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Sporks, Washington
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A Particularly Good Finder
Real Name
Great stick figure drawer of doom, creator of the hallpass stories, occasionally a writer of stories and a world champion shovel hucker.
Anime Fan Since
eh. Started sometime in the Pre-cambrian or so.
Favorite Anime
Wolf's Rain, the Wallflower, many others (I read a LOT of manga)
To one day rule the land of toast
Anime, writing, stick figure comics, driving people insane, role-playing, ect.
I can win a stick figure off against a cowboy
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/14/07:
OMG! I love Golden Sun. T_T Haven't had much time to play it though.
Result Posted on 02/14/07:
Result Posted on 02/14/07:
haha. Haru-kun.
Fruits Basket - The Sohma's Thoughts and Feelings On You (Very Detailed Answers)
Result 2  Yuki: Doesn't really know very much about you, although he would like to, to be able to judge so soon. From what he sees so far, he feels somewhat uneasy around you, like you're spying on him from behind that beautiful dreamy gaze. Not that he doesn't trust you, but he doesn't like it when people seem/ as though they know more about him than even he does. But he thinks you're very beautiful, and thinks it would be wonderful if you could open up to him a bit more.
Kyo: Deep down, he is completely drawn to you. Your exactly like the ripples of water that a cat could sit staring and musing over all day. Although he doesn't do that with you (obviously heh heh) he still can't seem to get his head around you. The way you look at him. The way you smile so softly. The way your voice has that whisper to it. There's something so magical about you that he can't put his finger on. But he doesn't really want to get close to you as a friend before you can open up to him. He doesn't trust easily, just as he assumes you don't either. Who will go first, hm?
Shigure: Can't help but be completely mesmerised by you. He gets all excited when you walk into the room in hope that he'll find something else out about you. You're like this huge puzzle that everyone's trying to solve, and good old Shigure is just the most enthusiastic about it. He feels terribly calm around you, however, which is in huge contrast to the way he feels when you enter the room. But after, he settles so quickly... it's strange.
Hatori:In a way, feel likes he understands you. He can tell that you are very wise, experience and mature for your age, and yet he can also sense all the huge gaps and holes in your heart from where you have been hurt through all those experiences. He thinks that Yuki and Kyo aren't the only two who could do with some company, and healing. Ayame: Is slightly confused by you... but nonetheless, would love to take you to his dress shop -- maybe even with Yuki! Although you're a quiet, mysterious little thing, he can see when a girl has a promising figure.
Hatsuharu (Haru): Wow, is it hot in there, or is it just you and Haru? Yeah, you and Haru! Well, Haru mostly. He seems to be the only person you open up around, and wow, does he like what he sees. Everything about you just makes him go crazy, and he's always trying to find a way to make you laugh. Despite how quiet you are, he thinks your laugh is like an Angel's. He's very protective over you.
Momiji: Doesn't really understand you... simple as. He doesn't get you. He understood Kisa because she was little, and he knew why she wouldn't talk, but you... you just confuse him. He doesn't know anything about you, and that's as much as it's going to get. He always tries to speak to you, though, and bring you out of your shell.
Kagura: Mostly just acts her normal self around you. She hardly notices you because she's too busy following and obsessing over Kyo, but when she does, she kind of treats you with amusement. She likes to poke at you with odd questions, but all of it is done with the best intentions, of course. Just innocent curiosity.
Kisa: Stares at you a lot. She seems to like your eyes, for some reason. Whenever you're around her, she just watches you innocently. As though she knows what's going on with you, but doesn't really know what to think of you.
Hiro: Makes fun of you a lot, but often gets smacked by Yuki or Hatori. He watches you a lot and purposely tries to annoy you, but then he retreats when you give him one of your own icy stares. He sees that there's a hell of a lot to you, but you hardly let any of it out.
Ristu: Feels that you are so quiet and withdrawn around her because she's just so... Ritsuish. Ritsu (as he does) uses your aura of secrecy to blame himself for behind who he is. He thinks you just don't like him. What a shame.
Akito: Finds you nothing but something to chuckle at. How could someone like you be a threat to his control over the Sohma family? Your just a screwed up, boring little girl, so he thinks. Why should he bother with you? He'll let you stick around, until he gets too bored with you...
Sorry if you didn't like your result, but please appreciate the effort I put into this whole quiz.
Happy quizilling,
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Result Posted on 02/14/07:
Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs)
Result Posted on 02/14/07:
Whoa. o_O Wierd. But it's got Kiba on it. ^_^
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
Result Posted on 02/14/07:
YAY EIN! I haven't watched CB in such a long time. ^_^
Result Posted on 02/14/07:
o_O Everybody loves me? That's scary.
What personality do you have? (with anime pics)