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Virginia, USA
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Very high GPA,
Anime Fan Since
the tender age of 11
Favorite Anime
who knows?
drawing, reading, sleeping, eating, playing hockey
playing field hockey, drawing, reading fast
| WolfwoodsScarf
Im Kittie. I dislike the color green. I like dunkaroos. I have a possee of male beotchs. Arafat just died. turhur.
A snapple a day keeps the beotch away!
Hungry? Get a tasty treat from our fried dough ho. After that, dunk a few beotchs in our skank tank.
(Tommy and Rumble FM99: 6 Flags Over the East End of Newport News)
Monday, April 18, 2005
Long Time No See, Ne?
Wow, haven't been on here in forever! I've been way busy, and I tend to forget about things after a little while. Here's an update in my pretty much sucky life:
1.) I made the varsity girls soccer team
2.) I played in a midnight to 7 am field hockey tournement.
3.) I did really well on my last exams
4.) I've mmade my scheduale for next year. It is as follows:
AP 11 English
AP US History
AP Chemistry/Chem Lab.
Honors Math Analysis (pre-calculus)
Sports Medicene
Creative Writing
5.) I painted my nails bright colors!
Thats about it. My friend Nikki(TheCrowChicky) has a pic or two of me on her site, if you want to see. They suck tho.
Mkay, thats about it.
PS:I've been on writing fanfics lately, so you can catch me there as MoonKitii or you can find me on as Stephy's Katykins (
Love much.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
+.+ Munch Munch...
God...Me and my mom fought today. (which is actually pretty normal, but non the less) She was supposed to tell me when to take these chicken things out of the oven, and she was busy arguing with my ad and my brother and forgot, so they got burnt. Then, i was playing Final Fantasy X-2, and my mom called me so we copuld decide what to bake for x-mas, and my borhter randomly kicked me, so my mom sent him to his room and he pulled the game out of the PS2, and took that and various other games he believes are his, so i hope to god i'd saved it recently or im going to kick his ass. So, in retribution, i turned off his comp game. Bastard fucker.
 You are Rikku. Wo0t.
Which Final Fantasy X Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
yay! Lol. I love Rikku. She rocks my ass muscles.
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
doodly doo!
im bored!
I took a quiz, got the link from Summoner Luna's site. It's for my FF soulmate. Got it in the quiz manager.
Im thinking about changing my backround...but what to put?
OMG! I Harry potter 3 on tuesday morning when it came out! yay! i've watched it three times since then!
I went to Georgia to see my dad's side of the family on tuesday, for thanksgiving. That ws...pretty damn boring. Although me and my cousin drove over to her house on thursday night, and i got to see her new dog! it's an eskimo spitz, and it's not as big as most but it's soooo cute!
We got back on friday, so that was awesome. ah...sweet relaxation.
We got the christmas lights and stuff up this weekend. yay!
"Grapes are fun!"
"I'm on a neverending quest to save my girlfriend"
I love Drawn Together. Ah....
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Oh, no!!!!!! I have skool tomorrow!!
Anyways, We only have like 7 days of school until thanksgiving break. EXCITED I AM!
I started drawing again today. it's a pretty picture. I'll scan it when I learn to set up my scanner...teh.
I had alot of food today.. I feel fat....actually, I am. And I got my school pictures back....ugh. We haven't gotten our id's....still! Last year we didn't get them until like...may. Which is bull, because then there is no point in even getting them, cause there's no frickin use for them!!
I had a winter League field hockey game this weekend, and we beat bethel 4-0 woot! Stupid beotchs.
I watched Rurouni Kenshin on saturday night when my friend was over. It rocked!
Going to get some food.
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Im Tired
Gosh, it's been sooooo long since I've posted here. Im trying to get a backround on here, but it's a no go. (Trying to use the pic that shows before my page loads. the Chobits one)
Anh. oh well.
I've started drawing some more, but I'm rusty. Gotta keep working on it.
I have no school tomrorow. They're letting us out so the teachers can do our report cards. I HAVE AN A IN CHEMISTRY! go me!
I have sooo much to get done, but im to lazy to do it. I need to finish my scince project which is due thrusday. Watch me procrastinate ntil friday night, too.
Anh. Que sera sera.
Whatever that means.
No pics today. Like I said, i'm lazy.
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