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what ever world dir en grey is from
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a somewhat hard working student
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I can count by two's and tie my shoe's, I can button buttons and zipper zippers
Anime Fan Since
preschool , started with sailor moon. I must of been one messed up child
Favorite Anime
I wrote it down this time! gravitation, fruits basket, inuyasha, zoids, ruroni kenshin, ouran high school, bleach, ayashi no ceres, chobits, gundam wing/seed, hellsing, DNAngel, galxey angel,princess ai, alice nineteenth
to get people to know what jrock is instead of them saying "what kind of radio show is that?"
chattting, internet, listening to music, sewing,reading fanfic
I do opera really good... time to find a new talent huh?
| wonderlandchic
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Monday, March 12, 2007
And this is what kid shows did to me.
Music: simple and clean
TOday while waiting for my mom to pick hattie and me up, rob got this grand Idea to put us all one a lamp post. I know it sounds weird but it worked. Jazz and jay sat across from each other then rob and me on top of them. May-may took a pic so if she sinds it to me then maybe I'll post it up. It was just the weirdest thing you could see at the school when you first drive up. Even 3 black girls came up and yelled "you guys are out of control!" Any other way we would be? XP
Tomorrows the writing test and I'm really not looking forward to it. Then only thing I wnat is the free pizza we get for participating. But I"m not loking forward to the principle shaving his head in front of the whole class if 70% of us get a 3 or 4. I just want the pizza! Oh, and the ice cream sandwich.
IN photography today matt was sewing his pants up. We were sitting there talkign and all of the sudden he brings out his needle and starts to sew his pants! so I started to knit. Turns out that his friends dog had chewed them up, that and he's had them since the 8th grade. What's with guys and not wanting to shop?
Other then that, went to a fabric store and found a cute cloth to make pants with and threw grapes at karen because she's a little on the emo side the poor dear, and needs a little somethign to brighten her day. She's moving to flordia soon so going to miss her, but maybe she won't be so albino looking?
ps: Cookie monster is now the vegtable monster! this is an outrange! he isn't the golly green giant! He's blue and thinks the moon is a cookie! Then thing needs rehab badly but still how could they!?
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Saturday, March 10, 2007
close minds need to come with close mouths.
Just got back from 9th street. great fun with some friends that we met up with. Just hung out and drank chai tea. Hope everyone is doing okie. I tried to visit people's sites today and if I missed yours then I'll try my best to get to it. Happy staurday! I know I"m running otu of things to say. ummm... chai tea good!
going shopping tomorrow and now I need to call hattie about that. And call Bunny about her kittens. I swear her family is evil, and close minded. They found out that she watched broke back mountain and she was about to get grounded to 6 months, just for watchign it. Makes me mad that some people are so closeminded out there. sorry just had to say that.
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you know you need a job when you look around the halls for coins
you know there are some things I just don't want to know about some people. Like when I passed Amber in the hall and overheard a piece of her conversation which consisted of "yeah, I sucked him off and I still didn't get tips!" ...just some things I don't want to hear.
Just got back from watching 300. Pretty awesome and the whole theatre started to clap when the queen killed the traitor bitch. Whoops I think that was a spoiler. Just go see the freakin movie, it's great! I know this is kind of random, but I want a chai tea. Hope to get one tomorrow when I go to 9th street with people!
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Monday, March 5, 2007
swiper no swiping!
to the sub: what are they teaching kids now days? that saying swiper so swipiing will save them from being robbed? At lease we had seasmee street in our days, or at least some of us. we actually learned something!
yay! gots my purple sky mag today! going off to read that. Oh and I had some guitar lessons the teacher so some ex hippy, really awesome. This has got the be the shortest post I have ever done.

hellz yeah! you got to admit, looks like she's saying it.
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
kill! Kill them all!
wow, have you ever had something happen to you so late at nite you just do whatever you want? Well I just got back from hattie's from having a muffin party inspired by INvader Zim. It was friggin sweet! IN latin today we watched Jason and the Argonants this time we got to see the skeleton part. It was great! We had to rewind the whole thing and replay the whole thing just for that part when the skeletons scream out even though they don't have mouths, and attack the guys! I love the commander guy because he yells out this random stuff! Like "children of the night!" and "kill! Kill, Kill them all!" it ws funny and so low budget, they even stopped the movie leaving out all this stuff, so it just proves how bad it was.
I'm tired. And darrin was wrestleing with Jordan again something about boobs. We watched Naruto today! never seen that anime and I think there is a reason. It's not bad, more like the voice actors are bad. They make him sound like a 5 year old. Stupid english voice actors. May-may is out to kill gar. But I"m not getting into that one either. so many stories I don't want to share about may-may, not good.
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
sae us from punk rock 101
Music: almost- bowling for soup
Had to stay after school today to finish a projects. Ended up being in a room with a bunch of pervs talking about the glue, sure you can guess what they were talking about. While hattie couldn't get her camera to work and was constantly redoing the pictures. I think our Photo teacher is bipolar. She is mad then happy again within 30 minutes.
jesus was being creepy in the dark room. He kept on putting his head on my shoulder it was kind of freaky. Him and his gf never give up. They are always making out, if they ar still breathing then they will be making out. even while walking they are making out.
My dog is hyperventalating and I don't know the first thing of CPR, never understood how banging on someone's chest could save your life.
Diru is on Fuse tonite so watch it! I can't I have no cable
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Monday, February 26, 2007
That's not sushi your eating...
Whaa! Emo kids are attacking! I was walking in the hall today and this emo kid comes out of no where and says "peace out". really creepy. I know my nick name is hippi but I don't even know this kid!
Peggy today crashed into another car. We were waiting to drive out of the school when all the sudden we hear a small crash and peggy in her truck that has just rear ended this gangsters car. No you don't mess with the gangsters car. I would be scared shitless if that was me.
Going off topic again but today I decided to knit in class. And when I did the ball of yarn rolled away. Isn't that interesting? Oh and darrin is finally doing better, she had a rought week last week. And dave finally gave me a copy of Battle Royal! Now I can watch japanese kids kill each other! yay!
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
my 1, 2 step
Woot! Jsut got back from a rave! No really this was basically a rave complete with glow sticks. It was great and grinding was present but so were adults, so we could jump in the pool like all of just wanted to. CrazyAssAsian got mad, on the way home he was complaining the whole time lol! Smile again you silly asian!
ON friday hattie was sick, Again. So I suffered throught photo 1 and got chemicals all over me. Then in latin we had to draw monsters so I think gar was having fun with that.
What is with all this perveness going on? First on wendesday grant was making out with Danelle on muffin's car hood. Rob comes over and pulls them off each other then starts to rape danelle, grant gets madd, they start fighting. In the meantime Muffin is driving off with danelle still on the hood and us in the distance cheering them on. Then in anime club darrin, joron and saiwin start to dog pile on the floor, gar runs over because he likes to be in the center of attention. I'm talkign to may-may, when I turn around there is kerri on the ground too. It was crazy! to top it off Mr. Whitmore comes out to see what all the noise is and just stop, stares, then turns back into his little storage room (which I still think he's perving over porn in there!) Then today may-may was hog tieing ally to the bed and seducing her. I won't go into that one.
ps: maushing is fun! do it with your friends some time.
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
cosplay club! lapdances included!
wow, so it's been awhile. and so much to say yet nothing to say. okie so there is a party on saturday and in cosplay club we are needing to get stuff together in time for the convention. It's coming soon and we are still not foucusing enough! Meanwhile everyone is sick at the school and I got chemicals all over me today so now my hand itches.
In cosplay we are way to ADHD to get anything done. So we wouldn't stop talking, darrin was trying to give me a lap dance and britt was throwing things in our general direction. First it was a tape ruler then it was rob, who had to move we away by picking me up. For a guy that weight about the size of kyo, he's pretty strong.
Tuesday Jazz fell and couldn't get up, her backpack was on so she was waddling on the ground. If you can't picture this then think of a turtle that got flipped onto it's back and couldn't get up. That's what it looked like. THen I had to explain how I gave gar this hicky he still has. And no it's not like that! I punched him in his neck and it came out as a bruise type thing.
HE totaled his car last nite! I'm glad he's okie but still that's kind of scary. And he's not the only one, tons of people I know have had a car wreck recently. It's kind of scary and makes me not want to drive >_>
The sub in latin was mean today. She glared at us then told us where to sit. Kerri gave me this yaoi that's like this hardcore kind of thing, I dont' think I can read it. way to hardcore. Darrin was on the ground dying. Of course you show her two guys kissing and she dies on the ground.
I have a feeling this is to long so I'm stopping, got to walk the dog anyway. Hope all of you are having a good week so far. love, and peace out!
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Friday, February 16, 2007
But I don't even know you!
whoot! got me computer back! so yep here I am just getting back from ice skating with some friends. Met a nice guy named Clint other then that just the same people. Rob I think was the only black man out there that couldn't stay on his feet ;p! NOt to much to say. How has everyone else been? Oh and I hope people didn't get to hard in the face with over sized heart balloons and teddy's on valentines day. I almost did. I swear Valentine's day gets worse and worse for me sometimes. This time I got invovled in a drama with manwhore and his sister. So I think I just lost 2 friends. I didn't even know what was happening.
In the mean time I'm looking for a job. I think I am thinking about working in a toy store but I don't know. Better then wal mart or McDonalds. lol! but then I could glare while handing out smiley face stickers. That could be fun. Gots to go scrap the blisters off my feet. God and who said ice skating is easier then roller blading. Roller blading is much easier!
ps: on the way out there was a whole group of asians at the rink. May-may being her unsubtle self yells out (with this right there) "Look at all the cute asians!" nice may-may.
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