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myOtaku.com: wolfangel04

Thursday, August 9, 2007

   The storytime of my life for the past 4 days!!
ok so once upon a time, there was this camera who was stolen by the evil Frankie Pammaskah. but the LexiMONSTER went and retreived it from the evil villianess's pet dragon, Jody. and her little children of dooooom, that of which the LexiMONSTER could not eat. LexiMONSTER fought valliantly and got her camera back, so she wouldnt get yelled at by the dreaded Dennis Andrews. AKA her father. so she went home, to Vagina, i mean, Virginia Beach and played Kingdom Hearts for a while. she got bored with that cos Kingdom Hearts is a cheating game and the LexiMONSTER is stuck in Neverland and Atlantica. Weeeeeeeeeeeeell, she got this super-awesome book that the ever-smiley Patricia Andrews, AKA Trish, took her to Barnes and Nobles to get. Well, the LexiMONSTER went around the said bookstore aimlessly looking for this one book, Eclipse, so that she could read it. she missed the big stand ENTIRELY and then went back and found it after a rather mean-looking old person pointed it out. so she got the book, 600 some odd pages, and finished reading it the very next morning. she soon grew bored of Kingdom Hearts again, and remembered the camera who lay untouched in a bag since she had gotten home. so she took out the camera and began taking pictures,

the point of this story??
that's simple,

A - Kingdom Hearts is a cheating game that I cannot seem to get.
B - I got Eclipse.
C - I finished Eclipse and now eagarly await the new book that doesnt come out until next septmeber [[NOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE AGONY!]]

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