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• 1990-10-09
• Middle of Nowhere, MS
Member Since
• 2006-04-27
• College Sudent, Ninja, Pizza Girl, Cashier
Real Name
• Jean
• Made it to college!
Anime Fan Since
• Since I was verrrry little.
Favorite Anime
• Naruto, Bleach, D.Gray-man, Gintama, Fullmetal Alchemist, Darker than Black, Soul Eater
• Get a degree in Lingustics, teach in korea for maybe 5 years, then move to Japan and teach there.
• XBOX LIVE! Gaming, Daydreaming, chores, work, observing, plotting
• Video Gaming...
| wolf of sorrow
Friday, April 11, 2008
The Weekend!
Listening to:
Resonance -- T.M. Revolution
(Soul Eater Opening 1)

Gah, the good computer is deciding to be a bitch with me. I finally got the chance to comment Angel Zakuro's post, and I made a long comment, but of course my computer froze when I hit the "Add Comment" button! Grrr. Then I tried to get on anit4e's site and it froze again, so I got on my computer.
Anyway, school was long! And the week is finally over! Today was a hasle in itself. All the idiots decided to wear cowboy boots and shorts to school since the superindents of the school board were coming to evaluate our school. Tsk, the morons.
And today was National Pray day, so there was a "Pray" assembly during break that I was dreading. I was able to catch the principal before breakfast and leave the library open for me and my brother. So, I had the great opportunity of starting my History paper during the assembly. I'm proud of myself. Now I have to do some internet research before the due date next Friday.
Let's see... did you hear how Adam gets to interview T.M.Revolution? I'm soooo jealous! He's my freakin idol! I'm trying to come up with a question that I can ask. Personally, it's probably going to be about how there are barely any otakus in this region, and how he would spread ..."anime awareness" in my region.
Uh-oh, tornado sirens are going off. Theres a big storm about to hit us, but it looks decent outside.
Hm, well thats all. I'll try to comment with this computer of mine!
Shit, sirens are going off again. Darn, this tornado may be a little closer than I expected.

Demotivator of the Day:
"Until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore, you will not know the terror of being forever lost at sea."
I'm keeping up this episode up for a little while. I like to rewatch the greatness of this show.
Soul Eater episode 1
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