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DJ Allen
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an excellent fisherman, buding, drawing
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Friday, May 19, 2006
F.R.I.D.A.Y FINALY !!!!!!!
well after five days finely on other week of school over with and it won't be long until June 22 when it's all over and I'm free to go for the summer (jump and shout). Anyway this week when pretty darn smoothly ,my internship of the Seattle aquarium went well and I found out that I have the only A+ in my entire out math class(WOW & pat self on back) I guess that's because the rest of the class just doesn't give a rat's ass passing the class or graduateing on time(heavy sigh). but you know the funny thing is I thought I'd be failing that class for sure ,but I'm not thanks to a good friend which is been helping explain things to me when I get confused. Next week in Marine technology class restart our cold water survival training. eventually on Thursday he gets dropped out about 200ft. from land in survival suits in the sound and have to swim to shore then build a camp set up rescue signals and find any edibles plants or animals we can and eat them. I know that sounds like a lot to do but I think it'll be really fun. well lately my statistics have been skyrocketing currently my popularity # is 6900 some thing and I have 155 hits (WOW) at this rate all have 200 hits in no time and who knows maybe my popularity will eventually get to the top 500 (crossed fingers and hope) any way Thank You All! So what is everyone been up to lately.
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Fishing ,Fun and Loving Sun!
MAN! lately the weather has been absolutely gorgeous and I've been fishing every day as soon as I get home from school. there's one thing for darn sure I'm starting to get quite a tan, I mean if you look where my watch normally is there's a big white striped and the rest of the is baked like potato! Shesh!it's only been a couple days now what the weather's been in the mid eighties. yesterday I did my big marine tech research project on the distribution of local crabs at a nearby local park. and well though I got the research project on my ended up soaking wet covered in sand and it's had fostered from the stubborn outbourmotor, but all in all things went well. it was kind of funny really this girl who was assigned to work with me,well how should I put it she showed up at the beach looking more like she was ready to go to the mall then go out in a boat(heavy sigh). The most annoying thing about all is the teacher had been telling us for the last two weeks "make sure you don't wear your nice close" and she shows up looking like a beauty queen for the love of GOD! To make a long story short the weather was rough and we took on a lot of water in the boat and she ended up soaking wet (laugh and stare) and what was she pressed, but you know I warned her and what can you do if they don't listen to you except for laugh in their face and say I told you so. anyhow today I took out my brand new boat that I bought from a friend's neighbor for $150 instead of $550. I didn't catch anything while I was out of that was all right because the weather was absolutely beautiful. Well I've got to go see what you've all been up to the last couple of days. C Y A!
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Monday, May 15, 2006
I'm BACK!!
Hay, Everybody I'm back and other than a few sniffles I feel great. well last time I updated was complaining that I was sick and we're about to go to the ocean. Well we went to the ocean and yes I was sick. But I'm better now ,mostly anyway and the trip to the ocean ,the weather was absolutely gorgeous it was almost 70° most of the time and hardly any wind and if there was a lot of wind it was worm. for the first couple days I had taken kind of easy because my energy was really low ,do to being sick and all. but I managed to get out and fish everyday. on the first day I didn't catch anything but a small crab(bho!) and on the second day I woke up fairly early and headed out to the jetty nearby and I was there for about only ten minutes or so before I got my first fish and it was a nice 17inch Red tail surfer pirch which would surely followed by ten or so more which I got within the hour. I guess I haven't lost my touch since I was last there two years ago. (BlueAngel14)in case you're wondering yet they do put up a heck of a fight for their size and their wonderful eating too. in any case later on that day when I was out on the jetty I found a nice flat rock where I stretched out and fell asleep in the sun (sigh! this is wonderful) will well I was asleep unbeknownst to me a certain bird landed about 2ft. off of my left foot, hearing a slight rush of wings I opened my eyes and to my astonishment there he was a three year old bald eagle(WOW). surprisingly he stayed there and let me talk to and for about an hour,by the way I have strong Indian spiritual beliefs following these birds. At any rate I think he was one of my ancestors in spiritual form come down to talk to me and he quite enjoyed the conversation I had with him. on the third day after staying out till about 12:30 or so I woke up and headed out to the beach again and this time I joined about 4 so local fishermen , but doggone and we missed the tide and didn't catch a thing. after that it was time to pack a day and move to another beach since our time was up on our cabin. At the other mean my dad and my mom all walked out on another jetty where I found a nice spot fish for a while but again I found myself falling asleep in the sun. I didn't catch anything there but Z's. Well after that we headed home from a beautiful weekend on the ocean, I'm really going to miss being out there next to the great big blue thing we call the Pacific ocean. , Well we'll go back next year and do it all over again.
anyway how are you all doing, let me know what you've all been up to the last three days, I forward to hearing from all of you over the next couple days. till tomorrow than I have a big day in school and I'll be sure to tell you all about it, when I get back. TTFN!
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
Oh Dear I'm SICK!
This SUCKS! Here I am supposed to be getting packed and ready to go for trip for to the ocean for the next three days and I'm sitting here hacking and coughing 'cause I'm sick (hack and spit) at any rate I'm going to try to beat this DAM head cold. This is the first time I've been sick and probably almost a year(sneeze and wipe spit off computer screen).I think the reason for that is probably because I'm a very active person and spend the majority of my time out doing stuff ,where is my lazy brother is sick probably 10 to 20 days a year ,because he spends most of his time in front of a computer or TV. Not that that's a bad thing. but I'd much rather be outside. well from the looks of how I've been feeling I think I should be able to beat this thing by tomorrow if not it should be at least halfway to 2/3 of the way out of my system (going to a sneezing fit). I guess on the upside of all this I didn't have to go to school and deal with my math class, which is full of morons and on the other hand I missed my marine technology class and where were still preparing for our research projects were doing on Monday next week(below nose *HONK!*). don't even think for a minute that I'm going to let thing keep me from fishing this weekend. I am one of those people that has a very high amuse system ,which means it takes a pretty nasty cold to knock me down and put me out of action. So while I'm just sitting here what are you all up to? Well G2G C everybody's sites so TTFN!
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Just another boring day
while today was just another boring day. I got up I went to school. first period was pretty boring we just spent most of the time doing different types of poetry. in second period Things pretty much went the way they always do, I did what I was close to and the rest of the class drove the teacher crazy. in third and fourth. I went to my marine biology class at OSC as usual. where I spent my time working with my group on our research project which we are set to do on Monday next week. after that was over I walked home as usual and when I got home I had a snack turned on the computer and checked my e-mail,no mail. so then so then I got my fishing stuff together and headed down to the local pier. where I spent the next 3.5hours trying to catch a Ling cod ,but to no avail, all I got was a small flonder. well now here I am talking to you all about my boring day, but I do have one bit of good news tomorrow is the last day of school for the week for me because I leave on Friday to go to the ocean for three days. were a plan to spend most of my time serf fishing and hanging out with a bunch of friends which are coming too. As well as I plan to celebrate mother's day. In any case it should be fun. since I will be packing tomorrow night for my trip chances are I probably won't get on to update till Monday or maybe Sunday night. Will in any case I hope the next couple days ago good for you all. so until Sunday or Monday I guess I'll probably see you will later.I leave you wall with a music video from one of my favorite there is Three days grace they totally ROCK!
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More than I ever imagined!!! / Thank you BlueAngel 14
MAN you guys, I never could have imagined when I asked BlueAngel14 to help me give my site a whole new look. Things would turn out this AWSOME,She totally Rocks(3 cheers for Blue Angel14 Hip! Hip! Hray! Hip Hip Hray! Hip Hip Hray!). if there's anyone out there who has talked to or knows or has visited BlueAngel14, I hope they can vouch for me on all this,if you haven't talked to were for visited her or if you just need help with your site, she's the one to go to. Well I hope all of your weeks have been going good and I'll see you tomorrow.
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Monday, May 8, 2006
A evening at the moves / Daily update
Guess what? yesterday I went to go see the movie RV with a friend from school. It sounds easy enough, but it go exactly as smooth as silk,more like as smooth as a gravel road. to start with it took me forever to get in contact with my friend yesterday and by the time I got in contact with him and got things figured out. It was about 5:30pm and the next showing of the movie wasn't until 7:40pm. So what if it was at 7:40pm we went anyway. when my friend's dad dropped both of us off at the theater he asked me and my friend if we had money for the tickets and we both said yes. then we went up to the box office window and as the lady there for two tickets and she said that would be $18(deep sigh). I handed the lady my money and then I turned to my friend and asked him why he hadn't paid yet , his reply was "I thought you brought the money so I didn't bring any" then I replied WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DID'NT BRING ANY MONEY!!! (massage forehead & violently hit friend over the back of the head with 2X4a ). what a complete and utter DUMASS, can you believe it he had the nerve to show up and expect me to paying for everything, when he had already said earlier he would pay himself(deep sigh)anyway after that we were about to call his parents to pick us up or bringing us the money we needed,but before we could call them a very kind man appeared and gave us the money we needed to see to move(thank the gods).I can say that if that guy didn't showed up when he did I probably would've pounded my friend into the ground. Well after things getting off to a rather unstable start a win in and saw the movie. The movie was really funny (break funny bone three different places). well at least things turned out good in the end.
well today was a good at school as usual my math class is a bunch of idiotic morons that have nothing better to do then make a bunch of noise and fail the class (heavy sigh of one of fed upness) Well for the rest of the day today I think I'm going to go over to my neighborhood lake and see if I can catch a couple of bass(wish me luck) so I'll check you will later. Here's some One Pice images I thought you all might in joy.
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
One long day!
HI all! yesterday was one of those really long days. to give you an idea of what I mean I was up from 7am-4am (talk about tireing). years a brief recap of yesterday and I guess you could say early this morning. I got up and breakfast then headed off to go help out at the kids fishing derby my club was putting on. when I got there right away they sent me to the cleaning station, so for the next 2-3hours I spent my time guting & beheading rainbow trout. talk about boring & messy work (deep sigh) while I'm glad I'm used to cleaning fish and I don't mind getting fish blood and guts all over my hands and arms and maybe a little and my hair. I'm sorry if I grossed out most of you(get on knees and bayeg for forgiveness) well after I was done cleaning fish I went around the pond helping people with their fishing related problems (I always say a helpful fishermen is a lucky fishermen) for next 3hours. by the time I was done with that victory was over and the head start announcing the winners. than I wish I was in the derby but I'm too old *darn* a specially because this year's winner received rod & real combo worth almost $200 (lucky little turkey). something that surprise me was 3 of the kids that I helped ended up winning first prize in their age group and one of almost wone first prize overall(I'm so proud to live help them achieve greatness). week finished packing up the stuff from the event buy 3:30pm. Then after all that my mom had me try to drive home (I have my learners permit) but I only got halfway home before I decided to hand the wheel over to my mom (I'm still learning). when we finally got home at about 4ish my mom and dad had to quickly get all dressed up and head out to a play and dinner with their friends well I stayed at home alone (on parents time to have "FUN"!). well my parents were out I just spent most of might time web surfing and watching TV. the finally got back at 11pm and went straight to bed well I stayed up and watch adultswim. After it was over at 2am I stayed up for 2 more hours and watch some of the Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi DVD's a friend lent me. to best way to describe MSAA totaly crazy and insane and perverted all of the same time but it's probably one of the best comedy series I never seen. If I had to compare it to another series I would say it's a lot like FLCL except more ridiculous an unorthodox. after laughing so hard I thought I was going to fall apart (go see doctor to make sure funny bone isn't broken)And finally at 4am in the morning I went to bed(collapse from exhaustion) That's a total recap of my day long day. I hope you all like my new layout Blue Angel14 did it for me,let me know what you all think and I'll see you around. Here are some pictures from the new series I'm watching that I mentioned.
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
A different preference then most people
what's up everybody , I was just thinking about random stuff and I decided I would let you all knows something interesting about me. well to get straight to the point , I'm 18 years old as you all know and lately my friends at school and those who I fish with. that they can't seem to understand why I don't and why I haven't got a girlfriend yet(deep sigh)well be in serious kind of complicated. To start with my preferences in what I'm looking for in a girl or in layman's terms the type of girl that would best fit me,when it comes to her personality and her interests would be: #1 enjoys being active outdoors.#2doesn't mind getting down and dirty when it comes to cleaning fish or just mud and dirt and other stuff you run into the outdoors or in other words a tomboy.#3enjoys watching or preferably likes to go fishing a lot(like 3-5 times a week and in any weather year round) #4 is a quick lerner of new skills and after learning them knows how to and is willing to do them with little or no help. #5 is willing to accept difference of personality and opinion on just about anything. #6 is kind and caring to all types of people. #7 is very patient and understanding almost all the time.
Well now that I've given you an idea of what I'm looking for in a girl eventually & personality as well as interest wise. Now here comes what seems to be the hardest for me to find. What I find attractive in a girl is (don't worry I won't be gross) Oh it's kind of hard to explain except that if you look at my fanart & other images (pictured below) it should give you a pretty good idea. well I'm sorry if you all are wondering why I'm telling you all this, well to be honest it's because I just needed a difference of opinion. Just let me know what you think but the kind if you leave a comment,please! Thanks & CUA!
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Sorry about this, IT's just my 18 year ouldnes acting up!
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