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VA Beach
Member Since
your mom.
Real Name
Lexi Andrews
Anime Fan Since
4 years old :3
Favorite Anime
Blood+, Samurai Shamploo, Avatar, CHibi Vampire, Mamotte! Lollipop, Shugo Chara, Kingdom Hearts, Death Note, Naruto. Bleach, InuYasha, Pokemon, and Digimon
to become a Mangaka
drawing, singing, and hanging out with my friends.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
School is...
Okay, I guess. My classes are WAAAAAAAY too far apart, and it's really retarded how the school is set up. ugh. my lunch is the last thing of the day, and before that study hall, which i dont need but go to anyways. thats the class i doodle in.
and because i dont eat lunch, i just dont see why i cant get an early release. it's really stupid that only the seniors can get that.
but anyways, im thinking of holding a contest.... but im not sure yet. hmmm...
any ideas?
im flushed out pretty much.
Requests: Open
Art Trades: Open
PM me for either, please!
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Monday, September 3, 2007
last day of summer is almost gone.
butyea... im kinda hungry, but not really.
haha Austin Powers is playing behind me. it's funny heheheheheeeeee. mmmmm i think that's all for now, tho.
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
Oh snap.
Only three more days until the torturous schooling and the waking up inhumanly early begins. uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. i really dont want to go, but i really do want to go. i havent been out of my house to actually do something provacative in sooooooo long. almost half the summer. it suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks yo. a whole half of a summer, gone and wasted on the computer and watching countless episodes of digimon. dammit. i should find a better hobby than drawing and singing all the time, huh? well... maybe tomorrow [[well, today actually since it is 2:35 am]] i'll try to talk my brother into walking with me to the seven 11 to get slushies and caaaaaaandaaaah. cos my little brother is pretty cool like that. most days, when he isnt one - upping me in my damn video games like he was yesterday. long story short, he beat kingdom hearts in 2 days while it took my like 3 weeks.
sometimes it sucks to have siblings. and next year he's going to MY school, damn. that's gonna be torture right there. well anyways, new picture. its edward and bella from new moon. i really like it, even though its a sad part of the story. go check it out. its pretty kick - ass.
damn, i didnt intend to have this post this long... sorrry!
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
school starts in less than a week
and im still waking up at 2 in the afternoon
this is
really gonna suck for me
cos i have to get up
a half an hour earlier to get to this damn place
and stay awake
this suuuuucks!
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
I'm Going...
School shopping today.
not really
but i am looking forward into getting new clothes
and maybe even a new sketchbook.
speaking of which, new picture!
i drew it on vacation and i got really bored.
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Monday, August 20, 2007
So i was watching the Naruto Huundo crap today because my brother was watching it and i didnt feel like getting up, and i was actually paying more attention to the commercials than i was the actual show that was on, i was thinking, and something caught my eye:
"Coming this November, Ben 10, the Movie."
-inserts dramatic opera music here-
and my face, oh so carefully composed, was like:
D: - WTF?
then, after like, 5 minutes: [[seriously, it shocked me that much]]
xD - OMG.
because seriously, how much lamer can you really get?
i mean, there's the fantastic four, which is probably where the fire guy is going to come from, then all the other retarded Marvel Comics that have been made into movies.
that is just so lame.
and im ranting again... dammit.
oh well.
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Ok so.
im reading Twilight again, and the book is making sense now. like, i knew what happened in it, but i didnt really know why. but, rereading it now, its making loads of sense.
just thought i should tell you all that.
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
not too much to say today, im just listening to music at 4:15 in teh morning because im just such an awesome kid like that. and im trying not to wake up my little brother, who is sleeping on the couch.
but i totally should go wake him up.
but then he would wake me up later today, probably right after i decided to say "Hey, I'm tired." and go to sleep.
because he does that.
and it's really annoying.
i should get a lock for my door, huh?
oh well.
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
ok so im just sitting here submitting some of my old artwork that i just love, right? well, my brother is playing zelda about 5 feet away from me and he's trying to swim upstream or something.
ok, so you guys probably dont know about this girl named Mariah, well, we call her a whale because she hates us [[my brother, my best friend, and me]] for no reason at all and she used to be one of my really good friends.
well yea, we call her a whale. dont ask why, it just kinda happened.
So im just sitting here, typing away, when he yells "SWIM! SWIM LIKE YOUR NAME IS MARIAH AND ALL YOU DO IS SWIM FOR A LIVING!!!!"
so i hit my head on the keyboard i was laughing so hard.
but it deleted what i was typing.
so i had to type it again. lol.
well, i was originally typing this to inform of two new comic thingies, well, old really but new to here, and a new to myotaku picture i drew.
but then my brother went and said that so i decided to inform you all of that.

My brother, Kamen, my BF, Karen, and yours truley.
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Sunday, August 12, 2007
I wish i had my twilight book from Juliifishii right now, because i could really use it. i'm stuck googling the cullens's looks and well i just screwed Jasper over with his hair.
on the plus side, to apologize for theiving my book for so long, she's doing a picture of Edward and Bella for me. because i cant really draw edward.
so ill be sure to put it up here when i get it!
[[if i get it - she borrows things and forgets she has them for a very long time]]
on another account, Virginia Beach sucks. if anyone lives here, or near here, please please please help me get out of this HOUSE. im so used to being out and about all the time, so this is killing me!
ohwell. comment my new pictures please&&thankyou!
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