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myOtaku.com: wolvesrule91

Thursday, November 11, 2004

   day off...
woohoo!! i have today off of school! marik:now we have to deal with you all day! wolfy(me):*grins* yep! Ed:can i have my clothes yet!? wolfy:no! Al:hahaha! wolfy:how should we spend my day off? Y.marik:torturing you! wolfy:uhhhh no! bakura:we could watch t.v.! wolfy:no! we do that every day! Y.bakura:we can eat steak!! wolfy:i ate steak yesterday! Y.bakura:WHAT!? wolfy:oops! run!! *runs away* seto:....... wolfy:what can we do today seto? seto:how am i supposed to know!? marik:just think of something!! seto:fine! how about we make sure no one steals my company! wolfy:*attacks seto* thats the worst idea i've heard so far!! seto:get off me! bakura:hahaha!! seto:well i dont know what you want to do!! wolfy:hmmmmm lets go to the beach!!! yugi:yay! the beach! yami:yeah! lets go!! alisha:*pops up* hi! i wanna go! wolfy:yeah! Ed:i'll go too! Al:i'll sit on the beach! i cant swim with this armour anyway!wolfy:we're all going! come on! *all at the beach* i already have my batheing suit on! *takes her clothes off* joey:*closes his eyes* dont look dont look! *looks* *nosebleed* Y.marik:OO Ed:woohoo!! me:*blush* come on! alisha:im ready! *takes her clothes off* bakura:*nosebleed* Y.bakura:OO seto:hahaha!! *looking at wolfy then alisha* im glad i came!! yami:me too! yugi:*drools* wolfy:i feel so loved! alisha:hahaha! me too! *both jump in the water* joey:we're coming! *all the guys get in their batheing suits* wolfy:my eyes!! they burn!!!!! Y.marik should NOT wear speedos!!! Y.marik:awwww! *changes* is that better? alisha:i liked the speedos more! wolfy:HAHAHA!!! well now we are all swimming! talk to you all later!!
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