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myOtaku.com: wolfdemontala

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Quizes O.o why because I can XD
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Look I'm my own mate and I have 15 kids O.o WTF!!!

Wolf Bio! by raishel
Favorite Color:
Lupine Christening:White Soldier
Wolf Age:6
Species:Dire Wolf
Pack Status:Delta - healer
Spectical Hues:black on black of athletics and confusion
Pelt Hue:
Number of Children:15
Quiz created with MemeGen!

I am a sweidish wolf that is crazy

When I am a wolf: by Akela
my season:
my color:grey-white
my eye color:red
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Sweet O.o

Your Wolf Eyes w/pics!(stupid I know) by Aushka
Your Name
Your wolf name
Fav color
Your Pic
Quiz created with MemeGen!

THE SIGHT - what your wolf character would be like by sonicmaster23
What type of wolf you'd beChanco
Would you possess the Sight?Yes
If you possess the Sight, your Helper would be a..Wren
What would your allegiance be?Free Wolf
You wold most likely resemble...Larka
Quiz created with MemeGen!

O.O Um....

WTF happened last night?! Naruto style - Now with more results! by swirling_chaos
favourite animal
you wake up next toHaku
whostarts to grope you
and tells you"Did you sleep okay with all those chains on?"
then proceeds toscrew you like a rabbit on crack
Quiz created with MemeGen!

o.o oh god this will be a well used power.. ;;-.-

What Naruto Ninja Traits Do You Poses? by Team42
Your Name/Nickname
You will live to the age of98
You will be calledmean names
Your Ninja Rank will beVillage Person but a closet ninja
Your Best Ninja Friend isCome come paradise
Your Mad Ninja Skill isThe ability to make people fall in love w/ Gai
Your Nemisis isVegitarians
You will be Knocked off byJiraiya's drinking buddies, necophiliacs (ew)
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Naruto: Why Are You Late for Training? by tinted_glass
Throws a shuriken in your direction:Sasuke
Grins suggestively:Kiba
You're late because:You weren't late. Everyone else was early.
Your sensei tells you:"I can't believe it. You just missed my beautiful demonstration!" *curls up in a ball and cries*
Your reaction:You yawn and wave him off.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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