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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Yay!!!!Love Bites - Chapter 1!(plus intro)
Love Bites...
I never thought my life was interesting.I was a...'semi-normal' goth girl living in 'Prep-Town'.I was always a social outcast in a world of fashionistas and jocks.I had a fashion obsessed mother, my father was a photographer for Time Magazine.I had a popular and way preppy sister, Nicole, and a skate rat brother, David, and a two rats, Halo and Blaine.
I had a completely normal life.Boring,sheltered, and safe.Untill the day that Alexander Ethreal stumbled into my life and my world flew out of control.
RIIIIIIIIIIIIIING! I jolted awake, and quikly looked at the clock.2:55.Wonderful...One more hour of pure boredom.I stretched my arms and slowly stood, still slugish from my nap.I always slept through the last half-hour of History with Mr. Grate.He liked to end the class with one of the hundreds of encouraging speeches he wrote about preparing for our futures and all that crap.Gathering my books and black messenger bag and headed out into the rush that was the hallway.
Everyone always rushed to their last period in the haste to get out of school.My nap had been a little longer than usual so I was probably going to be late.This day just keeps getting better and better...I went along with the crowd, being jostled and shoved untill I saw my locker.Then I waited untill I saw an opening in the crowd and lunged for it.BANG! I hit my locker door with more force than I'd intended.Groaning, I rubbed my forehead where I'd hit and glared ferociosly at the people who'd laughed.I opened my locker and threw in my books.I had art next hour so I only needed my bag.I slung it over my shoulder, grimicing as I felt the wieght of the homework I would be doing this weeked.I turned around and jumped out of the way just in time.BANG!
"My head..."groaned my unexpected visitor.The lockers around mine were all empty.It was soooo uncool to be hanging around with the crazy goth girl.
"Um...Are you alright?"He looked up at me, and I swear time stopped.He was gorgeous.He had shoulder-length black hair, and striking green eyes.He was wearing black jeans, tattooed with silver spiderwebs, and a black muscle-T that hugged his chest.
"I think so.Um...Can you help me find my locker?It's number 117, I think..."Oh crap.His locker was right next to mine!Luck is on my side.Speechless, I nodded and pointed to the locker next to mine.
"Thank you.I guess I'm lucky.That crowd really surprised me.I wasn't expecting the rush"he commented, pulling a black shoulder bag from his locker.
I finally found my voice,"Are you new to the school?I've never seen you before."
"Actually yes,"he answered in a silky voice,"My family and I just moved to town.Er-Could you help me find my class?I have Art-1, with Mrs. Hope..."He handed me his schedule.I bit my lip to hide my smirk.We have ALL the same classes...Today is starting to look up.
"Follow me!"I quikly led him to the artroom noting that the halls were now empty.Wonderful-We're late...
When we reached class Mrs. Hope took a double take, then let us take our seats, warning us not to be late again.Grateful that we were studying for finals today, I spent the remainder of the class wondering about the new boy, and why he had enrolled so late in the year.
RIIIIIIIIIIIIING! Once again I was jolted from my thoughts by the school bell.Looking around I realized that the rest of the class had bolted for the door.Sighing I trudged out into the near-empty hallway and towards my locker.
I was surprised to find the new guy still at his locker, rifling through some papers.
"Hey."He looked up."Hey yourself,"He said , as he stuffed some papers into his bag.I spun the combination on my lock and pulled out my art notes from earlier in the year."I never cuaght your name earlier-Mine's Shadow.Shadow Lunar."
He smirked,"Alex. Alex Ethreal.Pleased to meet you, Shadow Lunar.
I smirked back,"The pleasure's all mine, Alex."
He laughed.I looked at my watch-I needed to get home.
"I honestly need to split,"I said, looking again at my watch,"but if you need help getting around town or anything then I have nothing to do."I jotted down my phone number down on a scrap of paper and handed it to him.Call me if you need to."
His eyes were full of amusement."Are you flirting with me, Shadow?"
My face flushed."NO!"
I whirled and stormed out of school, ignoring his calls.
We have it in a really cool font on my Word Document, but couldn't keep it on Otaku.
Anyway!Comment and stuff and tell me if you like it!
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