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Middle of Nowhere, MS
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College Sudent, Ninja, Pizza Girl, Cashier
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Made it to college!
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Since I was verrrry little.
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Naruto, Bleach, D.Gray-man, Gintama, Fullmetal Alchemist, Darker than Black, Soul Eater
Get a degree in Lingustics, teach in korea for maybe 5 years, then move to Japan and teach there.
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| wolf of sorrow
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pushovers Can Be the Scariest People
Listening to:
My Neighbor Totoro Theme (English) -- Joe Hisaishi
#183 on playlist
Time: 1:10 PM
Woots, my relationship has been fixed!
Anyways, today was okay, but the awesomest thing happened in PE. (Long story approaching) But you have this 7th grade girl who keeps keep getting picked on by this 10th grade girl. They're both the same height, about 5'2" small. But the 10th grade girl has a smaaaart mouth on her, and she grew up with some bad group of black kids, so you can get how she talks. Everybody was just plain annoyed of her, even the skateboarder punks asked me why I haven't kocked her out yet... the 7th grade girl is a quiet person who doesn't cause any trouble.
I'm on the quiet girl's team, she's up to bat, and the mean girl says something I didn't hear. Then that 7th grader said something back to her, couldn't understand, but all I heard was the b word tagged at the end. She put some heavy emphasis on it too. The brat walks off the field to go fight her but the skateboarders stood in between them and told her off. Heh, never seen that before.
Then the coach came out and sent her up to the office because she started yelling at him! While they were argueing, one of the skateboarders told everyone to say that we didn't hear her say the b word. I was laughing so much. I swear that girl deserved it. Ahhh revenge is so nice sometimes.
But sadly the other girl got written up too, which is b/s! Our school keeps writing up people who stick up for themselves or when they're self denfending. Thats wrong... if they weren't doing that... I would get in a fight or two, lol. But I don't want to lose my exam exemption privelages so I don't fight. Drats.
So thats all for me... guess I'll go take a nap, eat ramen...
Time End -- 1:29 PM
Song End -- Hikari no Rock -- Sambomaster
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