Hello everyone!
Dang I just noticed how fricken long it's bee since I last logged on! Four whole months. That's long if you ask me! ;) As you can tell, I'm still alive and kicking! XD So what's been new in my life, Well, My sister just gave me my christmas present early today. But the reason she did was she thought it would have/might die if she waited till christmas to give it to me. What did she give me you ask? It was a little Venus Flytrap she got during her visit to the San Diego Zoo.
So half the leaves are black because it was given tap water at the Zoo gift shop instead of distilled water, Which can make leaves turn black and rot, etc. But i'm pretty sure it'll pull through. Anyway another thing is I got recently is another sword for my b-day (10-28-90) and lemme tell you, It's so sweet! XD I wuv it! X3 It works WONDERS in tameshigiri! Now about the art world. Well I opened up an art shop on GaiaOnline. Have done about 3 commissions so far. I'm working on a christmas picture at the moment, So i'm preoccupied with that. And I have 1-2 more OCs I gotta draw. And I guess that about covers it.
P.S. You like the new song? It's "Ghosts of Razgriz" from Ace Combat 5 (^^)
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
New Theme
Hey guys! I couldn't find a good background to match the Xenosaga theme, So now its a .Hack theme! Ya guys like it? Feedback helps ^_^
The last three weeks were pretty cool for me. Maybe it was that I unlocked a few things on games. Maybe it was because I didn't have to go to my Dad's store. Or maybe it was because I went on two vacations in a row! The first Vacation my family and I went camping in the Sierra Nevada mountains over by Bishop, California. We were up there a little less than a week. But it was so fricken sweet up there X3 I tried out one of my Pepsi-can stoves, And it worked like a charm! My Uncle & I went fishing up at the lake there, And I caught more fish than him :P Usually its the other way around, lol. The fish were really good too! Nothin like fresh-caught trout! We were gonna stay for an extra day, But we decided not to.
*Announcers voice* This ends side one of post. Please flip to side two XD
The other vacation I went on was I went to a Dude Ranch! They had horses, archery, Pool (Both the game & the one you swim in.) All sorts of stuff! It was funny because they let you gallop on the horses on the second ride. When I was galloping I was like >w< the entire time, Lol XD
Theres a funny story I gotta tell you:
This ranch always gets lil kids coming in about yay high all the time. And they always ask for the "Fast" or "Strongest" horse there and stuff. So what they do when they complain they are riding on a horse named, "Powderpuff" or "Porky" or what ever and they say, "I dont wanna ride on Porky I wanna ride Thunder!" The Wranglers just BS them and say, "That aint Porky, Thats White lightning!" Works every time, Lol. Anyway, I gotta replace the choji oil on my sword so ta ta!
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Monday, July 3, 2006
New Theme
Hey guys!
Geez, how long has it been since I last posted?
At least a month, I guess. As you can see, I'm In the middle of redesigning a new theme! It's gonna be a Xenosaga theme! Wee! XD Lol but I'm having trouble with a background. I cant find one that I like. >.< Well anyway, To start off what's new, I just got back from the beach. Yeah, Oceanside rocks!XD Lol And also after a long absence, I've gotten back into practicing Ling kong jing, Or Empty force, to you Non-Chinese speakers.;) Its a chi cultivation art that, after enough practice, enables you to knock down a full-grown man without any physical contact.
Another thing thats new is recently I bought one of those ps2 headsets for when I play games online. The only one that I can use it on so far is StarWars Battlefront 2. If anyone wants to play a game aganst me, My username is Quetzal (No stalkers or serial rapists please.)
On the last day of school, everybody in my class was just chillin & talking and such, But somehow the conversation changed to this one cabinet in the corner that nobody knew what it contained. (We lost the key.) So somebody asked if yours truly would go over and try to pick it. I agreed of course. After about 3 minutes of picking with a paper clip & a tension wrench fashioned out of some coathanger, I opened it. It was funny because everyone was saying, "Whoa, he actually opened it!" and "Andrew can actually pic locks!" All I had to say was just "duh! I've been telling you all school year!" Anyway enough with my useless ranting. I'll see you guys later!
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Monday, May 29, 2006
Yay! Scots Festival!
I posted the pic of Tomoe! So who liked the new pic? Please tell me how you like it!^_^
Back to the point. Last sunday, I went to the scottish festival! Yay! Oh, and yes I am Scottish ( a bit.) I went with my mom, both sisters, and a few friends. When we got there, We noticed that they dyed the fountains a Port-o-potty blue color.=_= When we got past that, we got some meat pies and bangers. They were pretty good too! Then we looked at some booths. I found a weapon booth & there I bought a sword maintanance kit & a wooden broadsword. I blew 14 bucks on each of those so I didn't really have much left on me ( I only had 35 bucks to begin with.) So then we decided to go find the Clan MacDougall booth. I was wearing my "Clan MacDougall" shirt too. XD I accidently walked right past the booth. But someone called out, "Where are you going?" Then I noticed that I passed it. I'm such a loser. V_V And an interesting fact I learned when I got there was that the MacDougalls are one of the four oldest clans in Scotland. I thought that was kinda interesting, so XD. Anyway, my moms kicking me off the compy. So if you have any questions about it, just ask ;)
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Whats new
Well the Tomoe pic is now up! Yay! Its too big to put up right here, so you will just have to go see it. :P Please tell me what you think & how I could improve.
Some cool stuff happened at school today. I WAS supposed to write an essay in literature about literary terms, But I didn't feel like it. Sooo I decided to make the essay as random and off-topic as possible! It went something like this:
One day, Chuck Norris was walking home after a filming session for a Total Gym commercial. Then, without warning, The Thing came out of nowhere and attacked him. Naturally, Chuck won. And as the Thing was begging for mercy, He crushed the Thing's head between his magnificent, mighty thighs. Then the thing's body turned to confetty.
Then, Out of nowhere, a jungle gym attacked. Its battle cry was "Yay! The wonders of califlower!" He attacked Chuck with a inflateable punching bag. Then, Chuck, with him being so tough he could eat a rubix cube whole, and shit it out solved, popped the bag. than unleashed a Masenko,
Killing the villanious structure.
"Beautiful, just beautiful" Said an applauding salad in the corner. Who are you? asked chuck. Then the salad started bleeding. It than changed into Ra's Al Ghul. Before the final battle started, A clown flew overhead playing Moonlight Sonata on a flying piano, flinging Laffy Taffys & motor oil. Than, They fought. And in the end, Chuck won. Than Cleo the Psychic came up and fed off of Ra's Al Ghul's remains.
So how did you like it? My teacher told me in these exact, Same words, "I would give you an F, But that was absolutely hilarious!" Everyone else seemed to like it too.
Anyway, There is always something interesting going on at my school. But I'm usually too lazy to type it out XP Anyway see ya.
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
New Website!
Hey guys, I finally created my own website! It's at:
Anyway Its a major acomplishment for me, being computer-illiterate & all. Its still under construction, but personally I think it's ok.^^ I thought it was gonna be worse XP. Please tell me what you think of it.^_^
I have also drawn a new picture! The picture is supposed to be my first attempt of Tomoe from Rorouni Kenshin. I should be able to scan it on to my computer this weekend, Because its the weekend i'm over at my mom's house. And I might be able to squeeze another pic in this week due to a request from a friend. Yay! My first request!^^ Lol
Anyway, see ya guys!
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