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In my own little fantasy world
Member Since
Procrastinator =3
Real Name
Marina =D
-Has a blonde moment-...Nope i don't got any
Anime Fan Since
2004 i think O.o'''
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Chrono Crusade, TMM, Absolute Boyfriend, Nana, Wolf's Rain, Naruto, CCS, Chobits, Galaxy Angel, Kaze No Yojimbo, lots more! ><'
To be the best vet EVER! -long evil laugh- and an artist....yes that too >=D
hmmmmm drawing,reading,and horse-back riding
uuhhh...drawing and the ability to talk really really fast...? o.o
| WolfGoddess222
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Sunday, June 22, 2008
Random Post x3
I'm gonna post again! WOOHOOOO!!!
Even tho I barely post i just feel like it today x3
Sorry I don't usually..I guess I just don't have much to write about all the time..~lives a boring life in a hotel..~
I haven't really been doin' much since last time I posted >_>
I'm still not likin' this Version vibrant thing tho =___=''
I had always wanted to get on the top Fanart someday but it's gone now so...yeh...
My Brother's long time friend came over with his little girl and his girlfriend, she's SOOO CUTEE!!!!
So fat and chubby(can u be both?) xDD
Her name's Heavenly ^^ Isnt that a perrty name?
She has the blond hair and blue eyes to match too :3
My sister and I have always thought of names but I'm not good with sister thought of Neveah(heaven backwards) or serenity and somethn' else..I only thought of 2 I really like :3
That's Gabriel(for my little boy) and Reason(weird but I LOVE it x3)
Just kiddin' xD That'd be funny tho x33
*cough cough* so yeah..>_>
I'm gonna show you guys some embarrassing stuff kay?
you may not believe me but I drew this last year during the summer when I was on artists block...that block was like a huge wall of bricks, cement, and spikes with barbed wire ALL OVER IT! ><
But yeah this is a guy I did with purple colored pencil >_>

Sorry about the gray stuff..I didn't wanna rip it out the book even tho it stinks >_>''''
Here's the redo ^^' I did this in pen so it ain't that good either T.T

SO yeah....that was embarrassing but my nephew helped me :3 I drew that little handle in his left hand but then he did the torch lookin' sword that I actually think looks really awesome..o__O
I told him to name it and he called it the "killer Can Opener" if you can't read it xDD
It suits it..
And I thought I'd show angel how bad I am at coloring =__=''' Seriously..even my boyfriend says I need to really work on it lol I DO! >_> I dun have photoshop tho...sadly...But I got Prisma so YEAAHH!!!
and I did this which is a redo I did also of a really really old pic of a mermaid..obviously..

I LOVE her tail which took me a LOOOONNnnnnggg time but nothin else really..messed up on her face and hair..and I gotta go now so yeah >_>
Sorry for the SUPER LONG POST :3'''
Bye Bye!!
~Supa Vampy Blond
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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wow I guess I don't post that often O_o'
Sorry ^^'' Well..It turns out my sister has cancer...but the doctor said it's 100% Curable! So That's Awesome of is really sad watching her lose her hair...and seeing her go through all of it, But my sister is the toughest girl I've ever met so she'll be fine of course ^^
Well I was gonna show everyone some more drawings since I finally got my scanner, but I came to my brother's house for the weekend and didn't wanna bring all that. >.>''
Sorry I don't post very much ..T.T' Just been real busy and didn't have much good news to post so yeah ^^' How have you guys been though? Hopefully real good. Did you all have a romantic Valentine's Day? x3 I DID! Sorta xD;; Didn't get to see my bf but it's always fun to just talk to him on the phone :3
Speaking of which..I'm thinkin' about changin my wallpaper again but I'm not sure what to change it too, I know a lot of people won't really comment this but if you have any suggestions please do tell! >.< I'm thinkin' about wolves..hmmmm...
Well anyways I better get off before my cousin&nephews get back..I had no clue my cousin would be here so he's very ....dangerous o___o'
Bye Bye! :3
~Wolfy A.K.A. Supa Blond
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Well I know noone will comment on these but yeah...these are a few I was hopin' someone would tell me were any good....if they are i MIGHT put them on fanart but Ida know...>3<
This was a pic of Camile(right) and Nakami(left) when their little kids i guess..? o.o They're suppose to be laying down but i think it looks more like their sitting up xD''

Uuuhhh..this is what Nakami looks like at her normal age tho *nods* Her outfit is a bit different cause she's older than in the other pictures I have of her..even her baby hairs are gone! YAY! No more baby hairs! Unless you liked the baby hairs..

And this last one I just did cause I felt like it ^^'' I think I might just name her after my dog...who's name is mom likes that name for some reason and I do too now xD''

I've realised tho that I don't really have my own style I guess...I just use styles I see in mangas I read or animes that I watch or somethin'...o.o' I should probably get one of those....Speakin' of manga you should read Koukou Debut! I LOOOOOVVVEEEE IT! x333
Kay I gotta call Alex now so buh bye! :3
~Wolfy / Supa Blond
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Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I guess i'm posting less and less...since i dont have internet anymore. but im at the hospital (it's 1:40 am ) and my sister is really sick (possibly has cancer) but we're sure she's gonna be oooooooooookay! they let me use the internet ( we have a nice nurse) x3 sorry to anyone that remembers me ..since i cant get on..but im getting internet this weekend so i can get on again! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY (is really bored and getting scared for being online here so yeah.......awkwaarrrdd) .........kay well...i should probably get off now and go post comments while its still possible *nods*
Bye bye!
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Yay For AOL!
I have Internet for a few days so....yeah! (It's Dial Up...AOL...the so called "Top-speed internet)
They took away my crappy internet..AGAIN! But besides that I'm moving...AGAIN! This is about my ..*counts fingers* 7th...8th....I'm not sure but I move a whole lot O_o' The house isnt finished though, so we have to stay in a motel for a for a few days. It's right next door to Applebees's, Yay!
I hope I have that for dinner tonight.....
Anyway. So how have you guys been? I'll go and comment on everyone's posts and art I Swear! T__T
Speaking of art I would show you some new ones but my scanner/printer broke and we just have a printer =__=
I'll show you a picture of my cat tho! xD

His name is Nightmare! Cause he's really really tiny and doesn't seem to be getting any bigger...and yet he eats a rabid raccoon D: Everyone calls him Gizmo...or Rodolfo but his name is NIGHTMARE!! GEEZ! Get OVER It!
Sorry, it's just the poor thing is gettin' a little confused havin' all these names -.-'
Well sorry for the random thing about my Cat...I hope everyone else is doin' good! Since halloween is comin' up n all x3 What are you guys doin' for halloween? I'll tell you what I did tomorrow cause I'm havin' halloween on the 30th! Yep!
Kay Bye Bye! x3
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Monday, July 16, 2007
Well I'm most definitely in a bad mood again..~sigh~..not sure why but i feel like crying my eyes i'm not emo homsar =A='
I hate it when I don't know what's wrong with me Dx
I have lots of pictures to post, most of which people colored for me and all so maybe it'll make me feel better if I post them ^^
This is Amshiaro, drawn by me but Alex(DotHackLoner) colored him

Nakami, I drew the picture of the girl but all the coloring and everything else that makes it look so awesome Alex did. >___> he made it into a wallpaper YAY ~My Desktop Walpaper at the moment~

Here's that Amshiaro pic only its a wallpaper now, of course Alex did this too, he's so much better then me D'x Amshiaro is his character so no stealing okey dokey? x3

Nakami again,My Naruto OC, I drew the picture but Angel((AngelBestDream)) colored it for me ^^ Isn't it purrty? ^^

This is a picture of my kittens I drew in neko form >_>' I was wondering if someone wanted to color it for me xD;;

Thanks so much you guys for making my ugly pics look so friggin awesome! ><
Well i s'pose i feel a bit better now..Maybe playing a little Devil may Cry will help too ^^
We'll just have to see, Oh yeah I almost forgot, Those 2 wallpapers Alex made are in his portfolio so perhaps you may go and vote? comment? something? o.o Pwetty Pwez
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Friday The 13th!
Jason is so awesome! I watched that movie a few days ago with my brother x] I guess there really isn't much to say today though o.o' Probably because I'm in a bad mood for some reason xD;; Not feelin' so well and I'm a little cranky I guess. One of my sister's friends Sean stayed over for a quite a while..he got kicked out of his house so we let him stay here for a bit i guess ^^' He's cool tho! He was pretty nice to me most of the time only he was going to take 1 of my kittens away D'x The last time someone did that i cried my eyes out xD My sister and Sean went over to Becky's house today, i guess they arent the type to just sit around and relax ^^''
Ah well, I get the house to myself again yay x3
So did anyone have any bad luck today? I don't think I did...except i accidentally mistook this girl's drawing of a chibi for a boy but it was actually a girl and well yeah...that was on DA but she didnt mind xP We talked for a long time actually.
Well I would post a picture i drew of my kittens in neko form but it sux real bad right now, maybe next time xD;;
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
< < < I Love That Smiley x]
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Or well....technically it's the 5th already where I'm at. Tis 1:23 AM. . . Not a surprising time for me to be awake > >'
Well I did something I've never done before.. I entered an art contest ^^ You have to draw her Naruto oc a lover basically...too bad I'm terrible at boys x]
Ah well..worth a shot i guess > >''
I wish I could run a contest -.- 1 where someone had to draw my oc or somethin' ^^ But I know hardly anyone would enter because i really don't talk to many people on here ^^'' How bout you guys? One things for sure I think Angel((AngelBest Dream)) Should run a contest! x] He talks to so many people on here he'd have a HUGE contest I'm sure!
Moving on...
I drew a pic of Roxas...but Alex said it looked kinda Yaoi..ish...and well....i don't like Yaoi D'x ((Nothin' against Yaoi lovers i swear ^^' )) So i hate that picture now..=.=...not to mention Alex deleted it after it was posted on the fanart..
Just Kiddin' Alex...sorry you had to work on the 4th of July ;-; Love Ya Babe ^~ I'll be celebrating my 4th of July at a Brave's game tomorrow so yes i didn't do much today x]
How was everyone else's 4th of July though?
Hopefully Good ^^
Oh yes..after i drew that Yaoi-ish picture i just HAD to draw a girl and well..i'm practicing drawin' real people > >'

((Obviously an Amateur))
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
THANK YOU ALEX!!!!!!!!! x3
AHHHG! I'm so HAPPY!!! My site looks so friggin' awesome! ><
No I ...didn't do anything....>__>'
My Quadrupalatized((Can anyone even read that? ti- aww nevermind! ><'' )) friggin' awesome, wonderful bf did! xD
Yes. He is the Master.
I LOVE YOU ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See. I even drew you this terrible picture of us this morning at 8:30 AM
You should visit his site ^^
Tis DotHackLoner
I wonder if anyone even knows Absolute Boyfriend...o.o Well, you Should! I LOVE it! x3
Well I also found this other anime called Kaleido Star, You should watch that too! x3 It's becoming a fav of mine ^^ You can even watch it on a site called
Well i have more to say but....i don't want the few people who read this to have to read too much
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Yeah i definitely know noone will post...but i missed you guys!!!! -cries- internet hasn't been working for months due to technical difficulties >_>' Also very very sorry i didn't post on my other site Angel Kun. I forgot my password...>_>''' Well I'm not sure if i showed you this picture of Nakami but you said you wanted to see another picture of her sooooo, Here Ya go!
Sorry it Sucks but...i tried! ;-; Well i'm gonna go try and remember my password now =.=
Buh Bye~!
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