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VA Beach
Member Since
your mom.
Real Name
Lexi Andrews
Anime Fan Since
4 years old :3
Favorite Anime
Blood+, Samurai Shamploo, Avatar, CHibi Vampire, Mamotte! Lollipop, Shugo Chara, Kingdom Hearts, Death Note, Naruto. Bleach, InuYasha, Pokemon, and Digimon
to become a Mangaka
drawing, singing, and hanging out with my friends.
Just call me Lexi, okay?
my current obsession: Organization XIII
if you draw me a picture of Marluxia, Demyx, Larxene, Zexion, Roxas, and/or Axel, I will love you forever.

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Spring Breaaaaak
so my spring break was fan freaking tastic. i hung out with my gay friend the entire time, and i loved it. we ran around like hooligans and messed with my mom when she was working, and then we messed around with the guy i like. i thought it was funny. but, alas, i am back in school now, and i actaully have a project due tomorrow that i have not done because i've been drawing. uh - oh, i think i might be in trouble D:
oh well.
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Saturday, March 1, 2008
Oh wow, It's been a while, hasn't it?
sorry i havent updated since... well, before christmas
but i was grounded for a loooooooong time
because i wasnt doing so great in geometry.
but! never the less!
im passing with a C right now!
cheeeeeeers for me!
im so proud of myself.
i hate math, and i just dont get any of it. all my other classes i excell in, but i just really dont like any type of math. for real.
anyways, i finally got a tablet, and, if you look at my fanart, you can see ive been using it like crazy.
it's amazing
i actually drew a picture yesterday that i just keep looking at going...
"damn... i really drew that?"
haaaaaaaaaa its amazing.
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Friday, December 14, 2007
This is gheeeeeey.
My site is temperaroly closed for renovation right now, so you can PM me if you have any questions or comments on this.
i was mugged yesterday at 6 pm.
who muggs someone at 6??
i mean, really.
and this is the story:
well, kamen, sam, and james were with me, but it was me who was the victim. if trish hasnt already told you, we were mugged coming home from target. i had just gotten her "John Tucker Must Die" for christmas, because i thought that was a funny movie. well, this big group of black people(one girl) came over, ripped my bag out of my hands, and started frisking kamen and james. one of them demanded sam to empty his pockets, then they turned to me and were about to frisk me, too, but you know me. i jumped back and told them not to touch me or i'd bite them. so they started cursing me out, stupid slang remarks, and i just didnt want to hear them anymore. so my brilliant plan was to kick him in the shin/knee area and run. yea, he didn't fall. instead he back handed me on teh left side of my face. yea, ouch. im gonna have a bruise there tomorrow. but anyways, i started walking away after that. one of them followed me, asking if they could please have my mp3 player. i said no about ten times when he turned around and made this noise like a strangled chicken or something. opportunity struck again, i saw someone walking down the street towards us, so i did the only other thing i could think of.
i screamed.
at the top of my lungs.
maaaaaaan you shoulda seen them run.
my daddie is proud of me though.
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