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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I am back and loving it!!!!
Hey everyone!!!
What's up! I forget when it was that I last been on here! It feels like eternity. Well, I started college yesterday, and so far I am enjoying it very much, my classes are so-so so far (lol), I have Elementry Algebra and Human Anatomy on Mondays and Wensdays and English 100 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My Algebra Class was okay, I really enjoyed it, my Algebra teacher Mr. Craver is histerical, and by the looks of it very nice, and has a real passion for Math, so at least I know I'll have someone I know can help me and help me understand Math since it is my worst subject in the entire universe!!!! Human Anatomy shouldn't be too difficult because I took it in high school on my junior year, and the books that were at school are practically the same freakin' thing here!!!! So I'm basically reviewing the whole thing all over again!!!! So that's pretty cool.
I don't have to go to English for another 45 minutes so I'm just killing time. When I drove to my college from home (it's a community college if people are wondering Southern State Community for ya'll that live in Ohio), I was nervous as hell because I am still getting driving lessons from my father, and he seems to have lighten up alittle since I have improved in my driving, but it's just my navigating my hands on the wheel that seems to be the most difficult because my dad is trying to tell me to do something that is not working for me grrr... oh well I'm still alive so that is a plus I guess.
Well guess I should get going and get reaquainted with all my friends here! I am so sorry you guys for not replying as soon as I could.
TTYL Everyone
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Monday, September 4, 2006
It's been a long time
hey everyone,
Sorry for the delay for so long, I haven't realized how badly I've missed everything and how I let all my frineds down here, I feel so guilty.
With everything going on with college and work and sleep, I have not been able to change anythin, and for that I apologize
So is everyone's life better than mine at the moment????
Everything is good, I went to Mexico finally on July for two weeks and loved met some new friends,got a awsome new computer because my stupid little emachaine finalyly died!!!!!
And that's everything for the moment, I'll give my life history, later
I'll update again soom
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Hey everyone...
Hey everyone,
It's been a loooonnnngggg while since I've been on here. Sorry about that lol, I've just been so busy with school and work, that's it's impossible now a days to update blogs. NOt only that the school blocked off myotaku, so that makes it more difficult to update daily.
Well, I'm done with school. I am now a adult, now all I have to do is worry about college and work, and gettin my license "ugh".
I won two scholarships that equal up to $1500 dollars so I'm really happy, and I plan on going to Europe with my Foreign Language Teacher next year so it'll be awsome.
I'm getting a labtop now so that really awsome, and I am right now working on a novel, I won't say what it's called or what it's about till it's finished, and I'll have a pen name or something that will make people know who I am.
Well I guess that's it for now, I'll try and update again later.
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Friday, May 5, 2006
Hey everyone
Hey eveyone! How's everyone?
Well this week was pretty busy, and I appologize for not being on as much now a days. Well on:
Monday, but that's wasn't too bad, because my managers lets me choose what kind of music to put on the radio which is mostly country to make the people comftorable.
Tuesday, was my birthday! I am now 19! YAY!!! I got awsome gifts from all of my coworkers and from my friends, money of coarse from family, and above all else a Apple iPod from my parents, OMG!!!!!!! I also worked but that's okay
Wensday, I had the day off, but we couldn't go out because I had play practice, which was pretty funny because when my part came up, I forgot and yelled out "OH SHIT!!!" Really loud.
Thursday, I had to work because of truck day, but that's okay
Friday (today), I had the day off and my mom and I went out to eat to celebrate my B-day, so we went to the China Buffet, just the two of us, I completely forgot when we last did that, I got a cell minute card for tomorrow just in case, and a iTune card to buy some music for my iPod, and a brand new lamp
A few weeks ago I finally got some new furniture, after 8 years. On my last day of Spring Break I got a really hot dress and shoes, and got my hair highlighted so it really looks really good!!! Lots of different kinds of gold blond ^-^
And that's it all caught up!
I'll update soon
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Hey everyone
Hey everyone,
How was everyone's Spring Break??? Mine was okay I worked all week pretty much and I finally got new furniture after eight years!!!! :D:D:D:D I am so happy!
I got the Chronicles of Narnia CD and a brand new countculator because my stupid old one broke on the ACT!!! So I was pissed off.
I have been staying up till 2a.m. during Spring Break also because I had nothing better to do.
I got a really hot dress for prom and I am so excited.
And starting tomorrow, one more week until I am 19 years old!!!!
Well I guess that's it, I'll update later.
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Hey Everyone! Long Time No Update!!! T-T
Hey everyone,
Sorry that I haven't updated in a while, alot of crap has been going on at school so I haven't been able to update daily like I used to. Because:
1. The school blocked off myotaku,
2. I have school meetings and play practice,
3. I have work and school T-T
Oh well I'm hear now!!!
So what have I missed??? Anybody willing to update me on their lives so far???
Well, scool has been okay, as usual I wait till the last minute to do all my homework
On Friday Spring Break started YAY!!!
I've been cleaning out my room because I'm getting new furniture finally after eight years *bed is now too small for my fat butt!!!*
And I have been counting down the days until I become 19!!!! On May 2nd!!!!!! YEAHHHHHH!!!
I won a scholarship to the college of my choice so I am very happy and excited!!!!
I got the new Rascal Flatts CD *Yes I listen to Rascal Flatts!!!* and the new NOW 21 CD which is okay, I plan on gettign the other 19 soon (I only have NOW 4 and now NOW 21).
And I think that is it so far!!!!
Well g2g, hope to hear your comments soon!
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Friday, March 24, 2006
Hey everyone!!!
Hey everyone,
How's it going? Not much here, I have been busy with school (when I want to be) and been busy with sleeping (alot). I have been looking up some new books with no such luck at the moment because I can't seem to find any that really good. I'm waiting for "New Moon" a sequel to Twilight, but it won't hit the shelves until this October so that makes me sad T-T I read "Rebel Angels" though, a sequel to "A Great And Terrible Beauty" and it was really good. On my freetime now, I like to read fanfiction at and have read alot of good ones! One of my fav autors is named Alphie, she is really good.
I have been working on my own book, and so far it's really sad, but it's really good too. So I am very happy how it's turnin out!
Well, that's all for now!
I'll update ASAP
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Hey guys!
Hey everyone,
How's it going? Not much here, well I'm trying out for the Senior Play today for Genie in Aladdin, and I'm really hoping I get the part. Also, I have a Art Club metting today, and I have the day off, I also have to clean the bathrooms when I get home, and cook dinner, so as you can see, I'm going to be very busy.
Well yesterday was pretty good, I went to Radio Shack with my folks to look for a CD player because mine won't stop acting up, I seriously think it has a mind of it's own because I'll put a CD in, and it'll refuse to play it, until I put in either Rascal Flats, or some other country CD I have. I'm serious! I seriously think it's possed into country music.
Well I wanted to get a iPod, but my dad said no because I need to use the money for driving school. So that went well. But here's the thing, he wanted to get this digital camea that I think it's near the thousands, and my mom got it for him to shut him up. So that really pissed me and my mom off. If it were me, I would have said "I'm not getting it for you, so shut the hell up!" So she got what she needed for him, which was a pair of cordless headphones so we won't have to hear the tv so loud anymore, and he can blair them till he goes deaf.
Well, I guees that's it, I'll update again later,
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Monday, March 13, 2006
A new week

What Personality Do You Have?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Hey everyone
Hey guys,
What's up? Sorry I haven't been on lately, I just didn't have much to say at the moment. I've been still working, only not as much at Family Dollar, I've been only working for three days now ever since our new manager came because everyone else is a assistant manager; so I'm not used to having all this free time, and still used to working 32-34 hours instead of 14.
Well I guess that's it, I'll update later.
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