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Sunday, October 3, 2004
Wolf's Rain Facts!!! ^^
OMG THEY SHOT TOBOE!!!! ;__; i was stunned wen they killed off Cher, but TOBOE!?!!! please let him be alright!!! Hige survived, so i dont see why Toboe cant! c'mon pup, hang in there! this week, we're gonna learn a little more about some of the seldom seen human chars and the interesting, futuristic machines of the post apocolyptic world they all live in! ^^ (gee, wasnt that positive!? lol)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Leara- She shows up in the second episode and is shocked when her pet falcon is killed by her new friend Toboe. She's 14 or 15 years old and "has few friends, only opening her heart to animals. Her father is abusive." Minor characters like her were competely designed by Toshihiro Kawamoto, all the way doen to their clothes. Note details like the "safety pin that betrays her poverty." (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Leara's Father- In the third episode he yells at Leara, refusing to believe her story about the wolf. This selfish man cares only for his own reputation, and her and his daughter Leara have an awkard relationship. For some reason he buys large quantities of food every day. (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Leara's Falcon- Leara's beloved pet falcon seems to love her very much, but Toboe accidentally kills it. In reality, this species of falcon is a very rare bird of prey that hunts smaller birds. Masahiro Koyama drew Leara's pet falcon. (source: Newtype USA)
well, we're nearing the end of the facts, but maybe after the last ones hav been posted, ill give u a list of their voice actors ^^
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back again! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
lol. anyway, wouldve gotten on yesterday, but my internet was being a butt and i couldnt get on. I HAV COMCAST HIGH SPEED for crying out loud!!! i hav no idea wat was going on, but it wouldnt hook up. that isnt important anymore though, so ill drop it.
next order of business! i really dont hav anything else to talk about, so saying that was completely pointless. unless ur interested in the fact that yesterday i stole my dads left shoe for no apparent reason until i revealed that i was going to sacrifice it to my god Humuhumunukunukunukuapuaa'a (aka the state fish of Hawaii). its not really my god. i dont worship fish (or anyone or anything for that matter.....except maybe anime/manga....but i dont really worship it, im just a really really big fan). i just say that name cuz no1 around here knows its the state fish of Hawaii, and its really hard to pronounce^^ *wait! come back! dont run away! hey! please! come back!!!* not to freak any of u normal ppl out, but i hav a loong history of stealing ppls shoe. (well, not THAT long, and yes, i only steal ONE shoe....cuz it doesnt make sense AND it leaves ppl with an odd situation.) ive stolen neonstar92's shoe many times before. in 7th and possible 8th grade during recess. u can even ask her if u dont believe it ^^
ive done something a little crazier before last year. but i wont say wat. if u really want to know, then let me know and ill post about it later... anyway, WR facts are on the way!! ^^ see ya round! ^^
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Friday, October 1, 2004
yyyaaaayyy!!! ^___^
 You are BREAKING THE HABIT. ~I don't know what's worth fighting for, or why I have to scream. But now I have some clarity to show you what I mean. I don't know how I got this way. I'll never be alright.~
Which Linkin Park song from Meteora are you? {includes pics} brought to you by Quizilla
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Wolf's Rain Facts!!!! w00t!! ^^
today, lets learn some things about that wolf pack that worked for humans on that island that smelled of lunar flowers^^
Wolf's Rain Fact: Zali- He's the leader of the wolves that claim the area around the old oil town as their territory. He shows up in Episodes 5 and 6. In contrast to the young and idealistic Kiba, Zali is an adult who once sought Prardise but failed. His design concept was a middle-aged rock musician who's fallen on hard times. "Like a guy who used to be this cool rock star, but now...he's turned into the kind of adult who'll grumble that rock 'n' roll doesnt't pay the bills," Okamura explains. He weems to be about 50 years old. (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Zali (wolf form)- Zali hs an old scar on his cheek, and his fur is more ragged than Kiba's-a sign of his age. But the sharpness of his gaze hasn't withered one bit. There's an edge to his epressions and movements, fitting for the leader of a pack, in many scenes, he's standing tall, tail held proudly in the air behind him. (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Cole- This woman from Zali's pack to realize how low they've sunk. Apparently, she wanted to see Zali stirred into action once again. "She really admires Zali. If we go with the middle-aged rock musician analgy... she's like the groupie who's still following hiim after all these years. She wants hiim to be cool like he used to be," says Okamura. (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Cole (clothes)- In her late twenties, she wears a long coat, boots, hip-hugger jeans and a shirt with an open collar. Her long and beautiful hair is kept tucked inside her coat. She's classy and sexy, nd Hige seems to like her a lot. (source: Newtype USA)
now, wasnt that interesting? ^^ wen they mention ages, im pretty sure they mean their human appearence, not their actually age as a wolf. they also had A bit about Zali's clothes, but im not planning on posting it, unless u would like to read it. if u would, let me know, and ill post it next time im on^^
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hooray for the new otaku!!! ^^
first of all, id like to say that i think this new version is really cool^^ i love it! second, ITS FRIDAY!!! ITS FINALLY FRIDAY!!^^
ok, dont yell at me for not puttin up WR facts the day before yesterday. i got kicked off, and yesterday, i didnt get a chance to get on. id like to say that i WILL hav FOUR WR facts up TODAY! i could do that now, but their in my room right now, and im too lazy to go get em.
we're goin shopping AGAIN tmrrw. i really dont feel like it, since we already went last weekend, but mom wants to get me a black poncho and purse to match my homecoming dress. the poncho, i have absolutely no problem with, cept i might not wear it at all after the dance. now...about the purse....i HATE purses. period. end of story. mom knows that for a fact, but i gotta get one neway -_-;
plus side!!! i can pool together all of my money and stop by Walden Books for Fruits Basket vol 4, and browse the shelf for Bleach vol 3, which comes out this month ^^ oh, speaking of manga, Princess Garnet FINALLY gave back Trigun vol 1. just finished it today after more than a month! (maybe two 00;) now shes reading Fruits Basket vol 3, which im going to try and get back on Mon, cuz 3 days is long enough to read a book of that size. the 'i didnt hav time' excuse is really starting to piss me off. darkgoddess13 and my friend Nessa can read it within ONE day, so i dont see why she cant finish over an entire weekend. 'sides, its MY book, and Kyo (fav char) is on the cover.
ok....this got a little too long, but u can just consider it compensation for the next day i dont post. o ya, and on Sun, mom and i are gonna see Shark Tale ^^
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
awkward silence. dot, dot, dot... lol!!
lol...ya, ive been doin that a lot lately. its just sorta random, or wenever im with friends and we split up to go to class, we're all silent and then leave. anyway.... i had no hw yesterday, yay^^...wait.. it doesnt matter anymore NOW, does it? *shrugs* watever. again, we've been shown no mercy in Mr. Fregetto's geometry class. bookwork AND a worksheet that has TWO sides. its all this confusing crap that we learned in algebra last year...for those of u who've had algebra, its all those different properties that they shove in our faces all at once. (reflexive property, substitutional property, transitional property...etc..) just sorta bored now, cuz i finished math a long time ago...and...theres nothing better to do still hav no idea wat the hell a moth would dream!! mom thinks these assignments are stupid, cuz it involves too much thinking! seriously! my MOM said it involves TOO MUCH THINKING!!!! thats REALLY surprising, coming from my not sure about anyone else, but it was a shocker for me. i cant help but agree with her though. u SHOULDNT need to THINK at all in an ART class!! correction that was (yesterday...?): LUNA moth, not LUNAR. its it makes a difference..watever.
i forgot WR facts last time, didnt i? naughty, naughty! well, im gonna put up todays and last times in a different post thingy...later^^
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Monday, September 27, 2004
i broke 600 visits today!! ^^ anyway.... the weekend was a nice break from school, even if it was a good week for me. wat i mean is that there's some1 in my 4th and 5th hours that i CANT STAND! ill address him by his last name (Garza), cuz i hav a friend who has the same first name. he bugs the hell outta me, and its not even on purpose!!! hes just that damn annoying! >< the tables in art are position two in a row facing each other, so our backs are to the aisle....ill give u ONE GUESS who i hav to face... -_-;;;;
i only have math hw, which is done, so ive been free the wwwhhhooooolllee day ^^ anyway, i was listening to Meteora a few hours ago, and i was still bored (once hw is out of the way, its very hard for me to entertain myself, unless i had planned on something) but then i saw a blank pad just sitting there on the foot...cushion..thingy... (watever its called) short story shorter, i drew a pic of Linkin Park that looks really cool, even if i did hav to do it from memory. im submitting it, so it should be up ^^
p.s. does anyone hav ANY idea wat a moth might dream? personally, i didnt even know bugs dreamed, let alone sleep... i dont know...maybe they dont, but watever. its this weeks sketchbook assignment. we hav to draw wat we think a moth might dream (actually, its a specific type of moth, but i forgot wat it was called.....lunar moth? it was something with lunar...lunar..something)
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
OMGOSH!!!!!!!!!!! ITS BACK!!
YAY!!!! MY SANO IS BACK!!! ^^ my blog is back now! ^^
ps. u guys got lucky! i put up SEVEN count 'em SEVEN WR facts! (u dont really hav to count...)
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Wolf's Rain Facts!!! ^^
ok, srry this is so late, i just got caught up in things. about that bookstore... yes, it is really nice, but its in Port Huron, which is about 45 minutes from where i live. not as close as u thought, now, is it? i think today, we'll learn about the Nobles! here are the facts:
Wolf's Rain Fact: Science and Alchemy- In this world, the Noble use an extraordinary science they call "alchemy." It's far more powerul than what we might consider "regular" science. This occult-like science can even be used for soul-summoning. Knowledge of it is passed down through generations of different families, and each family has an area of specialty. Lord Orkham seeks to possess the Darcia family secrets that allowed them to create the Flower Maidens. -Director Tensai Okamura (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Hamona- A beautiful lady who lies comatose in Darcia's castle, afflicted by an illness called the Paradise Sickness. Paradise is controlled by wolves, and when Darcia the First approached it, he and his entire family fell under the wolves' curse (which is why Darcia has a wolf's eye). The fact that Hamona is affected by the curse of Paradise is proof that she's a member of the Darcia family. She seems to be Darcia's cousin. (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Lord Orkham- A Noble who wants Cheza, he's the one who stole her from Darcia in the first place. No one knows what he's after, but it has something to do with hes research on Paradis. He comes under attack in Episode 11. (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Neze- Darcia's nanny looks young, but she's older than Darcia (who's lived for more than a hundred years already!). Darcia trusts her completely, and she's given the responsibility of protecting the castle while he tries to retrieve Cheza. In Episode 12 it becomes clear that she's not up to the task. She gets caught up in the chaos of Episode 14. (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Neze's Clothes- Her small body is enveloped in an exotic costume. The dark-colored riding skirt and narrow, pointy shoes make her look like a medieval sorceress. The inside of the dress is a different color from the outer layer, as you can see around her shoulders. What's up with the crystal ball? Some sort of mobile viewing device...? (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Darcia- This Noble scheming to acquire the Flower Maiden Cheza is actually Darcia the Third. The Darcia family is known to be more technologically advanced than the other Nobles-they created the Flower Maidens. Thus, he sees Cheza as a family posession. He feels he must reclaim her- apparantly so he can heal his beloved Hamona, who has fallen under the Paradise Sickness. When he captured Cheza in Episode 7, it should've been an easy escape, but he got distracted by Cheza and ended up getting shot down. (source: Newtype USA)
Wolf's Rain Fact: Darcia (Flashback Sequence)- This is the younger Darcia as seen during a flashback in Episode 7. "He looks like the princely figure in some romance manga from the '70s, doesn't he?" Okamura remarks. No one knows how many years ago the events of the flashback took place. Nobles live longer than ordinary humans, so it could have been more than 50 years ago. (source: Newtype USA)
well, i think thats enough for now, dont u think? just a few little notes: Neze is that woman in the black dress and wears her hair in two buns on top of her head. i barely remember her, cuz shes only at the beginning of the series, and i figured most other people hav also forgotten about her, so i added the bit about her clothes to help spark a memory. one other thing, flashback Darcia (most of you should remember) is wearing that purple shirt and has short, spikey hair. oh, and ignore the part about Hamona being Darcia's cousin. last Sat's episode proved that she wasnt. shes actually Lady Jaggara's sister.
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good day today ^^
more goodness this week! ^^ i had fun at the mall with my mom. we stopped by Walden Books,!!! theres this huge section along the wall labled Manga, and the selection is enormous! not to mention organized! ive never seen it so easy to find everything! they even had plushies there! there were plushie Kyos in his cat form, and they even had the black cat from Trigun!! they had a buy 3, 4th one free deal, but i couldnt, cuz i needed the money to buy Meteora (which i got, FINALLY, after waiting a whole WEEK! lol). but i had enough for one book AND the cd, so i got Fruits Basket vol 3 ^^
anyway, i got a nice black dress and matching black shoes, which also match my halloween costume ^^ (no more blue and white tennis shoes with a black costume^^) ok, now for the Wolf's Rain facts!!! i think ill put about 5, cuz i got distracted and forgot last night (this morning?)....
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