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In my own little fantasy world
Member Since
Procrastinator =3
Real Name
Marina =D
-Has a blonde moment-...Nope i don't got any
Anime Fan Since
2004 i think O.o'''
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Chrono Crusade, TMM, Absolute Boyfriend, Nana, Wolf's Rain, Naruto, CCS, Chobits, Galaxy Angel, Kaze No Yojimbo, lots more! ><'
To be the best vet EVER! -long evil laugh- and an artist....yes that too >=D
hmmmmm drawing,reading,and horse-back riding
uuhhh...drawing and the ability to talk really really fast...? o.o
| WolfGoddess222
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Need namez!!!
Shalome ma good pplz vO.ov LOL Anywayz I have ma naruto team up FINALLY!!Sorry about ma naruto oc 2 though....he turned out REALLY bad >.<;;;; But thinkin bout havin a little vote on the gonna be usin the namez pplz thought of on the commentz and if you've thought of a name 2 then PLEAZE tell me cuz i need more namez!!Im not goin ta be doin the vote taday...maybe in a bout 2 dayz so pplz can think of more namez i guess and so can i!!LOL i haven't thought of many but im still workin on it ^-^;;;; And juz ta let ya know...all 3 r demonz...we gots da Wolf(girl)Panther(naruto oc 2)and Tiger(naruto oc 3) O and i'll give ya a quik review of their personalitiez if that helpz as well
*WOLF:Shy,quiet,smart,make her mad and ur a goner ^^;;; O and shez the calmest person you'll ever meet O.o;;;; lol(can turn into a white wolf)
*TIGER:Easily angered,doesnt think b4 he acts,a ladiez man :p,a show-off,aaaaaaand if ya make HIM mad ur a goner 2 ^^;;;;;;O and hez only nice ta wolf girl lol(can turn into a tiger)
*PANTHER:Well herez ur regular sasuke HAHAHAHA only hes a BIT more cruel ^^;;;;;;lol He also likes ta make fun of tiger boy all the time HAHA He seemz ta turn crazy whenever he senses blood O.o;;;;;O and hez only nice ta wolf girl as well(can turn into a pure black panther)
Well thaz basically them and as u can c the boyz both pretty much have a crush on wolf girl XD LOL Hope that helpz though! I'll tell ya their abilitiez next time kk??^^ Well...b4 i make this message too long i'll be goin now!Hope you'll help me with their namez ^^ Peace out peoplez!!vO.ov lol
P.S.Hope ya like wat i did ta the site!!^-^
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
IM SO FREAKING HAPPY!!!HAHAHAHAHA!! And you'll never guess y O_O LOL well im not tellin hah! HAHAHA jk but im still not gonna tell ya lol Anywayz I juz wanted ta say i'm sorry if i havent been visiting ur sites!!I've juz been so busy with skoolwork that all i have time for is posts....yes i work on the weekend...O and i think spring break is this week...but im not sure since im homeskooled...but uuuuuuuuh Hope evry1 has fun!!!!(of course i'll be doin skoolwork lol) But thanx to all the pplz who have been visitin ma site!!I'll be sure to start commenting on urz!!I promise!! v^o^v lol Plus im goin ta be puttin pics of ma naruto team i made up...and some other characters as well tomorrow sooooooo plz look at em!!! O wait...iz almost guess taday????O,o HAHA Well i gotta go ta bed now!! Probably won't be able ta get ta sleep cuz im so happy XD HAHAHAHA and u dont know y!!!MUHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL JK PEACE OUT PEOPLEZ!!!!v^o^v
Question: who has the new kingdom hearts 2 game????
ME:my playstation 2 doesnt work sooooooo nope.....but id like ta know how many pplz have it since its so popular ^-^
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Sooooo tired....
Man...its like 5:45 am...yea...i kinda stayed up all night...but i couldnt help it...ive been downloadin a bunch of songs on ma MP3 player so ive been so hyper XD But now im tired Z_Z lol And i've only downloaded like...15 songs grrrrrrrr >.< Ma comp is goin so slow lately -___-''''* Not only that but i gotta finish my WHOLE ENTIRE social studies subject by friday...and im only on like week 10...and there's atleast 30 weeks T_T''''' *sigh* o well....listenin to ma music is makin me feel much much better ^^ Ive been listenin to loz of country and rock *drools* Actually heres some of ma fav singers that i've been listenin 2 these past few dayz T__T
Billy Currington :D UNLOCO!!WOOHOOOO!!! I luff them so much O.O Its kinda obvious if ya read ma aim name ^^''''' And Rascal Flatts!! Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!
I luff em all so much @_@ *cough*Unloco'sthebest*cough* KK i guess i'll go ta bed now b4 i drop dead X.x HAHA O i almost fergot, i have a new pic up as well!! Iz not anime but i wanted ta post it anywayz ^^
Question:Wuz ur fav band or singer ever???
Me:well i have a bunch but i would have ta say Unloco XD *cough*obvious*cough* HAHA Peace out peoplez!!! v^o^v
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wats up??
Omg i juz realized how long iz been since i updated O.O'''' Sorry...i check ma site practically every day but fer some odd reason i alwayz ferget ta update O.o lol o well *shrugs*
Im sure all of ya noticed ma new site's theme ^^ Thaz right! Iz CLOUD STRIFE BABY!!! XD lol hes da sweetness v^o^v haha O and i was wonderin if anybody could help me with ma site....i wanted ta know how to get the white bg off so u can c the WHOLE bg O and i da know y but i cant change ma avater O.o

THIS is what ma avatar was gonna be but the stupid thing decided not to work >.<''''' *sigh* o well...i can deal with it ^-^
Hmmmmm taday i felt like askin a question:
Wat would u want to be in a fantasy world?
Me: Hmmmm either a wolf goddess or a dragon maybe even an animal spirit ^^ Theres so many things i would wanna be..its hard ta choose @.@ lol well, peace out dudes and dudettes!! v^0^v
p.s. i have a bunch of new quiz results if ya wanna look at em! ^^
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Friday, March 10, 2006
Hmmmmmm seems ive been doin a lot of research on naruto lately....dont know y....i guess since i dont have cable or satellite er anything i cant watch the show...sooooo now all ive got is SHonen Jump to help me ;.; *sigh* o well....atleast im not missin it completely *shrugs* i even made up my own team :D 2 of em r guyz and 1 of em is a girl (my main character) They're all of the guyz is a panther demon, the other one is a tiger demon, and the girl is a wolf demon...of course XP They all specialize in fire jutsus...only each of em has a different color fire...Panther Demon:black fire, Tiger Demon:red fire, Wolf Demon:blue fire.....i have pics of em and everything...buuuuut ma scanner still doesnt work T.T'''''' I havent figured out any names sooooo pweeeeeaaaasssseeee help me!!! *ahem* i mean...please >.> lol

Here r 2 of ma fav characters from naruto!! XD
O yea! i was wonderin if anybody could help me....i just wanted to know wat was goin on in Naruto...the show o course cuz i da know if were ahead or behind in Shonen Jump ^^''' Well...u dont gotta answer that but i was jus wonderin....k well...Peace out dudes and dudettes!! v^0^v
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Saturday, March 4, 2006
OMG 0_0
Dude.....that is messed up!! Yet that is just downrite awesome!! Im pretty sure u all know who naruto is right? Well...HE IS MINE!!!! k? :3 I mean come on people look at this!!
young and hyper naruto

And here is older and hottie naruto A.K.A. MR SMEXY XD
Now do u see wat i mean?? X3 K well....i guess u do anywayz just wanted to say that AngelBest Dream is da bomb cuz he went to solidkiller's site soooo rok on dude!! v^0^V lol
Peace out ma homies!!
+*+MARINA*+* A.K.A naruto's girlfriend
P.S. if u cant see the pics then the pictures messed up on me :P
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Friday, March 3, 2006
Wat up dudes??
HAHAHAHAHA in case u cant see it the pic is of my BG cuz SOUTH PARK RULEZ!!! And so does kenny X3 I just wanted to say im sorry i havent put any pics up in like....ferever...cuz my scanner wont work fer some reason....WHY BOB WHY!!???<<.> O and nobody got to comment on my comment last time...probably cuz i posted it the same day as i posted my other comment ^-^''' but PLEAZE read it....its very important....thanx if ya do ^-^ K its like 7:00 in da mornin aaaaaaaaand i got up at like 4:00 am soooooo im goin back to bed now....Peace out dudes!!.....and dudettes :P
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
hey dudes
hey pplz! i just wanted to say that i was hopin sum of u guyz could go and visit one of ma friend's sites plz! His name's solidkiller on the otaku. And his drawings r soooooo good!! Plz visit his site *does puppy eyes* Well....thanx if ya do and i got another pic of sanosuke 2! He's all like T_T wat r u lookin at??? never seen a guy eatin b4?? <
Sanosuke: got that right!! They some starin foolz!! *pulls out huge sword*
Me:o.o uh oh....*pulls out TWO huge swords* bring it on!!
Sanosuke: *gulp*...uuuuuh...hey wait...since when can u hold up two huge swords??? o.o
Me: >.> <.< .......*runs*
Sanosuke: -_-''
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Monday, February 27, 2006
sanosuke is da bomb
k well....i decided to change my theme to a sanosuke theme XD cuz sanosuke is so cool *tear* lol well i gotta go catch some Zzzzz's now cuz im startin to get dizzy @_@ seez ya lata!
peace out ma home slices!! :3
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
k well....if ya can't see the picture of the chibi of roy or if u just flat out don't know who he is then heres some pics of him! ^-^ HES SO KEWL!! X3 Hes off of fullmetal alchemist and i think hes the coolest alchemist on there well....besides ed :3 See ya lata!
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