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• 1992-10-10
• VA Beach
Member Since
• 2007-07-12
• your mom.
Real Name
• Lexi Andrews
• uhm...
Anime Fan Since
• 4 years old :3
Favorite Anime
• Blood+, Samurai Shamploo, Avatar, CHibi Vampire, Mamotte! Lollipop, Shugo Chara, Kingdom Hearts, Death Note, Naruto. Bleach, InuYasha, Pokemon, and Digimon
• to become a Mangaka
• drawing, singing, and hanging out with my friends.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy and paste this onto your site.
92% of all teenagers have moved to rap music. If you're one of the 8% who's stuck with rock, copy and paste this onto your site.
ok anyways, the only reason why im able to put this up here is because i have a stupid orthodontist appointment today. i mean, i know some people look really great in braces.
im not one of them.
uggggggh. i have to wear these stupid rubber bands and its all just really retarded. i mean, i didnt even think i needed braces! but nooooooo.
my dad has to go out and make me and my brother get braces.
mmmm joy.
but anyways, im having a halloween party! yay party! and it's gonna be shweeeet. 3 of my best friens are supposed to come up and visit me and be all like "Omg its a halloween party!" and help me set up and everything. 2 of the three can cook, which is good because i cant. and neither can the other one. we just play DDR till theyre done with everything so we can eat.
cos we're just so great. but yea, if i dont update in a while, then that's probably why. im getting ready for my super-awesome deluxe partayyyy!
im gonna be Alice in Wonderland
my friends:
Jacquie: malice in horrorland (xD)
Karen: Queen of Hearts
Eric: Straight Teenager (yea he's gay but i lurves him)
Chelsea: Tobi (naruto)
Letivia: March Hare
EJ: i have no idea.
Kamen(brother): Mad Hatter
what are you gonna be?
and are you gonna go trick or treating?
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