wolf of mibu
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Monday, February 28, 2005
what the crap! i got 3 more site visits but NO FREAKIN COMMENTS!!! somebody please leave a comment before i go insane! other than that, im pretty good. man of the house was freakin funny! go see it! now. im not jokin. and anyways yesterday we had band practice and then i went to my cousins indoor soccer team and they played this girls team. the girls are in a boys league. anyways then we went to media play, and i was gonna get Knights of the Old Republic II, but it was like $50.00!!! so i was like fine! ill get the first one! see if i care! then i went home and cried! not really but the game is awesome i highly reccommend it! and then it was now! ^-^ well gotta run! sayonara!
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Saturday, February 26, 2005

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HOWDY! hope all of you are doing well! well tonight me and my girlfreind are going to see Man of the House. so that will be fun! and the boys Varsity lost last night 75-56. and thats their season. they will be much better next year with me!^-^ anyways thats all for now i will post later maybe! sayonara!
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Friday, February 25, 2005
hey!! how are all you guys? well hope you all are good. i dont know if i told you all this, but i had this awesome idea that there should be like a MyO convention, where all the members get together and whatnot. anyway today i emailed Adam about it, so i wait a response! im so excited!! man. anyways so the girls slaughtered Elmwood 47-19!!! good job!!! yeah so thats about it!!! well gotta run!! sayonara!
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
ok!! scores from the other nights basketball game that i forgot to post!!!! ok the 7th grade lost probly. and the 8th grade....(drum roll....please....) WON!!!!!!!! 33-31!!!! Congrats Ladies!!! keeep up the good work!! anyways tonight they are at the Royals of Elmwood. elmwood has a freakin huge school!! holy crap they got like 5 gyms that they rent out!!! not really but still! kelsey you know what im talkin about! well thats it!! sayonara!
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heeeeey folks! sorry i didnt update yesterday, kesley and josh p. kept on talking to me!! good one josh!! jk! anyways yesterday we went to the strom game(we're talkin hockey here) and they lost 6-2 to the Alaska Aces. it was so great when we scored cuz they played the HEY song and when you said hey! they went HEY! YOU SUCK! to the other team! it was so freakin awesome. except that we only scored twice. yeah we were so bad, they scored right off of a face off. it was terrible. anyways then i went to church and people kept on stealing my green boston celtics hat. then i had to go pummel them to get it back. then in church part it was same old same old. then after my sister thinks she is better at me than basketball. (now here is a little secret: im 5'9" and ive played competitive basketball for 3 years) so she decides to play me in PIG. the first time i beat her i didnt have a letter. then second time i was about to beat her we had to leave. she had PI i had nothing. ok well thats it gotta run! sayonara!!!
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
well today nothing much happened. i forgot to bring in "West Side Stroy" again. kelsey i will bring it tomorrow. anyways i had to present my project for science today. that didnt go to well becuz i suck at science becuz the teacher is stupid and i dont like her! i did it on titanium and i probly didnt get a good grade on it!^-^ but its ok cuz im not gonna be a 'science guy' like my grandpa. ok well thats about it!!! i will post stuff tomorrow. INCLUDING: the scores from the girls bball game. ok well going now! sayonara!
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Monday, February 21, 2005
HEY GUYS!!!!!^^
well hello again. hope you all didnt die over missing me!!! anyways castaway bay was freakin awesome!! and plus a few friends of mine were there as well!!! zack skees and kyle schimming!! ok well i just got back and im so freakin tired!!...holy crap. anyways HAPPY PREZIDENTS DAY!!!!!! ok well hope you all had fun missing school and whatnot!!! SAYONARA!
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
goin away
hey guys im goin away to Castaway Bay Cedar Pint till tommorow. try not to miss me too much!!^-^ sayonara!!
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
well hope you all had a nice saturday. unfortunatley mine started out bad due to my siter whistling upstairs at nine in the morning!! that wasnt cool. but then i had the entire house to myself for 5 hours. got my sicence project almost done so that is good. and then i was talking to evilinugirl, and i was the first person to YIM her!! YES!! and then i had to got to my dads fire station for a reverse raffle! i got past the 1st third of the raffle so maybe ill do good!! well thats all for now i am going! sayonara!
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