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| WolfDemonKira
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Fwaa, I'm bored and kinda hyper but I have a headache again and just got blood drawn so my arm hurts when I move it to type. Meh, I'm taking medicine and have to get blood drawn every month. Now I hurt... T.T But I'll be ok.
Softball is finally entirely over. We lost the championships in the tournament but won the league with elelven wins and one loss. We had a softball end of the year party/birthday party for the twins on the team. Tis their last year since they're ageing out. Very sad indeed.
I've been writing and drawing and getting tons of anime and manga and OSTs and its really been great just being lazy. I found out yesterday that I suck at tennis. ^^;; Oh well... I still love POT [Prince of Tennis] xD Also Psychic Adcademy, Demon Diary, Tsubasa Chronicles... They all rock.
And... I'm done talking.
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Monday, June 20, 2005
Beach Trip
Not yesterday, but the sunday before, I went to the beach for a week with my family. It was a five hour drive to the beach house we rented that had it's own pool and hot tub. The hot tub is where I spent most of my time. ^^;; It also had wireless internet and I brought my laptop along to play with it. I was spoiled by my room which had it's own TV and bathroom, something I never get while at home. [Aiyaa... Speaking of which I need a shower] I don't know how many showers I took during the trip. At least one every day I guess. Let see... Over the course of the week, we drove out on the point of North Carolina to swim in the beach, found a sound access place to swim, had a bon fire and s'mores on the beach, threw softballs with my dad, went to an aquarium, got online, drew a lot, starting reading the Drawing of the Three by Stephen King, saw boats come in and watched them unload their catches, rode a ferry boat to Ocracoke Island and swam in a beach there, ate pizza, seafood, Wendy's, Taco Bell, and tons of ice cream and slushies, and floated around in the pool and hot tub. xD Lots of fun, oh yes.
So, how is your summer going?
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
Looong Update
Looong time no post! ^^;; Let's try to think of random things to mention. xD I don't really expect anyone to read this though. If you do leave a comment about something I've said and I'll give you a cookie!
I have officially become obsessed with Prince of Tennis. I love the character Kaoru Kaidoh. He's so cool! And according to a website with his bio, we have stuffs in common. =B I've also started watchin Tsubasa Chronicles. Man, I love anime! xD *loser* Umm.. I also have all seven volumes of Demon Diary to read as well as seven DNAngel, seven Saiyuki, four Love Hina, all eight Chobits, seven Fruits Basket, one Diabolo, four Naruto, three Shaman King... I can't of anymore right now but I may have some of the numbers wrong. ^^;; Oh well.
I made the school's JV softball team back sometime a few months before May. Maybe March? Or something? ^^;; Anyway, we ended the season with a record of seven wins and eight losses, pretty good for our schools first ever JV team though! Our varsity won the first tournament but lost in the next. But we only had one senior. For senior night each member of the team gave her a red rose and since she's the catcher, they gave her a home plate that everone had signed. xD I played center field for JV.
Now I'm still playing in my rec league outside of school. There I play left field or center but mostly shortstop. Sometimes I play first base and if we're in trouble, I pitch. I can't do the windmill wind up though so I just pitch modified. Our record is 10 wins, one loss and we have one season game left before the tournament. Problem is, I'm going out of town! It will be the first time ever I have missed a tournament for this league. ._.;; I'm not bragging when I say I bring a lot to the team.
See, it's summer break. I've been out for like... two weeks now? We've been to the lake once. I burned my thighs and the tops of my feet. My thighs are peeling now and I keep picking at it. ^^;; I don't think the feet got burnt enough to peel. I've been drawing and writing a lot too. Here are my new drawings, I haven't uploaded my stories online yet though.
We're leaving for the Outer Banks on June 11th I think. That's the week of the softball tournament... We've rented a beach house, the same one we had last year, and it has its own pool and hot tub. Also the beach is easily within walking distance so it should be fun again.
Last night I was lying in my bed, typing a story and something black ran across my pillow inches in front of my face. It was a spider! A quarter sized spider! Fuzzy and black! In my bed! I was almost crying. I hate spiders! It was two thirty in the morning but my dad was still downstairs and I got him to come and kill it. He pulled back my covers and there it was, a spider in my bed. I couldn't sleep intil at least four thirty in the morning it had me so freaked out. T.T I hate spiders...
I've been sick for over a month now with a cold and cough. For a while I was throwing up, I think it was last week maybe? But that's done now. I'm back to a runny nose and scratchy throat again. I keep losing my voice... I'm going to be sick at the beach! Meh... It always turns out like that for me. One trip I was throwing up the entire time and stayed in bed. It started the drive there and ended as we were on the way back. I didn't get to do anything! I have bad luck with getting sick.
Say chicken cow moo at the bottom of your comment if you've read this post. xD
Hehe, I keep skipping around as I think of what to say. ^^;; Second semester I had honors English I, Printing Graphics II, Honors Geometry I, and Creative Writing I. I loved them all except for geometry. I loved all my teachers except for geometry. I got A's in all except for geometry. Really sucked... I'm hoping I pulled off a B in there. ._.;; CW [creative writing] was awesome. I love the teacher, I loved my classmates. We got to listen to our CDs during the final exam. I really got some self confidence in there! I was able to do stuff in front of the class I never would have been able to do. We had to read our stuff out loud so often and do things in front of the class, like write plays and then perform them. The people were nice and didn't make fun seriously. They did in joking ways though. xD Carl was a really awesome drawer and writing, Rachel was awesome all around, Dallas was awesome at writing and a great person, Brooke was insane... I could go on forever but I'll stop myself. ^^ I'm going to miss that class so much! I already do! Printing graphics was spent hanging out with Jackie, Jordan, Daniel and Britttany. We made superheros out of paper. Actually, Jackie did and then we made a comic with them. I'll have to scan it in and show ya'll sometime. English was spent with Courtney harassing the teacher and calling him Mr. Clean because he's bald and had a little beard thing. They'd draw a bald head on he board and give it shiny marks. xD That teacher was great though. We went outside to read but me and Courtney spent it throwing a tennis ball that we found at each other. I got so much manga read in his class! And so many CDs were listened to! And he didn't care.
Speaking of CDs, I got tons of new ones. My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Future Leaders of the World, System of a Down, Nickelback, Staind, Something Corporate, Alter Bridge, Bowling for Soup, Jimmy Eat World, The Offspring, Papa Roach, several FMA soundtracks... It's great!
Oh, I got a car! Like a long time ago though. ^^;; It's a 1996 Honda Accord. I can get my lisence in August. x3
Oh man, Gaia has taken over my brain! I'm on way too much. I've joined a freebies thread where I give away art freebies to other users. I've gotten probably a total of over one hundred pieces of art for myself. I'm entering art contests to try and get gold for my quest for an OMG. People are actually giving me gold to help out. I have lots of friends on there. It's great. I love that place!
The new song I have there is Sooner or Later by Breaking Bejamin. I love them!
Finally I think I've run out of things to write... xD I'll cya'll later!
Look, Prince of Tennis!

Syusuke Fuji-You're a person who has complicated thoughts hidden behind an attractive smile, and you tend to make a lot of friends. Basically you're a social butterfly.
Perfect match-Type G [Kawamura]
Find your type
I'm hooked on POT, are you? xD
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter everyone! I hope your day is going well. ^^

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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year and all that stuff I missed! XD Sorry about that... This site shall forever forward be dedicated to quiz storing since I think I have maxed out the anime girl67 account here. Did you know the quiz result section can only hold about 650 quizzes? That's no fair!
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

i'm back again! ^_^ the trip was fun. i got sunburned though and i'm still really pale. T_T' anyway, we climbed the cape hatterus lighthouse, rode a ferryboat to Ocracoke Island, and went to swim at the point of North Carolina. hehe, can u guess? we went to the Outer Banks! i had my birthday there too! ^_^ so, if u want to hear more about it in detail then go to my main site, anime girl67, and scroll down until you find the posts about the trips. there's 3 b/c i can't help but to type a lot. ^_^' so, cya!
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
well, for my first post this isn't very cool news but i'm leaving until next sunday for the beach. it's a 5 hour drive i'm told... T_T well, i'll have to laptop with no internet so i can just type stories and stuff and my cd player to blast out my ears. there's also a dvd player in the car... so it shouldn't be too bad...
anyway, i saw spiderman2 last night and it was really cool! the pics leading into it were awesome and i love elevators! haha ^_^' well, i have to go finish my saturday night anime. cya..... *cries* kuwabara died?!?!?! noooooooo! i mean he wasn't my favorite but he was cool for doing the stuff he did for his friends...
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