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Lost in my imagination...
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Wolf demon
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250+ page fanfic
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Inuyasha, YuYu Hakusho, Full Metal Alchemist
Get a sword xD
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Writing, quiz making, drawing
| WolfDemonKira
Welcome to my site! My real site is anime girl67 but I felt like making another so here it is. Feel free to sign the guestbook and stuff and I'll get back to ya when I can! ^^ Meanwhile, enjoy the music which I'll change fairly frequently.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Music Change
My friend got me into Something Corporate and I just realized that their music is on the site where I get mine from. So... yay. It's posted here now.
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Happy Birthday to Me!
You are fun to be with but rather secretive and difficult to fathom and understand. You are quiet unless excited or tensed and take pride in yourself. You have a reputation of some sort.
Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings and tactful. You are friendly and
approachable, emotionally temperamental and unpredictable. You are Moody and
easily hurt although you have a witty and sparkly nature. You are not a revengeful person, forgiving but never forgets. You dislike nonsensical and unnecessary things. Guides others physically and mentally through life's paths. You are sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving alround.
Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studying. Loves to be alone. Always broods about the past and old friends. Likes to be
quiet, you like your own space. You are a homely person. You wait to make friends but never look for them. Not aggressive unless provoked. Prone to having stomach and dieting problems.
Loves to be loved. Easily hurt and takes long to recover.
what does your birthday month say about you?(for girls!) brought to you by Quizilla
Oh gawd, that is so freaking accurate it's scary! But anyway, posted because today I turned 16.
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Friday, July 8, 2005
Well, July 1st I got my wisdom teeth pulled out, all four of them. You usually get them out at eighteen but I got mine at fifteen... Oh well, I have holes in my mouth now from where they were but they're closing up fast. I didn't have to rely on pain killer medicine either! Advil worked just fine. x3 So yay, I'll be almost fully healed by the time my birthday comes around in two days. New series I've started watching: Serial Experiments Lain. I'm still really confused since I'm only on the third episode. It's cool though, in a very weird way. Also, read this comic. It's weird, awesome, and disturbing all in one. Really good stuff. Well, I'll cya later.
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Featured Quiz Result:
That is one ugly toad. XD
 You are a Toad croak! Meaning you are a fairly normal person! You are mostly a happy person, getting on with your life with only a few croaks and moans! You are also a practical person and probably quite a hard worker. You enjoy the simple things in life like the company of your friends, going shopping or to the cinema, reading a good book and being with your family or loved one. Your good points are that you are even tempered, fairly happy go lucky and a good friend to have around! Your bad points are that you sometimes lack the drive to succeed, being happy with what you already have. Which really, isn't such a bad point at all! Mostly content with your life, you are a happy, well-rounded person!
Are you a Princess, Enchantress, Faerie, Mermaid or Toad? (with pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla |