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Friday, October 15, 2004
LP YGO dream!?!?!?
last night i had a dream that i was singing for the band LINKIN PARK and we were singing One Step Closer. then out of nowhere the YGO characters ran up on stage from the crowd and were crowd surfing!!! Seto fell off stage and grabbed my shirt so i fell off the stage too!! me:*kicks Seto* seto:owwwww what was that for!? me:for dragging me off stage with you. marik:wasnt that just a dream? me:*kicks marik* dont talk back! bakura:you are mean!! me:i know^__^ seto:*holds up poptarts* look what i have! me:you wouldnt dare!! seto:*throws out window* oops sorry! HAHAHA! me:noooooooooooooooooo *jumps out window* marik:*holds up cereal as i walk through the door* me:i saved them! marik:seto look what i have!! seto:what are you doing with the cereal!? marik:*pulls out millenium rod and sends cereal to shadow realm* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! me:now thats funny!! seto:*kicks marik* that was the last box!! me:hey, wait a second. that was MY cereal!!! the last box i had saved to take camping this weekend you idiot!! now we dont have enough food to go!! marik:*sits on couch* so just buy more. bakura:*walks into wall* owww!! what are you looking at, seto? seto:you, you moron!! who walks into a wall like that!? bakura:*jumps on seto as they begin to fight* marik:JERRY JERRY JERRY!!! seto&bakura:GET HIM *bakura and seto start to attack marik* me:not again!! *kicks all of them as they look at each other and yell* ATTACK!!! me:ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *runs away* bye from marik seto and sexy bakura me:HEY get away from my computer!!! bakura:*runs away* bye everybody!! Happy Halloween!!
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
next week im supossed to see someone but i dont know yet but i have 73 hits so far!! anyway, i had a dream last night that Bakura was in a psycho hospital and in a straight jacket. i let him out and he was going to kill me but then i kissed him!! so we left together to meet up with the rest of the YGO ppl but my mom woke me up!! damn!! i have a lot of YGO dreams!! Marik:thats cause your obsessed! me:*kicks marik* shut up i know that *punchs in face* stupid!! Seto:*grabs a box of cereal from cabnit* i love this cereal!! me:*throws out window* HAHAHAHAHAHAHA now what!? Seto:*jumps out window* nooooooo! my cereal!!! Bakura:*hides in corner* me:here Bakura. where are you? *finds then kicks* HAHAHAHA Bakura:why do you hurt ppl?? me:that you will never know and thats a stupid question!! *kicks* me:well bye for now *strangles Marik for sending my house to the shadow realm*!! Seto:.........dont forget my name! i love cereal!! Bakura:bye bye!!!
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Wednesday, October 13, 2004
when i get 1000 hits i will have a party on my site inspiered by Seto Kaiba Freak!! spread the word im at 66 hits but i'll let you know how many hits i have! Marik, Joey, Seto, Mokuba, Bakura, Yugi and the others will be there *wink wink* (we can get drunk again) bye for now!!
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im not cutting anymore but im going to see someone about it so ppl wont have to worry as much!! thanks for helping me to get better everyone on this site and reasurring me so much!!! i will visit all your sites today! bye for now!
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these shows are soooo cool!!
My anime is...

What Anime is Right for You?
this quiz was made by
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i love slifer!!
Make an Egyptian God Card Your Pet! (by taking this simple quiz for yu-gi-oh fans! ^_^) brought to you by Quizilla
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i LOVE werewolfs!!!
 You're a werewolf. Werewolves where mutated people who would transform into wolf-like beings and would lose control of themselves. Often times when a little child would go out into fields in Europe, they would encounter a werewolf and be eaten. They had charatceristics of their human selves but where usually hairy with canine like teeth and strangely shaped heads when they transformed. They often had bad tempers and would lose control of their actions very easily. They were excelent hunters though. (If you cannot see the picture, go to my userpage and look near the bottom. There should be the picture and description for all the results)
What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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thats not really me i think
 You're a Duellist of skill! Screw the Heart of the Cards, skill is the only way to win a match! Who cares what those annoying opponants keep blabbering about. Luck, heh, who needs it? Massage me for a duel Please! ^^
????? What Kind of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duellist are You ????? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
i know that a lot of ppl think about commiting suicide and im one of them. its so hard ya know and i dont have to many ppl i can talk to about it. it hurts me to feel this way so i deal with it the only way i can....... i cut my wrists. i have a lot of avies that talk about death or cutting yourself and i feel this way too. i put them up to show how im feeling most of the time. to some ppl this is a surprise but to others its really not. i like sitting alone in my room and listen to my music while some kids go out and play with others and i just feel so alone. so if you want to tell me how you feel i will always listen and if you want to tell me anything then go ahead. bye for now.
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i know i just posted but.........
i forgot last night i had a dream that i was at the top of my stairs and i fell down them but didnt stop falling!! then someone caught me and guess who it was?? BAKURA!!! i looked around and we were surrounded by darkness and all of a sudden i was at the beach with the YGO characters and we were about to jump in the water when my mom woke me up!! damn i had to wake up!! (Linkin Park rocks) bye!!
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