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Since I was 5-6
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Hell, I like 'em all,
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Collecting random things and sharp objects *oooo sword*, Anime, stalking people, chatting online, anoying my little *um donno if i would call it this* dog, ridding horses, Watching tv/anime/moives, reading fantasy/sci fi/manga/ect, looking for a job, draw
Drawing, writing fanfic/fantasy/ect,singing, raving.
| wolfdemontala
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Job, job, job... soon I will have a job
Well last night my mom told me that one of my friends dad is the manager of my local HEB store. That shocked me.
Well it seems that he can give me a job on the registers or be a bagger. I hope for bagger seeing as I am good at that. ^.^
Well if all goes as planned I should be working there a little before school starts or a little after it starts.
I ain't sure on the pay yet, but hey, I need a job and if this is the only one willing to hire me then hell I'll take the job. Plus I don't accept much seeing as this will be my first real job.
Well onto some new news, I getta redo my comp AGAIN O.O dear lord does this comp ever stop dying on me. >>
Well storms have been coming on non-stop this week. Monday I stood out in the rain...
Tuesday... kinda did the same thing... and today well to much lightning and thunder for me to risk my neck.
Well okay, yeah, I'd normally go outside and play in the rain but for some reason, I am just starting to change. I used to be friendly and loved to do things with people.. but latly I've been noticing that I don't seem as involved with my friends as much as I used to be.
I know when school starts I may not be on a whole lot, 1) I am gonna try for all A's this school year. 2) I'll have a job
I love all my friends to death and hope that they won't leave me just because I ain't gonna talk to them as much as I normally would.
Also come school time, I am gonna become really quiet in class... well aside from the ag mech class were it is a brand new teacher who doesn't even know how to wheld(sp) so I am gonna have fun in that class...
School will be different for me in many ways. 1) I am taking an AP class 2) this is the first year anyone who knows me and has not seen me over the summer will see me without a sweater on... 3) it seems I like pants now... my teacher will faint. I can add more reasons but I ain't going to.
Any is free to call me, I don't mind them calling. I get free minutes on weekends and after 7 on weekdays.
I hope I can still hang out with all the boardies like I used to during the summer. I know I got A-fest coming up. I think if I heard right Mint, Levi and Tol are going and I think mark may show up for a single day..
Okay, I am gonna stop now before I dig myself depper into the hole. ;;^.^
-tala |
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