Wolf of Darkstar
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Sunday, February 22, 2004
just woke up. its about 10 am here. still tired(night person). my step dad is sick so im not sure if im going to church this morning. just for the heck of it, if you could have any weapon in the world(or if you already do and its the 1 you really want) what would it be? considering i said weapon that means 1. i would like a katana that could become a gunblade. that or just a gunblade(im refering to real life here). i will have 1(gunblade) made for me after i get a job.
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Saturday, February 21, 2004
![Saito]( Y0U 4R3 l-l4J1l\/l3 54170. (You are Hajime Saito.) You are a bad ass dude. You are a government police officer. You are a good guy in a way but you kill your enemies although they are evil. I guess it evens out a little. People have a hard time telling exactly what side your on i guess you cross the line so many times that its hard for any one to tell.
73l-l R0R0Ul\l1 l<3l\l5l-l1l\l 1337 QU1Z! brought to you by Quizilla
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![My inner child is sixteen years old today](
My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while adults might just accept that, I know something's gotta change. And it's gonna change, just as soon as I become an adult and get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child? brought to you by Quizilla
i act my age aparently. odd. my mom says i act like im 100(seriously she told me that).
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well i didnt spend all day in LA like i was origanally going to. my step dad got sick so some people had to stay home. i still went to my rugby game. my team won. the score was 20-5. i think we had a slight advantage. well anyway. thats about all i did today.
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Friday, February 20, 2004
well yesturdays post will be the las post ill be doing on the mind(just for alittle while{unless i cant think of anything}). im gonna be in LA all day tomarrow for a rugby game(im gonna play) so i doubt that ill be able to post anything then. sunday is gonna be kinda hecktick. and well today i have practice and when i get home the cpus will most likely be taken. by the way one thing ive noticed i seem toget more comments for mundain posts then for my intelectual 1s. whats up with that? o well just food for thought i guess.
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Thursday, February 19, 2004
ok first off can someone tell me what happend in Witch Hunter Robin last night? i missed it. ok now that i got that out of the way. the mind can do things without you knowing that its doing it. like seeing the future. i know you guys might think this is crazy but i will see the future in my dreams(when i have them{i dont care if you think its crazy because im crazy}). the brain is most likiely more powerful than anyone could expect. the people who can generally control most things with their mind are able to use more than 10% of it. thats impressive considering a vast majority of people can only use 10% of their brain. how much pain a person can take is controled by you mind. your sheer will. very useful in sports. your mind can also control you stanima. when your running because you have to you usually run out of energy(unless your being chased by someone with a guy) faster than when your playing a sport(or just having fun). if you think about your energy it will feel a lot more drained then it really is. plus you can make yourself way more tired then you really are by doing nothing.
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well im gonna post more stuff up on the mind later on today. i would now, but i cant for 2 reasons. reason 1: i need to do some reading for school(Huck Finn is such a dumb book). reason 2: i keep looseing myself in the explainations. you know how annoying that is? well ill try to post up more later today. if for some reason i cant(like homework{not likely i dont do it anyway}) ill post on it tomarrow. i hope i have it completely thought through when i do post it(i did this morning but my cpu was acting up). just so you know i confuse myself pretty often.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
More on the Mind
Mind Control. this could in fact be possible. actually i think people have done it before(its called psycology{probly spelt wrong}). its a matter of fooling the person into thinking something else. but thats not always true. in some cases its getting a person to relize something. but on with my point. the mind controls all you functions ing the body. did you know that there were in fact real pscics(also most likely spelt wrong)? well ill post up more later but i need to go to school in like 6 minutes.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
The Mind
the mind is an interesting thing. it controls all of your actions through a system of(well lets just call them) wires. it is very close to being a computer for the entire body. on a computer you can do dozens of things if you try hard enough or know what your doing. the same goes for the mind. have you ever heard the expression mind over matter? its the same principal. if you concentrate you can hear things from further away than you normally would. the same goes for sight(only not as much). you can control you body tempurature if you think about it. i mean ive gone around in the snow in just a t-shirt and jeans. well thats all im gonna mention for now. ill post more on this later. by the way Dark mercenary gave me the idea for this.
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Monday, February 16, 2004
today i have no school(presidents day). my step brother is over so computer usage will be a bit strange today. i need sleep. im a night person so i dont get much sleep except on weekends. how may of you guys are like that? well thats basically it for now. if you guys have anything you want me to post info on(that has something to do with mythology, games, or even physics{ya i like physics you got a problem with that?}) let me know.
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