wolf of mibu
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Friday, February 18, 2005
tov mahove
"very good" thats how my day went today. sorry kelsey i couldnt make it to the game didnt have a ride. sorry to krissy to even though she probly wont read it. anyways i went with peter schutz to this thing called xtreme. its a youth cafe thing and it was pretty fun. and for dinner at the schutz's house we had Chinese. we had Wua-Meng or something like that and Fried Rice. it was pretty good, coming from a guy who doesnt like Chinese very much. anyways hope all of you had a good friday. tomorrow i gotta do my science project all HATE science.....maaaannnn. anyways im gonna go watch something or somethin... sayonara!!
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Thursday, February 17, 2005

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sorry bout that
sorry to the lady comets as they were defeated by the Golden Bears of Gibsonburg. or gibsontuckey as i call it. anyways sorry about your loss. it was a valiant battle though!^-^ ok well that is all sayonara!!!^_^
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
vash pic

just thought id put in a vash pic!!^-^
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well today at school there was 2 fights. one in 7th grade and one in 6th grade. i didnt see them though. anyways i dont know if i already told you this but things between me and my gf krissy are resolved. so that was good. we had catechism tonight at church and "Lenten Study". that was fun to cuz i got to talk to my friends from woodmore and josh pollard and jen pollard. his wife. anyways hope you all had a good day. seeya tomorrow i guess. sayonara!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
well today the only good thing that happened was that the girld won against elmwood. good job. anyways my girlfriend is mad at me for some reason. but i didnt do anything so we'll see how that turns out. my life used ti be going great and all of a sudden its takin a sudden drop. the only thing i look forward to are basketball games and even those are losing there touch. but there is one other thing but i cant say at the moment so... i guess i will leave now... sayonara
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Monday, February 14, 2005
ok sorry i havent updated, the site wont let me. it keeps giving me this bull crap that it cant do somethin or other. so anyways congrats to the 8th grade Genoa Lady Comets on another stunning win! Great Job Ladies!! other than that everythings been good. hope you all are well!!! sayonara!!
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
well sorry i couldnt update yesterday or two days ago or when ever the last time i updated was! the thing came up and said that myOtaku is not a registered site or some crap like that. *sigh* anyways...... today we gigged at church again.(for all you people who arent rock stars like me, gig is when you put on a show basically.) and that went pretty well. does anybody know where you can get Vash's sunglasses from Trigun? i just recently saw a pair and i said i gotta get some of these. but there like 135$$!!! ok so if anybody knows where you can get them cheaper please tell me!!!! ok and peter schutz came over after church and we were watching funny flash animations from and !!! they were lord of the rings spoofs and zelda spoofs!!! they were frickin hilarous!!!! ok well we got bible study thing on later on "dating" and God's rules for dating. ok well im off now!! sayonara!
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Friday, February 11, 2005
man i do not feel like updating today! im so beat. ok well i will go now. seeya tomorrow. sayonara
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
well yesterday you all know school was cancelled, so now we have to make a day up at the end of the year. but its ok. cuz we could get school cancelled twice more and still get out before anyone else!! well yesterday my girlfriend krissy came over and we watched spaceballs! that movie is so freakin funny its unbelievable. and then she left and we went to church. this is where i am going to put in my special message: *ahem* I HATE JOSH POLLARD! THAT GUY IS A FREAKIN MORON!! just jokin josh!!! hey those words i just said all started with the letter "J"! ok well we have a 2 hour delay today, so in a little bit i have to go take a shower! so i will depart now! sayonara!
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