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Reading, watching Anime, writing, and sketching
Hardworlker, achiever
Anime Fan Since
I can remember
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, C.C.S., Yu Yu Hakusho, DB, DBZ, DBGT, Beyblade, Fruits Basket, Bubblegum Crises, Akira, Yu-Gi-Oh, Shaman King, Vandread
To become a nurse
Reading, watching Anime of course, writing, painting and sketching
Sketching, and imitating
Hey everyone! Hope you have a great time at my site! ^-^
Monday, May 19, 2008
It's been a month again...
Got I hate it when it's cold...
Not much has been done sofar over here. By saying that I mean that I haven't been passing my classes that good. I'm still wating from that nursing college later on this month. If I get in I'll be able to leave for the city before August. I have to so I can find a place to live actually. With stupid gas going up so bad I won't be able to live in the country anymore.
I turned 21 on May 2nd, and it was alright. I didn't go and get drunk like a lot of people expected of me lol. I went to go see Iron Man with my brother and it was awsome! Another movie that was really good that I saw earlier was "The Forbidden Kingdom" (I always have to see my flying people!). Dudes the movie was fricken sweet.
Radio school is put on hold for the time being after I get my nursing degree. I decided to this, because I want to habve a back-up if the radio field dosen't work out and I still have a back-up career.
I'm planning to see the Indiana Jones movie with my bro this week, and later on this month "Harold and Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Bay", it looks good!!! >;)
Well I guess that's it for now. I'll try and update again soon. I plan on having a Podcast soon, so you can hear my little "shows" online from time to time.
Well I guess that's it,
I'll update later.
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
Been a while again
Hey guys what is goin' on?
Not much as usual, that's why I have nothin' to report. However, I do have big news this week. Last week, I went to a Radio Academy in the city, and they loved me. They told me I have a good voice, and have real potential as a radio show host. I finally realized that I wanted to do radio about November, and the more I thought about it the more I decided I want to do it. So yay! I plan on staying at the college I'm at for one more year, and graduate with a pharmacy degree. Pay off my loans, finish my plans on joining the army, and then go off and join the radio.
People ask me why don't you just go for the radio as soon as you graduate, and I told them I need to pay off my debt to the school I am no enrolled to. They also asked me why join the Army, and I told them that I want to go abroad and hopefully get to see some countries like Germany and other Military basis. They understand that perfectly, which is great. Not explaining to the parents... That's goin' to take a lot of effort; because me mom, you go against her wishes, you might as well be disowned. So I won't tell them about my radio plans for a while.
I guess that's it. I'm enjoying all my classes besides Chemistry (because it's science, and I suck at science), and of course I'm loving my American Gov't class (those of you who know me in the past, I am very into politics), I'm in weight training and I'm enjoying it more than I thought. I like my Psychology teacher because she is really funny.
Well I guess that's it. I'll update again soon. I turn 21 on May 2nd!!! YAY!!!!
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Long Time, No Type
Hey everyone,
What's goin' on? Sorry for not being on here in a while. Not much has happened so nothing to really report. Last Friday was upsetting, because my grandfather died on Tuesday and his funeral was Friday. Then after the funeral, I got this awful cold, and my family and I stayed for 4 and a 1/2 hours with my grandmother; and my grandmaother is a heavy smoker, a big one. So it was difficult for me to breath because I started getting this huge cold, and all the smoke comgin from her and my dad who is also a heavy smokier, made me feel worse. The cold has been goin' around all over Southern Ohio, so it was only a matter of time until I caught it T-T'. On Saturday I worked, and it was not easy with all the coughingt and the dizziness, because we were rearranging the entire store to make it look nice. When I finally got home, I went to bed and did not wake up for 4 hours. My mom got me some medicine though, so now I'm feeling much better.
The bad part was though was that because I was sick, I couldn't study for my Psychology mid-term. I planned on studying on Monday, because I had the morning shift. Plenty of time to get ready. WRONG. Our new assistant manager called in because of something (I never really did find out, but oh well), so I took her shift. By the time I got home it was 8:30. So I ate some macaronni(I can't spell it), and went to bed to wake up at 3 in the morning, so I would be able to study. I studied until 7, and then got ready for school. Still not ready for it, I was not nervous; and to my surprise, was not all that difficult. So everything turned out alright in the end.
So that's it in a little package. I'll update ASAP.

Why Are YOU Evil?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy Early-Thanksgiving
Hey everyone,
What's up? Not much here like usual her ein the country. Right now, I'm getting ready to finish some stuff for Philosophy and Spanish, whoo-pee... Anyways. I'll probably won't be on for the rest of the week because I'll be studying for finals, so I wanted to tell everyone to have a Happy Thanksgiving, and don't fight over the turkey leg too much lol (long story).
Well, I guess that's it for now, I'll update again before Thanksgiving break.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
The first snow...
Hey everyone! What's goin' on? Well it has again been a while since I've been here, but I'm getting on here a lot sooner than usual. Right now I'm frustrated because my neck is killing me, and I have can't my head straight up right now without the right side of my neck beginning throbbing. Anyway, it's the first snow here, that means that winter is officially here to me. If you see the first snow with this cold weather, it's winter. I have never listened to the news or looked at the calender on when winter is officially here, that's just bull crap to me.
I'm almost done with this quarter, but I can't schedule for the next one until I pay my fees so that sucks big time. I have Microbiology today, and I'm not looking foward to it at all. I'd rather be in a Literature class or something artistic, but art and nursing really doesn't comply to eachother.
Well I have to get goin' now, I got homework to finish. I'll update before Christmas Break comes around. I'll talk to ya'll soon.
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