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Thursday, October 21, 2004
NIOTCHES! Thats me new word. I was trying to type 'bitches' but I didn't, and that's what i got. and I thought to myself: "that's pretty damn awesome."
Im so tired. I have alot of projects and papers I am working on, plus tests and the such.
Here's some field hockey pics. (not of me, btw)

This is the beast shit that I do.

This is the beast shit I DONT do.
Ain't it grand?
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Monday, October 4, 2004
I ended up staying home sick on fun.
I missed alot of work, but I'm all caught up now. I have a game vs. Hampton tomrrow and pictures first period, then I get out of my next two classes because I have to help with pictures, like make sure people are in the right place, etc, because I'm in Yearbook.
Then on Wednesday I get to skip last period because my hockey team is going on a field trip to see a hockey collage game. Yehaw!
Im so excited...
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Monday, September 27, 2004
My head hurts...
I have had a bad headache all day. I feel like Im about to fall over half the time. it started before lunch, and got worse during hockey. My coach made me sit out because she thinks im coming down with something.
I tried to take a nap but my head hurts to much, so i worked on my french homework. I used Smarterchild and had him translate everything for
i have practice tomrrow and we play bethel on wednesda. woot!
God i have so much fucking work to get done! sigh...
Doesn;'t anyone love me...
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
school tommorrow....DAMN OUR SYSTEMS!
WE have school tommorrow..waaaahhh! I have homoework to do...but I don't wanna!!!
*sigh* Been playing the Sims's some shots:

Sephiroth dances to...COUNTRY?

Look at the rocket she pulled out of her butt!

Girl on girl extreme-tickling action!
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school tommorrow....DAMN OUR SYSTEMS!
WE have school tommorrow..waaaahhh! I have homoework to do...but I don't wanna!!!
*sigh* Been playing the Sims's some shots:

Sephiroth dances to...COUNTRY?

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Friday, September 17, 2004
Pee on you.
It's the frickin' weekend! Rock it, beeeeeitch!
God I am so happy! tee.
I was suppposed to go to my highschool's football game tonight but my hip and my knee are bothering me...dunno why, but it sucks. But I'm watching the game on tv! we have a channel for our public schools and they're showing the game live! it's second quarter and we're winning 12-6! YEAHEA!
hopefully tomorrow we''ll have a 2-0 record. This is the second game of the season.
Every day at 9:55 Our School News show, Woodside Live, come on. At the end is a sports section. The high energy music came on and they DISSED the other school so bad! It's an old, ghetto in-need-of-more-repair school and they're just getting their roof fixed, and they just got modern AC!! lol! Our "news-casters" said stuff like:
We'd tell them to raise the roof, but it isn't quite finished.
Last weekend, Denbigh won their first game in 365 days. It's the longest winning streak they've had in years. It's time for us to break it.
We were rolling!
I've had soooo much fun at school lately...but it's alot of work!!!
Ooops, halftime's about over. Later!
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
Long days, Longer nights
I've had so much home work, and 3 hockey games this week..i have three more NEXT week, too. WAHHH~!
Im going to bed. Nightttt
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
God, I truely dislike school. It's so crowded! there's nearly 2,500 people there! URG! and half of them stand in the middle of the main hall, so you have to fucking push them down to get to classs! pisses me off.
Here's my scheduale:
1.Honors 10th English
2.AP world History
3.SAT prep
4.French 3
5.Photojournalism (yearbook)
6.Honors alg2/trig
7.Honors Chem
I have classes 1 3 5 7 on odd days, and 1 2 4 6 on even days.
So damn hard, too. I have to sell 400$ of ads for the back of our yearbook. It sucks!
I have hockey, too, in the afternoons so I never get time for homework. Sucks butt.
Anyways. I found some new pics:
It's Tsume from Wolf's Rain!
It's Kiba from Wolf's Rain!
I couldn't find pics like this of Hige or Toboe >.<
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Monday, September 6, 2004
School starts tomorrrow!!!
I am a most grieving Kittie. Oh sad is the world...
Star-schmucks coffee, beotchs!
Tall, Grande, Viente.
I took a couple of quizzes today, and here are my results: What Inuyasha Hero Are What Wolf Are You?
Am I REALLY like Kirara? NO! I don't think so, anyways...
CB stuffy!

Name: Ein
Age: 2 or older
Gender: Male
Height: 29 cm
Blood Type: N/A
Hair Color: Light Brown and White
Eye Color: Brown
Birthplace: Unknown
Occupation: Data Dog
Weapon of Choice: N/A
Vehicle of Choice: N/A
First Appearance: Episode 2

Name: Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV (a.k.a. Radical Edward)
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Height: 136 cm
Blood Type: AB
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Yellow to Gold
Birthplace: Earth
Occupation: Hacker/Bounty Hunter
Weapon of Choice: Computer
Vehicle of Choice: None
First Appearance: Episode 9
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Dammit, I watched Adult Swim last night on cartoon network, and I think the episode of Cowboy Bebop I saw was the LAST OF THE SERIES! I think
Spike died, and I know Viscious did. ARG! If it was, is CN (cartoon network) going to replay the series? or start another? (Hopefully Rurouni Kenshin!)
But then there's no more Ed, and no more Ein!
Does anyone know what's up with that black cat the is always with vash, Meryl, and Millie in Trigun? It's so cute! If I find a pic, I'll post it.
I've been playing different Final Fantasy games lately, and Rikku is my favorite charicter (from X and X-2)
Here she is:
I got some new Inuyash pics, too. Here they are:
Inu is giving Kagome his red armor
It's a pic of Kagome and Inu together
Poor Shippo. Inu is scaring him. hehe.
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