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Quiz Results
i'm outside of your window... with my radio (MN)
Member Since
otaku, alchemist, ninja, wolf, student
Real Name
well... i've gotten three of my fan arts featured, if thats an acheivement..... hehe
Anime Fan Since
... since i watched princess mononoke... i think i was 9...
Favorite Anime
FMA, wolf's rain, princess mononoke, naruto, inu yasha, Trigun, Neon Genisis Evangelion, Cowboy bebop, Eureka 7, Samurai Champloo, FLCL, Bleach, Trinity Blood, Love Hina, Chobits....
to make an AMV as good as "whisper of the beast" work in anime, ya know, stuff like that...
drawing anime... (please go check out mah drawings!! >_<), listening to music, watching AMVs, other shtuff
drawing anime... acting....
Hello! I am Nori-chan... welcome to my site! i hope that you willl look around and sign my guestbook, and maybe become my freind, if you see it fit... i love making new friends! also, please go check out my fan art! i value your opinions...

Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hello, Old Friends.
Well... I haven't been back to this site in a looong time. It's strange... Haha. I'm not returning... rather, I'm just here to say hello and goodbye to old friends. Y'know, this old site used to mean a lot to me, now, what with high school, and the strange group of freinds that I've happened to aquire since I last posted here, I jsut haven't had much time at all. I don't expect that many people will stop by to read this, but, if you do, and I knew you before I left... Thank you for reading my posts, and being a friend to me, even though we never met, and likely never will.
Well, as to my life now, I have a group of misfit friends, we call ourselves The Seven. Recently, I can be thanked for turning them all into diehard FMA fans. (^^) So, yay me? Haha, now we all have names of the seveb homonculous. It's pretty great. Also, my silly boyfriend got me the FMA State Alchemist's pocket watch! (oO) It's very pretty. I love it (^^) Hehe.
Well, thats all for... well, I don't know how lone. But, I will miss you all, and still remember fondly all of you.
Ps. If anyone here happens to be on (adorable site...) Well, my user name is Cheza Calanthe, if you'd like to add me.
Take care!
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Saturday, October 28, 2006
heelo all! i hope everyone had a great week! mine was alright i suppose...
ooooh on wednsday in youthgroup, we played this game called bigger and better. we started off with a penny, went door to door and asked poeple if they had anything bigger and better then a penny, and then you just keep trading up.
my group went from a penny to a vaccum to a COUCH! we carried that couch for damn near two blocks, then we called for back up and got a roller thing, and pushed it for about 3 more blocks! it was soo.... heavy. T.T
aah yesterday i went to my friend Ari-chan's house, and spent the night. we painted her room! it was fun... she has chickens and they do frighten me.
hm other than that, not much else has happened.
*HUGS* have a good day, my friends, and im very sorry i havent been able to get to all your sites!! i'm very busy latley, bacuase its the end of the quarter and we're being piled with homework... *sigh*
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