wolf of mibu
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
today so far
hello! how are all your guys weekends going so far? ok enough about you npw about me!!! well at 1:00-1:30 i have to give this girl guitar lessons. so we'll see how that goes. well i was thinking about writing a FanFic on here but really i dont think its that good so i dont think i will. yesterday though i went over to my cousins house and we had pizza and that was good!^-^ and then i came home and had a really weird dream about disneyworld and track and death and lord of the rings! those four put together! man that was weird... mustve been the water! well ive gotta go so seeya guys later!
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Friday, January 28, 2005
past few days
well yesterday girls basketball lost by 26-23. and 7th grade lost 12-13. and Rachel got an Intentional foul! so all day today i was makin fun of her! and today at school we had a dance! but it was kinda boring! and then i came home and did some crap. and then im on here writing this!!! well HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!
ok.... well im gonna go eat something or whatever....
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
well yesterday at school nothing much happened. except for lunch we had taco burrito. then i got off the bus and beat my friend at super smash bros. melee. like 4 or 5 times! and then i went to go visit my grandpa in the hospital. he had surgery on his bladder. because like 3 months ago or so he had a hip replacement. and apparently they gave him too much epidermal or whatever. so now he cant "do his business" reguralary he had to have a cathider. but hopefully the surgery makes him able to urinate reguraly now... and then i went to the JV and Varsity games. you'll never believe what happened. they both won!!!! its a amazing!! the JV was like by 5 points and the Varsity was 76-65. they beat Lakota, which isnt really saying a whole lot... but Lakota definitley has the coolest jerseys. ok well i gotta go to school now. and MajesticWolf, i looked up the spelling as sayonara as well. it appears i have made a mistake. ok well im leaving now so
SAYONARA with an A!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Girls vs. Gibsonburg
The Genoa 8th Grade Lady Comets lost to Gibsonburg yesterday in a valiant fight. the final sore was 19-24. well thats the only interesting thing that happened yesterday... and that i had a really weird dream last night. ill explain later cuz i havta leave for school about now! hope you had a good day yesterday!
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Monday, January 24, 2005
Good luck Ladies!!!
Good luck to the Genoa 8th Grade Lady Comets as they take on the Gibsonburg Goldeb Bears. Kelsey when you get back and update come leave a comment so i know the score and whatnot! well other than that im off to somewhere else!!!
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back to school......
NO!!!! we have to back to school! the weekends over and now they send us back to the torture chamber! and i am so.....freakin.....tired..... well gotta go to school bye!
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Sunday, January 23, 2005
the day of sunday
well today is sunday and i havent posted yet. but i got my new theme all done. its zelda. if you couldnt tell! ok well at church today my friend peter schutz got duct taped to the wall cuz hes goin to africa this summer for a mission trip! so he did that to raise money! and then he got down and took all the duct tape and made a giant tape ball! it was heavy too! for duct tape. and then i was watchin lord of the rings the two towers today too. and thats about it! well as soon as my dad gets home im gonna eat! hope you all had a wondeful weekend! cuz schools tomorrow!.....grrr.... well thats that.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
past few days or whatever
well sorry i havent posted for a while, ive been downloading a whole bunch of zelda emus. stuff. like songs and crap like that. hopefully soon im gonna change the theme to zelda for a while. i dont know i just picked up on it again and whatnot. well yesterday me and krissy my gf went to see are we there yet. if you see it you will walk out thinking that you wasted 8 dollars. well i just got back from my cousins bday party he turned 9. so that was fun. oh yeah and my dads work had a bowling party at southwyck alley place. and there was this girl there i was talking to and she was pretty nice and we had alot in common. well im gona go now... seyonara
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
well today(technically tonight...whatever) at my church on wedmesday for catechism it was soooo funny. allright theres this girl colleen. and shes pretty dumb! anyways we were talking about debtors:
Colleen:Is debt an English word?
Me:Baka what are you talking about?
Colleen: You know in the dictionarys how it says where the word comes from?
Eveybody in the room: NO!!!
Colleen:I'm so unloved.T_T
Me:Yeah I know...specially by me!
Everybody in the room:(laughter)
so it was dumb! and in the actual chruch service its real short but none of the good singers were there and i was singing and katie colleens sister goes sing louder and i was like sing and she said no. ok well my mom is yelling something fierce so im gonna go! seyonara
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Which Shinsengumi Character are YOU?
 Your are Hajime Saito, arguably the strongest member of the Shinsengumi! You were the third captain of the troop and lived long after the Shinsengumi was disbanded. You were kinda strange though, and you did die from drinking too much. "One sake, two sake, three sake..." *floor*
Which Shinsengumi Character are YOU? brought to you by Quizilla
i tried not to get him... but i guess we're too much alike. seyonara
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