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I fricken Graduated...and im' still here..damn..i've made some wonderous progress..... :3
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Talents loafers..haw..betcha' didn' see that commin'...
Sunday, December 14, 2003
More Quizess hee *nods politely at the other anime quiz freaks ^_^* *tweek tweek** ^_^
ok I have to stop while i m ahead ive got like a million of these things ^_^ yayyness^_^
Eh?!....sure, why not ^_~
![mmmm...yummy!]( Awesome! Welcome to the ranks of the Rabid Yaoi Fangirls! You are the coolest!
Are you a Rabid Yaoi Fangirl? brought to you by Quizilla
![mystic wolf]( You are a MYSTIC wolf
What type of Wolf are you brought to you by Quizilla
![HASH(0x86cb560)]( Guys just shy and sweet you are!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla
![I'm a half-breed!]( You're the half-breed / ancient race! Some may see you as looking a bit awkward on the outside, what with your furry ears and/or tail or your scaly dragon wings, but many will probably find you adorable as well! You tend to be a cheerful one and rather good at athletics that have to do with agility and stamina, and often times you have some sort of special gift that either allows you to communicate on some level with wildlife or cast some sort of rare and powerful spells. Ever helpful, you'll eagerly leave the home youve always lived at in order to help your friends on their quest, even if you dont get approval to do so. You have an innate desire to see the world and you never quite seem to lose your cheerfulness for too long or your childlike innocence, proving to be quite refreshing to your comrades when things turn too somber.
What Female Fantasy Archetype Are You? (For girls-->Results are anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
![Arjunaquizresult]( Your motto is the same as Juna from the anime "Earth Maiden Arjuna"! You love earthy stuff and feel connected to every living thing on Earth. Both of you have the motto to protect the Earth!
What's Your Inner Anime Motto? brought to you by Quizilla
![I'm Tsubame!]( You're Tsubame from 'Rurouni Kenshin'!
Which Anime Female Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
![Green]( What color nail polish are you? (With Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
![To Be Edited]( Blue! Your eyes are the Blue of insanity! You make a lot of friends easily, and you're very carefree and easy going. Watch yourself, though, because responsibility is still a big deal. That doesn't mean you have to stop your flower obsession, however.
What Color Are Your Anime Eyes? brought to you by Quizilla
![Kurama]( Kurama
Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
![You are a kind person]( You are a kind person.You will never hurt a soul in less you are helping a loved one out.You are one sweet person.And you live by the word
><><><><><><><><>What kind of person are you!!!! WITH ANIME PICS.><><><><><><><>< brought to you by Quizilla
![prettyha!]( Ping-Pong! yay yay we have a winner!! *raises your hand in the air* ......... shoo shoo now you may go
Do-You-Know-Kuwabara? (yu yu hakusho) (like the other 2, RANDOM ANIME PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
![ncha]( YAiii!! is the right one!! you knows the boy well! let us celebrate!! weeeeeeeee!!
Do you know Hiei? (with special random anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
![HASH(0x8723a20)]( Your guy is.... Van Slanzar de Fanel! Lucky you! You got one of the cuties of all anime!!!
Which Escaflowne Charector is right for YOU? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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