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myOtaku.com: wonderkid

Monday, May 8, 2006

   A evening at the moves / Daily update
Guess what? yesterday I went to go see the movie RV with a friend from school. It sounds easy enough, but it go exactly as smooth as silk,more like as smooth as a gravel road. to start with it took me forever to get in contact with my friend yesterday and by the time I got in contact with him and got things figured out. It was about 5:30pm and the next showing of the movie wasn't until 7:40pm. So what if it was at 7:40pm we went anyway. when my friend's dad dropped both of us off at the theater he asked me and my friend if we had money for the tickets and we both said yes. then we went up to the box office window and as the lady there for two tickets and she said that would be $18(deep sigh). I handed the lady my money and then I turned to my friend and asked him why he hadn't paid yet , his reply was "I thought you brought the money so I didn't bring any" then I replied WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DID'NT BRING ANY MONEY!!! (massage forehead & violently hit friend over the back of the head with 2X4a ). what a complete and utter DUMASS, can you believe it he had the nerve to show up and expect me to paying for everything, when he had already said earlier he would pay himself(deep sigh)anyway after that we were about to call his parents to pick us up or bringing us the money we needed,but before we could call them a very kind man appeared and gave us the money we needed to see to move(thank the gods).I can say that if that guy didn't showed up when he did I probably would've pounded my friend into the ground. Well after things getting off to a rather unstable start a win in and saw the movie. The movie was really funny (break funny bone three different places). well at least things turned out good in the end.

well today was a good at school as usual my math class is a bunch of idiotic morons that have nothing better to do then make a bunch of noise and fail the class (heavy sigh of one of fed upness) Well for the rest of the day today I think I'm going to go over to my neighborhood lake and see if I can catch a couple of bass(wish me luck) so I'll check you will later. Here's some One Pice images I thought you all might in joy.

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