Birthday 1991-01-28 Gender
Female Location what ever world dir en grey is from Member Since 2006-05-26 Occupation a somewhat hard working student Real Name Alyse
Achievements I can count by two's and tie my shoe's, I can button buttons and zipper zippers Anime Fan Since preschool , started with sailor moon. I must of been one messed up child Favorite Anime I wrote it down this time! gravitation, fruits basket, inuyasha, zoids, ruroni kenshin, ouran high school, bleach, ayashi no ceres, chobits, gundam wing/seed, hellsing, DNAngel, galxey angel,princess ai, alice nineteenth Goals to get people to know what jrock is instead of them saying "what kind of radio show is that?" Hobbies chattting, internet, listening to music, sewing,reading fanfic Talents I do opera really good... time to find a new talent huh? wonderlandchic
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
the pop ups just keep coming!
well I am back to school again and it sucks I am already feelign the stress from it all. I am currently in the middle of an essay so yeah, that can wait!^^
OK our latin teacher is back I love her! she is in a wheel chair, what is with all of my friends and teachers being in wheel chairs!? is it a new phad? She can still walk and once she stood up for the first time she kept on doing it over and over again until she just said screw the chair I'm standing. YOu got to love women like that! Poor gar had to sit on the floor since his name is at the back of the alaphabet and she gave us assigned seats alaphbeticalized so I sit near the front and hattie is all the way over on the other side of the room same with biology, we finally et classes together and we sit way on the other side of the room!>< Anyway, so gar was the only one that didn't get a seat and sat on the floor, but he did get to choose where he sat lucky him!
During latin the teacher was talkign about teh greek god that ate all his children and me and hattie mouthed from across the room "kyo!" I dont really support the kyo eat baby joke since I really don't get it neither do I for the kaoru cashew thing (someone explain!) but it was just to tempting!
In biology I had to sit next to the uh oh oreo and he started to talk about getting stoned and listening to bag pipe music. I know for a fact taht guy has never even seen pot in his life! THen he went to present our project to teh class and he started to talk about the ocean and lake water actign like a total stoner, ok maybe he did get some stuff.
English was borig so was lunch so I won't bore you with the details. Ellie is back and is growing out his hair so happy I got mad taht he cut it he looked just like die! I was like 'ggrrrr why the hell did you cut your hair!?' So I am glad he is growing it out.
IN civics ands ecomomics I got to leave early, kind of upsettign it is so entertaining in that class, I really think I should be taking honors for that. Today they started to talk about their hoods and asking the teacher what her hood is. lol conner and me were laughing so hard, again!
At the denist the lady smiled alot while telling me my gums were screwed up. Then she started to ask me if I like the book I was reading (pointing to my english book) umm no I don't really read things out of that. I am forced to I haven't even look in it yet.So she started to ask me all of these questions about my classes so I told her my fav class was latin. She went crazy "omg! I can't believe they teach that, wow I just can't believe! that is so neat!" she jsut went on and on like that I just nodded my head like the poilte girl I am.
Now I am home and need to get done with that essay so talk to yall later!
he just looks so serious! I laugh at him actually I always so I love you shinya but just, wow look more like a mug shot
just to show how cute kyo really is!
good god just look at those teeth! :B reminds me of a hilbilly! Comments (1) |
Sunday, August 27, 2006
get these god damn snake off my plane! he only said it once how is that the headline?
Music: kra-renka
Mood: ZZZZ... um sleepy!
hola minna-san! yes I am being bi-lingeral today. I hope everyone had a good weekend. mine was good. I just got back from a movie with hattie. We heard that snakes on a plane is good so we went to see that. I think whoever said that movie was good is on crack. But before I was was making us late because chiken leg is a slow typer. We were doing word games online again like we always do wehn we see each other we are dorks! I'm surprised that guy is still alive I didn't hear from him all summer.
The movie was terrible. When it first stated I thought it was going to be some cliche action movie but but it was worse. I think the only people that would see that movie are sadist. It was gross and the asian man was the one saving everyone. I love that asian man! ^^
Then the music video at the end was just a waste of time and money. The blond girl was more of slut then jessica simpson. SO that movie was a waste of time and money but the new movie theatures are nice although they didn' turn out the lights all the way and the camera was out of foucus. John had to go up to the people and tell them to fix it.
When I got back my family was staring at me adn forced me to go on a walk with them. I got attacked by a great dane that lives there adn my retartded dog just ran all the way home seh is now sniffing the carpet. Sorry doggie but that's not my crack stash.^^ jk
Now I have to go to school jsut hope I don't wake up to a dead rabbit next to my bed. Last time my dog dragged it in and was crunching on it's bones. It was bad enough taht I was already sick and it was the first day of school. All well I am dying of thirst see yall later! Going to go watch jonny depp hack up some pirates!
Day 12385732 of my life
wow I am pretty tired and I am going to make this short. Basicly I woke up when my mom came into my room and annouced I had 20 minutes to get ready to go. I was like 'huh?' then went back to reading. I know it is werid but I read when I get up in the morning, then it makes me sleepy all over again, really smart system I got going huh?
I went shopping and one girl was walking around the store wearing a tieara, it was her birthday. I wonder if it was one of those that lights up I want one!
I went to get pet food and the girl there was on some serious anti-depressants. She talked like that girl on mad TV that has the excersise program. She talked all slow and dazed. We had just given her our phone number and she asked for it a second later. The guy working there was like "the phone number is on the check" then she just looked off into space, again.
I finally went over to hattie's and ate dinner. We made a cake and put powder sugar on it saying it was our crack stash. No, our crack is pixie dust for the kids that can't afford crack XD lol
We went on the computer and looked at some anime that was super weird and I am not going into detail. Then we just watched jrock stuff. I showed her the new diru PV she hadn't seen it. I like the dog! and the nose bleed. DId kyo get a few more tattoos or what? YOu can't even see his hand anymore. I Like when he splattered blood all over the camera that was nice. Good ending to any PV But they really are gettign ahrder to see I don't know half of what ws going on in it. Clever sleazoid was bad enough
The dog ran into the spriklers and is now wet. Last nite she jumped into the pond, I dont think she meant to. The pond jsut kind of starts and the bank is covered in grass so you cna't see when the land turns to water I have almost done that, then the girl I was babysitting tried to push me in, kids love me.
I am tired and I just realized that this really isn't all that short just shows what a hypocrit that I am ^^
Today was a day I like to call "the first fuckign day of school!" it was great I finally got to see all of my friends. I brought a camera and got some pictures but most people turned away. I don't see why everyone is so camera phobia!
My homeroom is like way on the other side of the school all the way down the art hall in the band room. When I got there no one was there but like these gossipy girls so I sat by sticky. We caught up we haven't see each other since middle school.
My schedule changed! so glad but that still didn't change my lunch. First I was going to have B lunch but they changed the lunch schedule by departments so I still got B lunch. Sucks and I thought no one was going to be in it but acutally a lot of people were in it so happy!^^ I thought I would have to be anti social and eat in the classroom. hattie had to do that once and these guys were throwing a tennis ball around and talking about gang history. Then they hit her with the ball, nice =_=;
I have latin with hattie and gar! it was so much fun we just goofed the whole time since it is the first day and you do nothing on the first day. Plus a sub was there I don't know how they find subs for highschool students no wonder there is a teacher shortage. we had to translate these greek storys from latin to english. IT was easy but took a while. The whole time gar behind he was distracting me by showing pics of greek art. One was a pic of this guy sleeping with all these animals. I shouted to hattie who was a few seats away and said "look it's an ALE! (Animal Lover to the Extreme) must be shinya's ansetor!" we call shinay an ALE I mean he stuffs the dog down his shrit and sleeps with her you can't get that guy away form his dog! he's an ALE. XD lol
I think we freaked all the freshman in the latin class by just acting stupid. I pointed to one of the greek pics on the wall and shouted "hey isn't that considered prono?!" I'm sure hattie was sitting away from us XD lol! Hattie had to sit in a chair since out school is over crowded and there was a desk shortage.
Next was biology with hattie but we had assigned seats and she sits all the way over on the other side of the room. It is freezing in that room and the teacher is overly annoying and strict. I sit next to a preppy white gangster if there is such thing as one. I think there is and I am sitting next to the only one known to man. he talks the whole time even after the teacher told him to shut the fuck up. Ok well she didn't really say that but you know she wanted to. I wanted to. on the way out the teacher asked up if we wanted our hair to match, no if we wanted to then why are they different shades of pink god I wish people woudl stop asking us that same question! >O sorry I get annoyed easily ^^;
English Lexa is in my class! seh sits behind me. We had to introduce ourselves and had to tell something embaressing tath happened to us. I told about the time I was tubign and my bikini bottom flew off. It was pretty bad.
Oh god and then in C&E I didn't take honors for this class because I dont' know a thing about the goverment for the life of me. So I took standard and all the gangsters are in that class. They didn't even know what the 1st presdient of the USA was. They said BIll cliton. I was laughign so hard I think I was about to fall out of my seat. Then they didn't even know was they guy looked like and called a picture of george washigton bill cliton. Finally conner said the right answer. ONce again notice the teacher shortage. I can't imagine why. Even hattie was WTF?! But she's always like that ;p
One gangster guy was talkign about G's some gangster talk I don't know and him and the teacher were talkign about that. Meanwhile me and conner were talking and I nearly flipped over my desk leanign over to far. he calls him PP little ireland O_o ok conner.
That was my day of uneventfulness but it ws great. I was walkign around everywhere with my camera and black britt was saying how much I must of been waiting for this day since I was 3. Nope she's wrong since I was 4. ;) I have to go to bed really tired and got no sleep last nite I was sick all nite and morning. see yall!
skool, drool: all has to do wiith sleep
omg I have school towmorrow I dont want to go! they ca't make me! ok well maybe they can. Hattie finally called me (tradition for us to get together day before school) but it was like 3pm and she just got back from doign her hair. I't now pink! like me so we match! but i think it looks better on her so looks so rocker chic now! \m/><\m/ I am glad we match. she wanted red but the person turned her pink by washign her hair to much ><
so hattie found outthe stuff we need for latin. Turns out all we need is a spiral notebook. i was glad now I have room to fit a text book and I won't have to carry them around so much.
May-may called me right before hattie was comign to pick we up to go school shopping. May-may sad since drew broke up with her sayign they were opposites and she was annoying. I want to punch that little fuckers face in! May-may is not annoying just ADHD and hyper there is nothing wrong with that! I am convinced I have ADD and I am hyper running around everywhere that doens't make me annoying it's entertaining.
SO may-may got all emo with meon the phone saying that she wil never date again for havign her heart broken and all this other emo crap. I was kind of glad when hattie showed up I didn't know what else to say to her to cheer her up. Beetle will hopefully do something to make drew straight. Not sayign he's gay though ;)
At staples everyone in the area was there, doesn't anyone do their shopping ahead of time >< me and hattei ran around the store and then spinned around in the rollie office chairs. Some guy came up to us and gave up his business card and said he could do our hair any color. Hattie said if he was such a good hairdresser then why is her working at staples? XD lol
In the parking lot of the place we wanted to eat some guy just stopped and stared at us. Hattie's stepdad tried to run him over XD
We went to eat at this college hangout it took forever to get our food so we watched the news in the meantime. some werid stuff is going on out there. LIke this murderer that killed a girl ran off to taiwan and was getting a sex change wtf?! XD lol
When our food came we got the wrong order so she ran off to fix it, she actually got the wrong pizza then she ran off to get a stool of the pizza. I was starved and was about to jump on her and get the pizza! lol
That pretty much ends to day I did nothing during the day. So nervous about school I hope that I have good people in my lunch like last year. Whe ngetting out of the car hattie's mom said to wear your diamond tieara I was like what tieara? she was only kidding but I am so dense and gullible like that anyone can come up to me and I would probably believe them. LIke when I got an email that msn was closing down I was teling everyone and hattie came up to me and said "anna, that was fake" I love hattie's bluntness ^^ If I survive towmorrow I guess I will post up my first day of school latin with hattie and gar ouht to be fun ^^
sing japanese karoke, you don't know what your saying but at least you look smart doing it!
Music: the world is my music!
Alright first off a random note that bunny has brought to my attention: naruto is a food that is a fish paste pie. that is all.
wow this is why I don't like to post early now i have more stuff to say, although it isn't all that important. Becasue I have bad memory I can't remember if I said anything about may-may inviting me to a movie tonite but, no money ;_; so I cried in my corner until my dad dragged me out the door and forced me to hold the dog so he could wash her. Now she just stinks even more. I got wet in the process since my dad can't aim a buket of water.
Hehe bucket reminds me of the bucket pic with kyo on it, I love it.
We went on a walk and talked to this tree guy who is going to shred our trees down from our forest of a yard. And we saw the dog abusing lady. She jsut got a new puppy and is always hitting him and yelling at him. She reminds me of a crazy cat lady with her frizzy hair sticking straight up.
Bunny called me! her brother got on the phone and the whole time all he did was yell al this stuff I couldn't understand. Have I gone dumb or something? Why can't I tell what everyone is telling me today! well bunny was looking at her japanese book and was talking about all these things but I coudln't understand since all her brothers were yelling in the background then she had to go as soon as she got on. maybe she had to do more chores. Ok as long as I don't have anything else to say then I guess sayonara! I wonder if I really spelled that right?
~ja (ha know I spelled that right! go me I can' spell a 2 letter word!)
This is the bucket pic of kyo. How does he still sing like that AND look sexy? Comments (0) |
take 1 step forward and 2 steps back
yay! I just got back from the mall with may-may! we originally just went to meet her bf but we couldn't find him. we looked around wishing we had enogh money to actually buy something. May-may bought her dad a cd since it's his b-day tonite, so I couldn't come over to her house ;_;
We went to the guitar center looking for her bf but he wasn't there. I looked for an affordable bass guitar. May-may coulnd't say bass she said bass like the fish so I had to ask the guy if they had any. I found and one that is only like 200$! there was also one that looked a lot like toshiya's.
On the way out we saw drew her bf, but he was leavign and this girl was with him, we think was his sister. I called his name since may-may was to shy to and he turned around then looked away and started to yell about they were already down with the mash pit. O_o I had no clue what he was talkign about and may-may didn't either.
Later she started to yell about how he has another girlfriend and is worried who that girl was. I tried to convince her that it must of been his sister then dragged her into a photobooth! I love those things but they take forever the print.><
We saw sean, ashley and erika and talked to them. Sean is getting a job and areo I feel like such a hobo now. I have no job and no cash. Then we had to pick up jimmy at band camp and I saw troy and adam. Oh sweet hide! adam has cut off his hippie hair!
We passed by this weird house that has 3 doors on it, I want that house! I would probably take the wrong door and fall off the roof though -_-
Wow now I am like a betty crocker. I had to make dinner, clea the house and then baked brownies. What is happening to me so glad school is starting soon. I got my bookbag set up I jsut don't think I can fit a text book in there though. i have to go eat now see ya!
The word of the day is gay, no really the word is gay
Music: psycho le cemu- love is dead
HI! wow I am finally ready for school after surviving target with gettign this new bookbag, is basicly just a messager bag that looks fancy, and the only colorful binders that they had left. I even got a disposable camera for pics of my friends this year! ^^
Ok enough of that. I woke up at 6:30 to my dog barking at nothing and couldn't get back to sleep. I found out that my mom had took my new moon book so I couldn't read that, so I read a gravitaiton manga, and laughed out loud at that, while cici was licking my hand. THat dog keeps on doing that and you can't keep it away from her she just follows you until you give her your hand.
With no sleep I had to go to this spa because my mom surprises me with always making these manicure appointments that I don't need so I had to survive that. Found out that beth's daughter's best friend had died so she also got no sleep. Just a restless day I guess. i missed one of my appointments for being late so had to rush off to that, it was crazy and I blame my mom she makes me late for everthing.
Then I got my hair done. Yay! I got new hair! it is short now kind of layed and my bangs are back. It is black with pink hilights. I love it but it just keeps on swelling so it is kind of annoying and I have to keep it down.
Finally I got to see hattie again. As usual we went crazy on the computer. We started to make a diru college but all the printers didnt' work so we just saved it. Then I tried to convince hattie to love toshiya (I think she is the only fangirl that doens't love him) but she made a sign and slammed it in my face that said anti-toshiya on it. XD lol!
We started to finish a fanfic that we started a while ago but never finished it. When it gets done I may post it up on myotaku so I guess lookout for it it we ever get done with it. It's pointless and just random and stupid kind of like toshiya's teeth (as hattie would say ^^)
We played taboo then I had to get home to get a ride because my mom is working towmorrow and so was hattie's mom. ON the way home we talked about mr. Griffith. He was the nicest sub at out old school but all the kids teased him. LIke lil-bit threw a lego soccer ball at his head and she also threw a snowball at him XD yep that's our school.
Then we talked about my old 6th grade class. THe teacher was racist to all the dumb kids, thank god I was one of the smart ones, buthe usd to yell at teh dumb ones. Hattie said she could hear him yell from down the hall O_O"
Wow, this dog is like biting me, I got to go and get to bed early tonite I got no sleep last nite see ya!
teddy bears are coming after me
Music: D`espairsRay- MAZE
wow! I just got done dancing arouund to smash mouth, then I watched the diru bloopers and laughed so hard I fell out of my chair! I think tochi has some problems with amps. First he tripped on one then he fell off one XD lol! Good thing he's not the vocalist! I just can't stop laughing! *giggle snort*
OK I am cool now. I think that these's people's dogs that live down the street are gay. Everytime I walk pass them there is on the ground with all the others licking all over it. Then my dog stops to watch! XD what you thinking about cici? BUnny had to get rid of her kitties because they wouldn't stop spraying each other I felt bad for her she liked those kitties and was trying to get hattie and me to get her back from the pound.
Wow right when you thought I couldn't get anymore hyper I went into the bathroom this morning and started to sing "stranded on the toilet bowl" but no one was in the house so I am allowed to do that.
My mom just called she is done with work early so she is going to the bookstore to get new moon for me! so excited maybe that is why I am dancing around, no never mind I do that everyday! Sometimes I dance right into my mom when she comes downstairs to ask me a question when I can't hear her because I am blaring music to loud and dancing around to it.XD lol
Or maybe I am just sugar high because I ate like half of the carmal creams.
WTF? why are hamsters wearing wigs? and he's riding a pegasus? hamtaro sure has changed. Ok not really! lol
the neighbors jsut came to get their dog. THey still think that we are stealing her! I laugh at them! and she calls her son jefferson, can't she jsut shorten that to jeff? Jefferson seems so long. I will call me child TJ or something short like that ^^ I sometimes shorten my friends name's because I am to lazy or have to say something fast ;)
Wow now I am getting fidgety no more sugar for me! I guess it's a good thing that I don't drink coffee ^^ kim once tried to get me to but I refused. Ok I found more captions just for fun! see yall later I think I will go bother bunny now since I can't bother my brother anymore!
Kind of true but I also found out that die had an eating disorder back then, poor die!
I would go to japan for this! XD You have got to love beautiful japan
I speak fluent gibberish!
Music: my computer fan count?
I was just on youtube and saw some vids. I like the first one with them all messing up. and toshiya falling out of no where off the amp and kaoru runnign around and throwing around his guitar and mic! XD what is with all guitarist having anger managment issues and all jrockers having to say fuck in every sentence? like hyde he just sat on stage and said fuck like 20 times.
OK on to my boring day. I dropped my brother off at military school where he is doign his senior year. They told us it was only going to take an hour but it took 5 hours. SOme problems occured they said. So I stood in lines to get forms signed with my brother for 5 hours.
After We all said goodbye to him (I'm goign to miss him! now I will go cry after I type this ;_;) we went to steak and shake. This old 50's diner place. They have hats! So I got one and I looked like a sailor. NO fair I wanted a burer king crown! ><
Hattie and me are such dorks! Hattie emailed me and told me that new moon (book) is now out early. So we started to yell at each other. I was trying to get on chat with her and scream OMG more at her but she isn't on ;_; I will see yall later! Oh and the neighbors dog is back she found a way to escape the jail that is her home.
looks like he just hit his head on the cymbal. maybe he lost his other drum stick.