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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
 | You scored as Wolf. You are...a wolf! Shy by nature, you only socialize with family and close friends. And when someone gets in your personal space, they better watch out!
Wolf | | 93% | Snake | | 79% | Crow | | 64% | Horse | | 54% | Bear | | 46% |
What is Your Animal Spirit? created with | |
Result Posted on 07/11/05:
Result Posted on 07/08/05:
| You scored as your color is BLACK. the color black best describes you because the words depressing, rebel, freak, dark, and grungy might describe you. you can scare some people with your strange appearence...
your color is BLACK | | 100% | your color is WHITE | | 40% | your color is GREEN | | 10% | your color is YELLOW | | 0% | your color is PINK | | 0% |
WhAt CoLoR aRe YoU?! created with | |
Result Posted on 07/08/05:
 | You scored as Max Payne. You're Max Payne. You're sure to kill anyone who messes with you or your family. You always seek revenge for anything and everything done to you. You're cool.
Max Payne | | 67% | Mario | | 50% | Sam Fisher | | 33% | Serious Sam | | 33% | Link | | 33% | Duke Nukem | | 17% |
What video game character are you most like? created with | |
Result Posted on 07/08/05:
 | You scored as The Dark Seeker. You are a normal soul, with many distortion.
You seek darkness, couse you disappointed
by the light. You dont like anyone,
you live for yourself, and hate your body.
You seek power, even from the deepest
cell off the hell.
Your Soulmate is : The Normal Human
The Dark Seeker | | 90% | The Warrior | | 80% | The Guardian | | 70% | The Pure Soul | | 60% | The Beholder | | 60% | The Angel | | 50% | The Normal Human | | 50% | The Goblin | | 40% | The Fairy | | 15% | The Light Seeker | | 10% |
What kinda soul ya have? 1.1 created with | |
Result Posted on 07/08/05:
| You scored as Fallen Angel. You are a fallen angel. I'm proud of you for coming closer to the dark side.
Fallen Angel | | 80% | Demon | | 80% | Light Demon | | 60% | Angel | | 10% |
Are you angel or demon? created with | |
Result Posted on 07/08/05:
| You scored as Moriarty. OMG! You are Moriarty, the most evil criminal mastermind known to man! You are likely to become a major criminal some day, and a very real threat to society! You deserve to be locked away!
The Grim Reaper | | 83% | Moriarty | | 83% | Hannibal Lechter | | 58% | Eminem | | 58% | Joe the Crossdresser | | 42% | Sherlock Holmes | | 33% | Jim Carrey | | 33% | Napoleon Dynamite | | 8% | George Washington | | 8% | Bambie | | 0% |
who is your REAL alter ego? created with | |
Result Posted on 07/08/05:
 | You scored as Black. Your soul is black, as black as it can possibly be. You're the most feared in your community, and yet you are the most respected. But watch it, all the respect can so easily be lost. Your soul is Black.
Black | | 90% | Red | | 50% | White | | 30% | Blue | | 20% | Green | | 0% |
Color of your soul quiz created with | |
Result Posted on 07/08/05:
 | You scored as Adam's Song. You are Adams Song.You hate life and you want to die....DONT DO IT!!!!
Adam's Song | | 100% | Stay Together For The Kids | | 80% | The Rock Show | | 20% | Always | | 20% | What's My Age Again? | | 20% | Feelin This | | 0% |
What Blink 182 Song is you? created with | |
Result Posted on 07/08/05:
| You scored as Ghost. Ghost. The most lonely yet probably the most interesting afterlife choice. Feel free to haunt your past and seek revenge back at those who angered you.
Ghost | | 100% | Underworld | | 50% | Reicarnation: Other | | 44% | Heaven | | 19% | Reincarnation: Human | | 0% |
Where will you go after you die? created with | |
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