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myOtaku.com: wolfdemontala

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

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Okay okay I am bored..

Okay seems my dreams of making all As when bye bye as soon as I started AP Histroy of the America... I should have learned in 7th grade not to do an AP, oh well I'll get thrown out next Sem if I ain't passing like they want x3.

Well Monday I went to Main Event to hang out with people, and I meet some very nice ambulance people and a nice coppers x3. I don't really remember much of what happened at main event so =P to bad for all of yous.

Well I gotta get to work on Edward Elric and Anbu Kabuto.. I am only missing the mask, and Armor.. Seems easy... -goes to ebay- x3

Well okay seems my comment thingy broke again >>.. so shouts are comments READ...

Tol: Heh, ya didn't bug me at all during Afest, if I was grouchy it was because my ankel blew out and I couldn't keep raving. You're very welcome for the badge too.. I have a feeling I'm gonna have an Oni-Con badge I don't need too.. so if you havn't Pre-Reg'd then feel free to let me. ^^

Iruka- I really don't wanna post the comment here so, Cya next weekend.

Closet Pervert- Call or IM me sometime I havn't talked to ju in ages.

Seth- I got your LJ to comment with so =P

Levi, Mint, Mark, Girl I don't remember name of x3, Newbeh, and everyone else who was there.. Hey I don't remember much about ME so lay off. Thanxs for everything Monday, you guys are good friends to me and I was glad to have you around when it happened. -gives hugs to everyone-

Well like I said I don't remember a lot of anything, I was outta it yesterday and monday.. well I'd rather not go into that. ^^;;

A few Icons before I leave.

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