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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Whoa. Back from the dead. o_o
Somehow I managed to have a full week off from school and not post. That's wierd. Well actually it's not, I'm not good a keeping these kind of things up. @_@ >.< Youtube is being mean to me and deleting all the videos that I have favorited so instead of listening to Linkin Park (which I've recently gotten into via Xuai and Jikan) I'm watching that strange banana dance to the Peanut Butter Jelly song. o_O I'm so happy. Yesterday we had our last normal race which was a relay and somehow my team, consisting of our teams' worst skiers (we've all agreed on this), came in 12th. o_O (the banana just changed colors) And on Thursday, I get to skip school and go all day to another race which I most likely won't have to race in. w00t! ^_^ That makes me happy. (This banana is really scary) okay. I could ramble way more than this but I'm stupid and still have to finish my Science Fair term paper. @_@ Wish me luck. ~Wolfy
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
First of all, Gwaff= what my towel Mobert says. Yes I do have a towel which is just like a stuffed animal. -_-'' Don't ask I can do wierd things. So first off we had a beautiful two hour delay. The only way it could've been better would be if it was another day off. 'Cause Jikan and I, of course, have done pretty much nothing on a project that's due tomorrow. (Bedouin's again. Go and Hug 'em! ^_^) My band teacher is awesome, although he wasn't there today. He does some of the wierdest things. During first semester, we were all given names out of movies and now we're all ranks in the military (I'm a corporal ^_^ Not very good but this is still my first year.) But if you came into our class you'd probably see at least one person standing on a chair or skipping around the room. And on skiing- I've been choosen as our alternative skate state racer. I still suck pretty badly -_-'' but oh well. I may or may not have mentioned my horrible beyond horrible race but I'm proud to say that I didn't get last place. o_O Who knows how I managed that. geh. x_x I gotta go work on Jikan and I's project.
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
We've got a snow day. Which rocks but I'm getting sick and that kinda sucks. But oh well. I main part of the 'ugh' is that I need to post on my role-playing site which means a series of detailed very long posts to read and write. Something I do not look forwards to but have a lot of fun doing anyways.
I finally got Trillian to work. The stupid thing didn't like my old AIM screennames so I had to make a new one, which was annoying. But they have tons of awesome emoticons. ^_^
Gah. I've gotta get started on all my snow day activites. Role-playing, Runescape, possibly Endless Online, trying to get my TV to tape Trigun and getting my stupid scanner to scan. Man, I've got my work cut out for me.
First some questions though-
1. Is Valentine's Day spelled with the apostraphe(sp?) before the s or after it?
2. Do you play Runescape?
Well. Everyone have a Happy Valentine's Day!
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Geh. x_x My brain is going to explode.
We'd better have a snow day tomorrow, it says we should have one. Anyways- Someday I'll redo my layout so that it'll actually stay alive. That might not be possible though. o_O I'm actually getting gb signs. Wasn't expecting that but 'tis fun. Another site on my everyday list. wow. I'm kinda tierd right now. But I'm having an emoticon war and role-playing. So confusing. Well, someday I might do a conventional post but not tonight. Tis far to late by Wolfy's time. Again- GIVE US A SNOW DAY!
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Monday, February 12, 2007
Geh. X_X In ze library at school and not supposed to be here. hehe. I'm sneaking it in anyways because I haven't written here in a long time. Well- I pretty much came up in dead last in last Saturday's race. That kinda sucked. Right now- Jikan and I are working on a geography project. It's on the Bedouin's of Arabia. If you've never heard of them go look them up now. THEY ROCK! w00t *hugs them* I was going to say something important/interesting but I forgot. (go figure -_-'') Jikan just said that the words 'avacado' and 'lawyer' were the same thing in French. I wouldn't know (spanish speaker w00t!) but it must be nice in France to be defended in court by vegetable(?) or fruit(o_O) or is it a noodle?. I'm trying to start ~MD~, my bankotsu FF. @_@ We'll see if that survives long enough to actually get put up. ~Wolfy
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
My friend's computer is running out of juice so this is just a quiz I took. Got it from Inulvr61998.
| You scored as Water. People who score water are usually very docyle, and can be shy. They like calm environments and hate arguments. They\'re often very calm and make good friends. Nothing seems to touch them, sliding off of them like water. They are usually smiling, or are thinking deeply. Laid back, and yet very deep, these people will do good in the job industry! Please Tell me what you think! Negative feedback VERY welcome! Tell me how to fix it! :)

Water | | 63% | Earth | | 63% | Darkness | | 56% | Fire | | 44% | Air | | 44% | Ice | | 44% | Light | | 31% |
What Element Are You? (BOY+GIRL ANIME PICS & DETAILED ANSWERS) created with QuizFarm.com |
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Can't say much besides that somehow I've survived the doom of headache day(which today has been dubbed), passed in a comic for a homework assignment and managed to live through the race, which I almost didn't. In other news- nothing.

What Ouran Host Club Host Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
My computer is out to get me-
I know it is. *twitchy eye* It has officially stopped loading videos for the night (something that it just randomly does every day) and I was right in the middle of the last part of the last episode of Ouran High School Host Club. And so- considering that we have a nordic race tomorrow on a downhill ski slope, I'll be lucky if I live to see finish it. GAH! Darn you Jikan for addicting me to this- 'cause I haven't watched Eureka 7, Bleach or Trinity Blood yet. -_-'' Now I'm gonna have to distribute them through out the week. gar. *gnaws on string*
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Friday, January 19, 2007
I have....no idea what these emoticons mean. x.x
But on the plus side from that- My new flatworms came in (for me science fair, w00t flat!), Jikan showed me Ouran High School Host Club(< awesome anime which I'm watching right now) and I got T.M.R.! ^_^ YAY! Well I've actually figured out some basic stuff about this 'other half of the site' that I've so recently discover (*coughemikocough*) and plenty of blabber is sure to follow. Not much to put this time 'round but oh beware. ~Wolfy
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